英语 中的 cart 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cart 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cart 的说明。

英语 中的cart 表示马车 mǎ chē, 手推车 shǒu tuī chē, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 运送 yùn sòng, 用推车载送, 把...运走处理, 强行带走,抓走 qiáng xíng dài zǒu, 拉车的马 lā chē de mǎ, 救护车 jiù hù chē, 甜点车,甜品车, 高尔夫球车 gāo ěr fū qiú chē, 购物车 gòu wù chē, 本末倒置,前后颠倒,不分主次 běn mò dǎo zhì,qián hòu diān dǎo,bù fēn zhǔ cì, 购物车 gòu wù chē。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cart 的含义

马车 mǎ chē

noun (horse-drawn vehicle)

The farmer drove his cart to the market to sell his produce.

手推车 shǒu tuī chē

noun (handcart: barrow)

The workers loaded the refrigerator on a cart and wheeled it out to the customer's car.

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (US (shopping trolley)

For a healthy diet, make sure to fill your cart with fresh fruits and vegetables.

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (US (internet: items selected to buy) (网上购物)

You can save items in your cart to purchase later.

运送 yùn sòng

transitive verb (transport)

June carted the broken bottles to the recycling center.


(move by cart)


(remove for disposal)

There was so much junk in the garage that she had to rent a truck to cart it all away.

强行带走,抓走 qiáng xíng dài zǒu

(informal, figurative (remove, evict [sb] troublesome) (惹麻烦的人)

The guards carted away the guy who got into a fight.

拉车的马 lā chē de mǎ

noun (horse that pulls a cart)

救护车 jiù hù chē

(emergency cart)


noun (trolley of puddings, cakes, etc.)

After the waiter cleared our dinner plates, he brought the dessert cart around.

高尔夫球车 gāo ěr fū qiú chē

noun (small vehicle used by golfers)

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (shopping trolley)

本末倒置,前后颠倒,不分主次 běn mò dǎo zhì,qián hòu diān dǎo,bù fēn zhǔ cì

verbal expression (figurative (act prematurely) (比喻)

Sara insisted that having sex before marriage was like putting the cart before the horse.

购物车 gòu wù chē

noun (internet: items selected to buy) (网上)

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