英语 中的 carried 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 carried 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 carried 的说明。

英语 中的carried 表示搬运 bān yùn, 搬运 bān yùn, 传送,传输(水、电等) chuán sòng, 支撑,承载 zhī chēng, 传播(疾病) chuán bō jí bìng, 带 dài, 有(某商品)出售 yǒu ( mǒu shāng pǐn ) chū shòu, 传,传送 chuán sòng, 携带球 xié dài qiú, 传达下去 chuán dá xià qù, 被采纳 bèi cǎi nà, 导致 dǎo zhì, 传达(某种信息) chuán dá mǒu chóng xìn xī, 怀有 huái yǒu, 使…扩大 shǐ kuò dà, 带领…赢得胜利 dài lǐng yíng dé shèng lì, 传输 chuán shū, 使进位 shǐ jìn wèi, 将...击过, 使(自己)保持某种姿态(神态), 携带 xié dài, 随身携带 suí shēn xié dài, 冲走 chōng zǒu, 过账 guò zhàng, 使…继续向前推进, 挟持 xié chí, 成功完成,成功对付 chéng gōng wán chéng,chéng gōng duì fù, 继续做某事 jì xù zuò mǒu shì, 继续… jì xù …, 继续 jì xù, 吵闹 chǎo nào, 进行 jìn xíng, 完成 wán chéng, 向高位进, 结转 jié zhuǎn, 延迟,延续 yán chí,yán xù, 帮助…渡过难关 bāng zhù dù guò nán guān, 单恋, 唱得准调子 chàng dé zhǔn diào zi, 税损退算, 成功 chéng gōng, 驾驭, 继续做 jì xù zuò, 继续交谈 jì xù jiāo tán, 外带, 取胜, 完成 wán chéng, 举手投足, 大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài, 随身携带的行李, 随身携带的,可随身携带的 kě suí shēn xié dài de, 随身行李,手提行李 shǒu tí xíng lǐ, 打包食品 dǎ bāo shí pǐn, 外卖的, 转入额 zhuǎn rù é, 延期事项,移后事项, 付现自运批发店, 付现自运的, 战胜 zhàn shèng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 carried 的含义

搬运 bān yùn

transitive verb (move, carry)

Could you carry this table from the kitchen to the dining room?

搬运 bān yùn

transitive verb (vehicle: transport)

The truck carries cargo across the country.

传送,传输(水、电等) chuán sòng

transitive verb (conduct)

This pipe carries water.

支撑,承载 zhī chēng

transitive verb (support)

The steel beams can carry a lot of weight.

传播(疾病) chuán bō jí bìng

transitive verb (transmit)

Mosquitoes carry malaria.

带 dài

transitive verb (keep with you)

He always carries a knife for protection.

有(某商品)出售 yǒu ( mǒu shāng pǐn ) chū shòu

transitive verb (stock)

This shop doesn't carry all brands of clothes.

传,传送 chuán sòng

intransitive verb (sound: travel) (声音)

In the canyon, voices carry far.

携带球 xié dài qiú

noun (US (football) (橄榄球运动)

The running back averages twenty yards a carry.

传达下去 chuán dá xià qù

intransitive verb (reach an audience) (消息等)

The Minister's message will carry.

被采纳 bèi cǎi nà

intransitive verb (gain adoption)

The motion will carry in Congress.

导致 dǎo zhì

transitive verb (involve, entail)

Robbery carries a ten-year prison term in some countries.

传达(某种信息) chuán dá mǒu chóng xìn xī

transitive verb (communicate, convey)

Commercials carry an obvious message.

怀有 huái yǒu

transitive verb (be pregnant with) (身孕、孩子等)

Melinda is carrying twins.

使…扩大 shǐ kuò dà

transitive verb (continue, extend)

We don't want to carry things too far.

带领…赢得胜利 dài lǐng yíng dé shèng lì

transitive verb (figurative (cause success of)

The star player carried the team to victory.

传输 chuán shū

transitive verb (publication: feature) (通讯、广播等)

Later editions of the newspaper carried a different headline story.

