英语 中的 book 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 book 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 book 的说明。

英语 中的book 表示书 shū, 电话簿 diàn huà bù, 账本,账目 zhàng běn,zhàng mù, 预订 yù dìng, 指控 zhǐ kòng, 账面上的 zhàng miàn shàng de, 篇章,章节,部分 piān zhāng,zhāng jié ,bù fèn, 卷,部 bù, 歌词,剧本 gē cí,jù běn, 赌注登录 dǔ zhù dēng lù, (样本)册, 电子书, 一本, 书本的 shū běn de, 预雇, 入住, 为…预约, 登记入住 dēng jì rù zhù, 迅速离开 xùn sù lí kāi, 把…转到另一家酒店, 已订满, 账本 zhàng běn, 会计账簿 kuì jì zhàng bù, 地址本 dì zhǐ běn, 答案书 dá àn shū, 预约表, 有声读物 yǒu shēng dú wù, 蓝皮书 lán pí shū, 汽车价目表 qì chē jià mù biǎo, 硬纸板书, 书包 shū bāo, 焚书 fén shū, 读书会 dú shū huì, 读书俱乐部 dú shū jù lè bù, 书皮 shū pí, 封皮 fēng pí, 书皮 shū pí, 书立, 书展 shū zhǎn, 书皮 shū pí, 书本知识 shū běn zhī shí, 新书发布会, 图书爱好者, 士师记, 书评 shū píng, 账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí, 簿记 bù jì, 藏书标签 cáng shū biāo qiān, 书架,书托 shū jià, 书架 shū jià, 审查 shěn chá, 照章办事地 zhào zhāng bàn shì de, 章回小说, 支票簿 zhī piào bù, 儿童读物 ér tóng dú wù, 一无所知的人或物 yì wú suǒ zhī de rén huò wù, 茶几上摆设用书,大型画册, 着色簿 zhuó sè bù, 连环漫画册 lián huán màn huà cè, 食谱 shí pǔ, 烹饪书 pēng rèn shū, 教科书 jiào kē shū, 日记帐, 如饥似渴地读一本书 rú jī shì kě de dú yì běn shū, 资料册, 别以貌取人 bié yǐ mào qǔ rén, 重复预订..., 电子书, 电子书阅读器, 笔记本 bǐ jì běn, 练习册, 仿谱, 圣经 shèng jīng, 绿皮书, 绿皮书, 旅客登记簿, 访客留言处, 旅行指南 lǚ xíng zhǐ nán, 精装书(封面为硬壳包装) jīng zhuāng shū ( fēng miàn wéi yìng ké bāo zhuāng ), 历史书, 圣经,圣书 shèng jīng, 指南 zhǐ nán, 赞美诗书 zàn měi shī shū, 根据我的观点, 日志,日记,记录 rì zhì,rì jì,jì lù, 数学书,数学课本, 一目了然, 订货簿 dìng huò bù, 卷宗 juàn zōng, 式样书, 电话号码簿 diàn huà hào mǎ bù, 通讯录, (外国语)常用语手册 wài guó yǔ cháng yòng yǔ shǒu cè, 因为…受到惊吓 yīn wèi … shòu dào jīng xià, 袖珍书,口袋书 kǒu dài shū, 笔记本 bǐ jì běn, 钱包,皮夹,小皮包 qián bāo,pí jiā ,xiǎo pí bāo, 钱包 qián bāo, 小笔记本, 袖珍本, 平装本, 立体书, 祈祷书 qí dǎo shū, 宣传册,媒体手册 xuān chuán cè, 定量供给簿, 收款凭单登记簿 shōu kuǎn píng dān dēng jì bù, 食谱 shí pǔ, 日志 rì zhì, 参考书 cān kǎo shū, 自助书籍, 签售, 歌本 gē běn, 拼写课本 pīn xiě kè běn, 效仿 xiào fǎng, 电话簿 diàn huà bù, 课本,教科书 kè běn,jiào kē shū。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 book 的含义

书 shū

noun (bound printed work)

I'm reading a very good book. She has many books in her shelves.

电话簿 diàn huà bù

noun (dated, informal (telephone directory)

I needed the number of a plumber, so I looked in the book.

账本,账目 zhàng běn,zhàng mù

plural noun (accounts)

The accountant is checking the books.

预订 yù dìng

transitive verb (reserve: seat, place, flight)

We're going to book seats on the early flight.

指控 zhǐ kòng

transitive verb (informal (police: arrest, charge) (警察)

The police booked the suspects for murder.

账面上的 zhàng miàn shàng de

adjective (finance: pro forma)

The merchandise should sell at book value.

篇章,章节,部分 piān zhāng,zhāng jié ,bù fèn

noun (part of a written work) (书中的)

The last book of the novel is very exciting.

卷,部 bù

noun (part of the Bible) (圣经)

The Bible begins with the Book of Genesis.

