英语 中的 called 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 called 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 called 的说明。

英语 中的called 表示名叫 míng jiào, 被称为 bèi chēng wéi, 打电话给 dǎ diàn huà gěi, 叫 jiào, 大声说出 dà shēng shuō chū, 召唤 zhào huàn, 打电话 dǎ diàn huà, 哭喊 kū hǎn, 电话 diàn huà, 称呼 chēng hū, 呼喊 hū hǎn, 信号 xìn hào, 请求,要求,呼吁 qǐng qiú,yāo qiú,hū yù, 召唤 zhào huàn, 传票 chuán piào, 鸟叫声 niǎo jiào shēng, (动物的)叫声 dòng wù de jiào shēng, 模仿(鸟、兽的)叫声的工具(如哨子) mó fǎng niǎo shòu de jiào shēng de gōng jù rú shào zi, (剧院的)彩排通知 jù yuàn de cǎi pái tōng zhī, 要求 yāo qiú, 需求 xū qiú, 叫…摊牌 jiào tān pái, 跟注 gēn zhù, 叫牌 jiào pái, (裁判的)判决 cái pàn de pàn jué, 买权 mǎi quán, 催款通知 cuī kuǎn tōng zhī, 看法 kàn fǎ, 拜访 bài fǎng, 拜访 bài fǎng, 叫牌 jiào pái, 跟着上家下注,跟注 gēn zhe shàng jiā xià zhù,gēn zhù, 发出叫声 fā chū jiào shēng, 要求 yāo qiú, 向…喊, 召唤…担任, 叫醒 jiào xǐng, 判决 pàn jué, (模仿动物的声音)引诱, 催…还款 cuī huán kuǎn, 把…叫做, 认为 rèn wéi, 召集 zhào jí, 吸引 xī yǐn, 下令 xià lìng, 中止 zhōng zhǐ, 估计 gū jì, 叫…开牌 jiào kāi pái, 跟 gēn, 提前决定, 恰当的,适宜的 qià dàng de ,shì yí de, 被需要的 bèi xū yào de, 被召唤, 所谓的 suǒ wèi de, 所谓的 suǒ wèi de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 called 的含义

名叫 míng jiào

adjective (named)

Mary has made a new friend; a little girl called Abigail.

被称为 bèi chēng wéi

(be named)

My brothers are called Paul, David and Brian.

打电话给 dǎ diàn huà gěi

transitive verb (telephone)

I'll call you tomorrow to see how you are.

叫 jiào

transitive verb (shout for)

Jim, your mom's calling you.

大声说出 dà shēng shuō chū

transitive verb (shout aloud)

He called the names on the list and we wrote them down.

召唤 zhào huàn

transitive verb (summon)

Call the next candidate, please.

打电话 dǎ diàn huà

intransitive verb (telephone)

If you don't want to write you can always call.

哭喊 kū hǎn

intransitive verb (shout, cry)

Wade was so loud that I could hear him calling even from far away.

电话 diàn huà

noun (communication by phone)

I received a call from my bank manager today.

称呼 chēng hū

transitive verb (often passive (name [sb] [sth]) (某人)

The baby's due in three weeks but we don't know what to call her.

呼喊 hū hǎn

noun (shout)

They heard a call outside the window.

信号 xìn hào

noun (signal)

Joanna's call told us she was ready to go.

请求,要求,呼吁 qǐng qiú,yāo qiú,hū yù

noun (appeal)

The principal's call for action followed a number of problems at the school.

召唤 zhào huàn

noun (religion: vocation) (宗教)

He felt the call to the priesthood after his visit to Lourdes.

传票 chuán piào

noun (summons)

He received a call to appear before the High Court.

鸟叫声 niǎo jiào shēng

noun (bird sound)

You can hear the call of an owl from my bedroom.

(动物的)叫声 dòng wù de jiào shēng

noun (animal sound)

The call of a wolf made him sit up in his tent.

模仿(鸟、兽的)叫声的工具(如哨子) mó fǎng niǎo shòu de jiào shēng de gōng jù rú shào zi

noun (instrument for hunting)

He blew his duck call and didn't have to wait long before one appeared.