使进位 shǐ jìn wèi

transitive verb (digit: transfer to next column) (数学)

Don't forget to carry the two.


transitive verb (golf) (高尔夫球等)

Alan is hoping to carry this sandtrap.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (posture: hold yourself)

The ballerina carries herself well.

携带 xié dài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (bring)

随身携带 suí shēn xié dài

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (take everywhere)

冲走 chōng zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (tide, river: sweep off)

The boy dropped a stick in the river and the current carried it away.

过账 guò zhàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (sum: transfer to next column)

Carry the number forward from the units to the tens column.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (cause to progress)

A team of experts is being assembled to carry the project forward.

挟持 xié chí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (abduct, kidnap)

She was carried off by persons unknown and never seen again.

成功完成,成功对付 chéng gōng wán chéng,chéng gōng duì fù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal, figurative (succeed in doing) (非正式用语)

Not everyone can wear a red hat with purple shoes, but you really carry it off in style.

继续做某事 jì xù zuò mǒu shì

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue doing [sth])

She carried on as if nothing had happened.

继续… jì xù …

(continue [sth])

The teacher told us to carry on with the exercise she had assigned while she prepared a test.

继续 jì xù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (preserve, continue)

His daughter plans to carry the business on just as it was before.

吵闹 chǎo nào

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (make a fuss)

At bedtime the spoiled child would carry on until his parents shouted, "Enough!"

进行 jìn xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (perform, conduct)

The army sometimes carries out mountain rescues in this area.

完成 wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (bring to fruition)

The executor of a will carries out the wishes of the deceased.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (sum: transfer to next column) (数学进位)

Carry over the number "4" and put it at the top of the next column.

结转 jié zhuǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (vacation allowance: use next year)

My boss won't allow me to carry over my vacation time to next year so I must take holidays now.

延迟,延续 yán chí,yán xù

(be extended)

His frustration at work carried over to his home.

帮助…渡过难关 bāng zhù dù guò nán guān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (help to endure, survive)


verbal expression (love unrequitedly)

Jim is still carrying a torch for his first wife, even though she divorced him ten years ago.

唱得准调子 chàng dé zhǔn diào zi

verbal expression (figurative (sing correct notes)

He can't carry a tune. Every note he sings is wrong.


noun (business: credit for loss) (商业)

成功 chéng gōng

verbal expression (informal (succeed in [sth])

I was terrified at performing for a crowd, but I carried it off.


verbal expression (clothing: look attractive in) (衣服)

Not many women could get away with that outfit, but she can carry it off.

继续做 jì xù zuò

verbal expression (continue doing)

The teacher ignored Jake's question and carried on talking.

继续交谈 jì xù jiāo tán

verbal expression (have a discussion)

Joe can order a meal or ask directions in French, but he hasn't yet learnt enough to be able to carry on a conversation. Anna isn't very talkative; I find it quite hard to carry on a conversation with her.


(informal (food: take away) (食物)

Everything on the menu is also available to carry out.


verbal expression (win, triumph)

We hope that our team will carry the day.

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (UK (complete)

She has good intentions but never carries through with them.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (posture)

He was poor, but carried himself with dignity.

大惊小怪 dà jīng xiǎo guài

noun (UK, informal (fuss)

His mother made such a carry-on about his going that he considered staying home.


noun (informal (luggage)

I measured my carry-on to make sure it would fit in the overhead.

随身携带的,可随身携带的 kě suí shēn xié dài de

adjective (informal (of luggage) (行李)

We are only allowed one piece of carry-on luggage.

随身行李,手提行李 shǒu tí xíng lǐ

noun (air travel: hand luggage) (航空)

Now that airlines are charging passengers to check bags, there is more carry-on baggage.

打包食品 dǎ bāo shí pǐn

noun (takeaway food)

My favorite Chinese restaurant does really quick carryout.


noun as adjective (relating to takeaway food)

His refrigerator is filled with carry-out containers.

转入额 zhuǎn rù é

noun (accounts: amount carried forward)


noun ([sth] postponed, extended)


noun (countable (kind of store)


adjective (uncountable (paid at time of purchase)

战胜 zhàn shèng

verbal expression (figurative (triumph)

Honesty wins the day in business dealings. It was Nelson who won the day at the Battle of Trafalgar.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。