歌词,剧本 gē cí,jù běn

noun (music: libretto) (歌剧)

The producer liked the book for the musical, and decided to stage it.

赌注登录 dǔ zhù dēng lù

noun (betting: record)

Let's open a book on whether John and Jane will actually get married next week.


noun (set of samples)

Geoff was looking through a book of wallpaper samples.


noun (electronic text)

The software allows you to download a book.


noun (pack or set of [sth])

I purchased a book of stamps at the post office.

书本的 shū běn de

noun as adjective (of or about books)

Sidney is a book expert.


transitive verb (hire, engage)

The parents are going to book a clown for the party.


phrasal verb, intransitive (check in: at hotel)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make appointment)

I've booked you in at midday for a cut and blow dry.

登记入住 dēng jì rù zhù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (check into: hotel, etc.)

迅速离开 xùn sù lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (leave quickly)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (hotel: transfer a guest to another hotel)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reserve fully)

There was no room at the hotel; they were completely booked up for the summer.

账本 zhàng běn

noun (UK (finance ledger)

会计账簿 kuì jì zhàng bù

noun (US (accounting ledger)

The bookkeeper kept two sets of account books: one for the tax man, and another for his investors.

地址本 dì zhǐ běn

noun (book of contact details)

My address book used to be an actual book, but now it's a file on my computer.

答案书 dá àn shū

noun (solutions to exercises)

I purchased the math textbook, but did not buy the answer book.


noun (schedule)

有声读物 yǒu shēng dú wù

noun (spoken recording of a book)

I like listening to audiobooks as I do my household chores.

蓝皮书 lán pí shū

noun (figurative (guide, almanac) (比喻)

汽车价目表 qì chē jià mù biǎo

noun (US (price list: esp. cars)

Never buy a used car until you have checked its blue book value.


noun (with hard pages)

书包 shū bāo

noun (satchel)

My homework was in my book bag, but now I can't find it.

焚书 fén shū

noun (ideological: destroying books) (通常由于意识形态的原因)

The book burnings were motivated by the Church's objection to scientific thinking.

读书会 dú shū huì

noun (reading group)

My book club meets the first Monday of every month to discuss a new book.

读书俱乐部 dú shū jù lè bù

noun (subscription service) (会员购书可享受优惠)

The book club sends a book of its choosing to its subscribers.

书皮 shū pí

noun (outer binding)

There are few bookbinders who can repair the gilt lettering on leather book covers.

封皮 fēng pí

noun (design on front, back)

书皮 shū pí

noun (protective jacket) (保护书籍的)


noun (support that keeps books in place)

Bob gave me a matching pair of wooden book ends as a present.

书展 shū zhǎn

noun (fair for selling books)

There is a large book fair in the main square of La Habana.

书皮 shū pí

noun (removable paper covering of a book)

The library covers book jackets with plastic so they will look nice longer.

书本知识 shū běn zhī shí

noun (theory)


noun (publication event)


noun (bibliophile: [sb] who enjoys reading)


noun (7th book of the Bible) (圣经)

书评 shū píng

noun (critique of a book)

Alexandra writes the book reviews for a national newspaper.

账面价值 zhàng miàn jià zhí

noun (business: net worth)

Buying that car at far less than book value was a great bargain.

簿记 bù jì

noun (maintaining financial records)

Kevin is in charge of the company's bookkeeping.

藏书标签 cáng shū biāo qiān

noun (name label affixed inside a book) (标示收藏图书种类的一种标签)

书架,书托 shū jià

noun (support for an open book)

书架 shū jià

noun (shelf for holding books)

审查 shěn chá

verbal expression (call to account)

照章办事地 zhào zhāng bàn shì de

adverb (figurative (according to rules)

My boss likes to do things by the book.


noun (novel for children)

支票簿 zhī piào bù

noun (banking)

I need to pay bills, but I can't find my checkbook.

儿童读物 ér tóng dú wù

noun (book intended for children)

During his career, the artist illustrated several children's books.

一无所知的人或物 yì wú suǒ zhī de rén huò wù

noun (figurative ([sb], [sth] hard to know) (比喻)

Whilst he lived, the singer carefully guarded his privacy; his personal life remained a closed book until after his death.


noun (large illustrated hardback book)

着色簿 zhuó sè bù

noun (picture outlines)

I always take colouring books on long journeys to keep the children amused.

连环漫画册 lián huán màn huà cè

noun (magazine, book: comic strip)

I loved to read comic books as a kid. Superman comic books were my favorite.

食谱 shí pǔ

noun (book of recipes)

Betty has a large collection of international cookbooks.

烹饪书 pēng rèn shū

noun (UK (cookbook: book of recipes)

I never use cookery books: I prefer to improvise.

教科书 jiào kē shū

noun (textbook used for study)

The recommended course book for this semester is available at all good book shops.


noun (diary, daily log book)

I would be completely lost without my day book, my whole life is in there.