(剧院的)彩排通知 jù yuàn de cǎi pái tōng zhī

noun (theatre: rehearsal notice)

She only arrived fifteen minutes before the call time.

要求 yāo qiú

noun (need)

There's no call for tears. It was only a joke.

需求 xū qiú

noun (uncountable (demand)

There's little call for typewriter repair these days.

叫…摊牌 jiào tān pái

noun (cards: demand to show hands) (扑克游戏)

I made a call, and the other players had to reveal their cards.

跟注 gēn zhù

noun (poker: equal a bet) (德州扑克游戏)

He made a call with an average hand but ended up winning the pot.

叫牌 jiào pái

noun (bridge: bid or pass) (桥牌)

Are you going to bid? It's your call.

(裁判的)判决 cái pàn de pàn jué

noun (sports: umpire's judgment) (体育)

The player disagreed with the umpire's call.

买权 mǎi quán

noun (finance: right to purchase) (金融)

Buying calls is a popular strategy for investors.

催款通知 cuī kuǎn tōng zhī

noun (finance: demand for payment) (金融)

This is your final call for payment.

看法 kàn fǎ

noun (informal (judgement, decision)

Canceling the event was a good call, given the weather. Both these candidates would be perfect for the job, but we can only hire one of them; it's going to be a tough call.

拜访 bài fǎng

noun (visit)

The receptionist said I couldn't talk to the doctor right then, because she was out on a call.

拜访 bài fǎng

intransitive verb (visit)

I'll call tomorrow morning on the way to work.

叫牌 jiào pái

intransitive verb (demand a card)

It's my turn and I'm going to call.

跟着上家下注,跟注 gēn zhe shàng jiā xià zhù,gēn zhù

intransitive verb (poker: equal a bet) (德州扑克游戏)

Do you want to call or raise?

发出叫声 fā chū jiào shēng

intransitive verb (bird, animal: make sound) (鸟、兽)

Is that an owl calling?

要求 yāo qiú

intransitive verb (make a request)

They called upon her to find a solution to their problems.


(yell to get [sb]'s attention)

Steve called to his wife to come and help him.


transitive verb (summon to religious vocation) (宗教)

God called him to the priesthood.

叫醒 jiào xǐng

transitive verb (awaken)

Would you like to be called in the morning?

判决 pàn jué

transitive verb (proclaim) (裁判)

The umpire called the ball out.


transitive verb (hunting: lure) (捕猎,狩猎)

He called the grouse into the open.

催…还款 cuī huán kuǎn

transitive verb (demand payment)

The debt could be called at any moment.


transitive verb (label)

How dare you call me a cheat!

认为 rèn wéi

transitive verb (informal (consider)

I call it a scandal.

召集 zhào jí

transitive verb (convene)

They've called a meeting for tomorrow morning.

吸引 xī yǐn

transitive verb (attract)

The sea was calling him.

下令 xià lìng

transitive verb (order into effect)

Union leaders called an end to the strike after two weeks.

中止 zhōng zhǐ

transitive verb (sports: end due to conditions) (比赛等)

The game was called due to the rain.

估计 gū jì

transitive verb (informal (estimate)

Let's call it three miles from here to there.

叫…开牌 jiào kāi pái

transitive verb (cards: demand to see a hand) (卡牌)

After the third round, anyone may call the hand.

跟 gēn

transitive verb (poker: equal a bet) (德州扑克游戏)

I'll call your ten and raise you ten.


transitive verb (informal (forecast correctly)

In American pool, you have to call your shot before you play it.

恰当的,适宜的 qià dàng de ,shì yí de

verbal expression (necessary or appropriate)

When the bleeding did not stop, a trip to the hospital was called for.

被需要的 bèi xū yào de

verbal expression (be inappropriate)

Your comment about your neighbor's wife was not called for.


verbal expression (informal (be challenged: for [sth] said, done)

所谓的 suǒ wèi de

adverb (named this)

Solar energy is a clean form of electricity, so called because we gather it from the sun.

所谓的 suǒ wèi de

adjective (supposedly)

This so called teacher has no skills at all!

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。