英语 中的 done 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 done 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 done 的说明。

英语 中的done 表示做,干 zuò, 做好的, 合适的 hé shì de, 已实行的, 已做完的, 完成 wán chéng, 受够了 shòu gòu le, 完成了, 用完的 yòng wán de, 筋疲力尽的 jīn pí lì jìn de, 干, 做, 创作 chuàng zuò, 做 zuò, 从事 cóng shì, 进展 jìn zhǎn, 进行, 进展, [用以构成疑问句] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng yí wèn jù ], [用以构成否定句] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng fǒu dìng jù ], 确实, 的确, 真的, 一定 yí dìng, 事件 shì jiàn, [第一个音符do], 发型 fà xíng, 满足…的需要 mǎn zú … de xū yào, 行事 xíng shì, 身体处于某种健康状况 shēn tǐ chǔ yú mǒu zhǒng jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng, 足够 zú gòu, [代替其他动词], 生产, 制作, 造成 zào chéng, 学习, 研究攻读, 准备 zhǔn bèi, 努力 nǔ lì, 表演 biǎo yǎn, , 剪(头发),做(发型) jiǎn tóu fà,zuò fà xíng, 给…美甲 gěi měi jiǎ, 写作 xiě zuò, , , 按照…速度旅行 àn zhào sù dù lǚ xíng, 观光, 旅行, 游览, 行动起来 xíng dòng qǐ lái, 吸(毒), 起诉 qǐ sù, 在…上引起了, 完成… wán chéng, 出色地完成了任务, 最后 zuì hòu, 已完成了的, 结束 jié shù, 快完成了, 看起来已经, 经历过, 经历过。,体验过。, 宣称做过, 包在我身上,放心交给我吧,我会完成的 bāo zài wǒ shēn shàng,fàng xīn jiāo gěi wǒ bā,wǒ huì wán chéng de, 成交的买卖, 命中注定的,难逃一劫的 mìng zhòng zhù dìng de, 疲倦不堪的, 打扮漂亮的, 梳妆打扮好的, 扣紧的 kòu jǐn de, 受够了… shòu gòu le …, 受够了… shòu gòu le …, 和某人完了, 说说容易做着难 shuō shuō róng yì zuò zhe nán, 使, 使得, 让, 完成 wán chéng, 完成任务,把事情办妥, 使 shǐ, 我吃完了,我吃饱了, 立刻去做, 不恰当的 bú qià dàng de, 确保正义得到声张 què bǎo zhèng yì dé dào shēng zhāng, 看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me, 干得好! gàn de hǎo, 完全烤熟的,全熟的, 最后,结果,尘埃落定 zuì hòu,jié guǒ,chén āi luò dìng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 done 的含义

做,干 zuò

verb, past participle (past participle of do) (do的过去分词)

He had done what he needed to do.


adjective (food: cooked) (餐食)

Turn off the heat; those steaks are done.

合适的 hé shì de

adjective (proper)

Wearing jeans to a garden party is not the done thing.


(have been carried out)

Once your chores are done you can play the Playstation.


(informal (have finished doing [sth])

Are you done yet?

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (informal (finished with [sth])

As soon as I'm done with my current project, I'll begin the next one.

受够了 shòu gòu le

verbal expression (informal (have finished [sth] undesirable)

I'm a college graduate now; I'm done with waiting on tables!


verbal expression (informal (have finished doing [sth])

I'm done stacking the shelves; what should I do next?

用完的 yòng wán de

(informal (used up)

This bag of nappies is done. Do we have another one?

筋疲力尽的 jīn pí lì jìn de

(informal (exhausted)

I'm done. Let's go home.

干, 做

transitive verb (fill your time with) (具体工作)

What are you doing this afternoon? When Peter retired, he didn't know what to do all day.

创作 chuàng zuò

transitive verb (create, make)

As an artist, he did fabulous things with scrap metal. What a lovely painting; did you do it?

做 zuò

transitive verb (carry out, attend to: task, job)

I'll do the dishes, since you cooked.

从事 cóng shì

transitive verb (work as [sth] for a living)

What do you do for a living? George's mother is a bus driver; I don't know what his father does.

进展 jìn zhǎn

intransitive verb (informal (fare, manage)

How are you doing on that project? It looks as though you're doing well with your homework.

进行, 进展

intransitive verb (informal (progress) (非正式用语)

How are your kids doing in school? I didn't do well at school.

[用以构成疑问句] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng yí wèn jù ]

auxiliary verb (used to form question)

Do you have a pen? Do you know where the dog is?

[用以构成否定句] [ yòng yǐ gòu chéng fǒu dìng jù ]

auxiliary verb (used to form negative)

I do not know.

确实, 的确, 真的

auxiliary verb (used for emphasis) (表强调)

I do love you, honestly!

一定 yí dìng

auxiliary verb (used in positive commands)

Do come over for a visit!

事件 shì jiàn

noun (informal (event)

Jane bought a red dress for the big do.


noun (first note of musical scale) (音乐)

The teacher sang 'do, re, mi' and then the children joined her.

发型 fà xíng

noun (abbreviation, informal (hairdo)

Sarah's work colleagues all admired her new do.

满足…的需要 mǎn zú … de xū yào

intransitive verb (informal (be satisfactory)

Will this do for you, or should I work on it some more?

行事 xíng shì

intransitive verb (behave)

Do as I say, not as I do.

身体处于某种健康状况 shēn tǐ chǔ yú mǒu zhǒng jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng

intransitive verb (informal (be in a stated condition) (非正式用语)

Is she doing any better than yesterday?