如饥似渴地读一本书 rú jī shì kě de dú yì běn shū

verbal expression (figurative (read eagerly) (比喻)

Cynthia often sets aside an hour or two each weekend to devour a book.


noun (document folder with clear sleeves)

You can display 20 separate pages of information in a 10-pocket display book.

别以貌取人 bié yǐ mào qǔ rén

interjection (proverb (appearances can be deceptive)

She definitely looks trustworthy, but don't judge a book by its cover.


transitive verb (make two simultaneous reservations)


noun (electronic book)


noun (electronic device)

E-book readers are popular among people who commute to work by bus or train.

笔记本 bǐ jì běn

noun (UK (school notebook)


noun (US (book with exercises for students to do)


(music) (音乐)

圣经 shèng jīng

noun (Christian Bible)

The Good Book says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


noun (business: financial institution guide) (指金融机构等的指南)


noun (UK (published list of vaccines) (英国,指疫苗册)


noun (book signed by visitors)

Please sign our guestbook before leaving the hotel.


noun (webpage signed by visitors) (网络)

The artist's webpage has a guestbook for visitors to record their names and comments.

旅行指南 lǚ xíng zhǐ nán

noun (book of tourist information)

Michelin and Lonely Planet are two famous companies that publish guidebooks for travelers. The guidebook recommended taking a boat to Kew Gardens.

精装书(封面为硬壳包装) jīng zhuāng shū ( fēng miàn wéi yìng ké bāo zhuāng )

noun (book with a stiff cover)

Even though they are expensive, I like to buy hardcover books.


noun (textbook tracing past events)

圣经,圣书 shèng jīng

noun (text sacred to a religion)

The Bible is considered a holy book by Christians.

指南 zhǐ nán

noun (instructional book, manual)

I wanted to save money and service my own car so I bought a how-to book on car mechanics.

赞美诗书 zàn měi shī shū

noun (book of religious songs)

The church provides everyone with a hymn book so they can sing along.


expression (informal (in my opinion)

日志,日记,记录 rì zhì,rì jì,jì lù

noun (record book)

We checked the logbook to see when the instrument was last maintained.


noun (abbreviation (mathematics textbook)

The square roots are explained on page 23 of your math book.


(figurative (easily understood)

订货簿 dìng huò bù

noun (written log of orders placed)

The order book showed that the new deckchair was a popular product.

卷宗 juàn zōng

noun (law: book containing case documents) (法律)


noun (collection of textile motifs or designs)

电话号码簿 diàn huà hào mǎ bù

noun (telephone directory)

You'll find their number in the phone book. Our new local phone book's over three inches thick.


noun (personal list of telephone numbers)

Mrs. Johnson looked for her physician's number in her phonebook.

(外国语)常用语手册 wài guó yǔ cháng yòng yǔ shǒu cè

noun (foreign language guide)

Thelma took a Portuguese phrasebook on her trip to Brazil.

因为…受到惊吓 yīn wèi … shòu dào jīng xià

noun (child's storybook with pictures)

My first picture book was Mother Goose's Tales.

袖珍书,口袋书 kǒu dài shū

noun (US (book: small paperback)

笔记本 bǐ jì běn

noun (UK (notebook)

钱包,皮夹,小皮包 qián bāo,pí jiā ,xiǎo pí bāo

noun (US (woman's handbag)

The woman reached into her pocketbook for a mint.

钱包 qián bāo

noun (US, figurative (money, ability to pay) (比喻财力)

The BMW is too expensive for my pocketbook.


noun (small notebook)

袖珍本, 平装本

noun (small paperback book)


noun (book: illustrations open out)

祈祷书 qí dǎo shū

noun (book containing prayers)

宣传册,媒体手册 xuān chuán cè

noun (promotional publication)

The press book contains background information about the film.


noun (wartime: shopping coupons)

收款凭单登记簿 shōu kuǎn píng dān dēng jì bù

noun (book containing receipt slips)

I should have a record of that purchase somewhere in my receipt book.

食谱 shí pǔ

noun (cookbook)

日志 rì zhì

noun (log)

Have you written it down in the record book?

参考书 cān kǎo shū

noun (book consulted for information)

Sales of expensive reference books have fallen now that the internet's so widely available.


noun (personal development resource)


noun (event: writer autographs books)

My favorite author is going to have a signing for her new book.

歌本 gē běn

noun (book of lyrics and music)

拼写课本 pīn xiě kè běn

noun (dated (spelling textbook)

Gertrude bought an antique speller at the flea market.

效仿 xiào fǎng

verbal expression (figurative (follow [sb]'s example)

电话簿 diàn huà bù

noun (directory of phone numbers)

Do you know where I can find a telephone book? I need to look up a number.

课本,教科书 kè běn,jiào kē shū

noun (book for study) (书籍:教材)

My physics textbooks cost over £100.

让我们学习 英语

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book 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。