足够 zú gòu

intransitive verb (suffice)

Will decaf do, or should I go out and get some real coffee?


intransitive verb (used in place of an earlier verb) (为避免重复)

We see things as you do.

生产, 制作

transitive verb (informal (produce) (非正式用语)

The dressmaker could do six dresses in a day.

造成 zào chéng

transitive verb (cause an effect)

Drugs can do a lot of harm.

学习, 研究攻读

transitive verb (informal (study) (非正式用语)

We haven't done trigonometry yet.

准备 zhǔn bèi

transitive verb (informal (prepare)

I'll do the drinks; you just keep everyone entertained.

努力 nǔ lì

transitive verb (make effort)

It doesn't matter if you pass the exam or not; just do your best.

表演 biǎo yǎn

transitive verb (theatre: present, perform) (剧院)

We're doing Hamlet next. That comedian does a great stand-up routine.

transitive verb (informal (cook)

I'm going to do a roast this weekend.

剪(头发),做(发型) jiǎn tóu fà,zuò fà xíng

transitive verb (have custom of) (非正式用语)

We don't do that sort of thing here.

给…美甲 gěi měi jiǎ

transitive verb (informal (appearance: prepare) (非正式用语)

Sally spends an hour every day doing her makeup, hair, and nails.

写作 xiě zuò

transitive verb (informal (write) (非正式用语)

His next idea is to do a book on the history of Wimbledon.

transitive verb (traverse, cover)

We did five hundred miles in two days.

transitive verb (informal (decorate)

They did the baby's bedroom in yellow, just in case.

按照…速度旅行 àn zhào sù dù lǚ xíng

transitive verb (informal (travel at a given speed) (非正式用语)

They were doing thirty miles an hour when the other car struck them.

观光, 旅行, 游览

transitive verb (informal (travel, sightsee) (非正式用语)

We're going to do the Riviera this summer.

行动起来 xíng dòng qǐ lái

transitive verb (act, take action)

Don't just sit there, do something!


transitive verb (informal (drugs: take)

You're acting really strangely; have you been doing drugs?

起诉 qǐ sù

transitive verb (UK, informal, often passive (prosecute) (非正式用语)

The police don't have enough evidence, so they aren't going to do Lisa for that burglary after all. // I heard Mathew's been done for speeding again.


(cause effect on)

That rugby game has done a lot of damage to the grass.

完成… wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (command)

Have it done by noon.


noun (task that is performed well)

Congratulations on a job well done!

最后 zuì hòu

expression (ultimately)

After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one.


adjective (informal (finished)

When you're all done with the quiz, please put your pencil down and wait for everyone else to finish.

结束 jié shù

adjective (informal (finished, over)

Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with.


adjective (informal (nearly finished)

I'm almost done; give me five more minutes and I'll join you.


verbal expression (person: seem) (人)

I appear to have lost my umbrella.


expression (have already experienced [sth])

I don't want to watch a presentation about bankruptcy--been there, done that.


interjection (informal (I have experienced that.)


verbal expression (achievement: assert)

Weston claimed to have invented a new method for producing copper.

包在我身上,放心交给我吧,我会完成的 bāo zài wǒ shēn shàng,fàng xīn jiāo gěi wǒ bā,wǒ huì wán chéng de

interjection (informal (agreeing to a request to do [sth]) (非正式用语)

I know you want the report finished tonight, so just consider it done.


noun (informal ([sth] formally agreed)

He laid the money on the table and they shook hands. It was a done deal.

命中注定的,难逃一劫的 mìng zhòng zhù dìng de

verbal expression (slang (doomed) (俚语)

Unless the rescue helicopter finds us before dark, we're done for.


adjective (informal (extremely tired)

打扮漂亮的, 梳妆打扮好的

adjective (slang (made more glamorous) (俚语)

And where exactly do you think you're going, all done up like that?

扣紧的 kòu jǐn de

adjective (informal (clothing: fastened) (非正式用语)

You complain about being cold, but your coat's not even properly done up.

受够了… shòu gòu le …

verbal expression (slang (had enough, stop)

受够了… shòu gòu le …

verbal expression (slang (had enough, stop)

I'm done with trying to explain it to you - do what you like, I don't care!


verbal expression (slang (relationship: finish, end)

说说容易做着难 shuō shuō róng yì zuò zhe nán

adjective (difficult to do)

Losing weight is easier said than done.

使, 使得, 让

transitive verb (informal (arrange or cause to have) (非正式用语)

I need to get my car fixed.

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (informal (accomplish [sth])

The layoff will give me some time to get something done around the house.


verbal expression (informal (complete tasks)

Jocelyn is known around the office for getting things done.

使 shǐ

transitive verb (arrange, cause)

I need to have my car fixed.


interjection (informal (I'm finished eating)

"I'm done!" the little boy shouted, and leaped out of his chair.


expression (I will do it immediately.)

No sooner said than done; one sandwich coming up.

不恰当的 bú qià dàng de

adjective (improper, inappropriate)

Blowing your nose at the dining table is simply not done in polite company.

确保正义得到声张 què bǎo zhèng yì dé dào shēng zhāng

verbal expression (ensure fairness)

I don't want revenge; all I want is to see justice done.

看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me

verbal expression (try to find solution)

The mechanic said he'd see what can be done to repair my car.

干得好! gàn de hǎo

interjection (congratulations)

You got an A on the test? Well done!


adjective (meat: cooked right through) (牛排等)

I prefer my steak well done because I can't stand the sight of blood.

最后,结果,尘埃落定 zuì hòu,jié guǒ,chén āi luò dìng

adverb (informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)

When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。