英语 中的 draft 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 draft 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 draft 的说明。

英语 中的draft 表示草稿 cǎo gǎo, 草稿 cǎo gǎo, 气流,通风 qì liú,tōng fēng, 散装啤酒 sǎn zhuāng pí jiǔ, 散装啤酒 sǎn zhuāng pí jiǔ, 散装的 sǎn zhuāng de, 汇票 huì piào, 征兵 zhēng bīng, 起草 qǐ cǎo, 一口 yì kǒu, 挑选出来的队伍 tiāo xuǎn chū lái de duì wǔ, 选拔 xuǎn bá, 增援力量 zēng yuán lì liàng, 吃水深度, 吃水, 拉车的, 供役使的, 画草图 huà cǎo tú, 紧跟 jǐn gēn, 草拟法律文献 cǎo nǐ fǎ lǜ wén xiàn, 绘制(草图) huì zhì cǎo tú, 挑选 tiāo xuǎn, 征募 zhēng mù, 一阵(风) yí zhèn fēng, 桶装啤酒, 散装啤酒的, 抽风,通风,气流 tōng fēng,qì liú, 国际跳棋 guó jì tiào qí, 国际跳棋的棋子, 吃水深度, 银行汇票 yín háng huì piào, 扎啤 zhā pí, 征兵局 zhēng bīng jú, 文件草案, 逃避兵役者 táo bì bīng yì zhě, 防风, 封闭防风的 fēng bì fáng fēng de, 对…进行封闭防风处理, 定稿 dìng gǎo, 散装的 sǎn zhuāng de, 草稿 cǎo gǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 draft 的含义

草稿 cǎo gǎo

noun (provisional written version)

He was on his third draft of the speech, but still wanted to make some changes.

草稿 cǎo gǎo

noun (provisional sketch)

Some painters sketch many drafts before they start the final painting.

气流,通风 qì liú,tōng fēng

noun (US (draught: current of air) (窗户、烟囱等处的)

Do you feel a draft? There must be a window open somewhere.

散装啤酒 sǎn zhuāng pí jiǔ

noun (US (draught of beer, ale)

He ordered four more drafts for him and his friends.

散装啤酒 sǎn zhuāng pí jiǔ

noun (US (draught: beer, etc. served from a tap)

The bar serves draft as well as bottles.

散装的 sǎn zhuāng de

noun as adjective (beer: draught, on tap) (啤酒)

This is draft beer; it isn't from a bottle.

汇票 huì piào

noun (banking: check)

Do you think you could send a banker's draft?

征兵 zhēng bīng

noun (US (compulsory military service)

There hasn't been a military draft since the Vietnam War.

起草 qǐ cǎo

transitive verb (write preliminary version)

Let me draft a letter and I'll show it to you before I send it.

一口 yì kǒu

noun (US, literary (intake of smoke, liquid) (吸入、饮用等)

She took a draft of the elixir.

挑选出来的队伍 tiāo xuǎn chū lái de duì wǔ

noun (select group)

We got a good draft of players this year.

选拔 xuǎn bá

noun (US (sports: selection of players) (体育运动)

The NBA draft is a big day for those who hope to play professionally.

增援力量 zēng yuán lì liàng

noun (reinforcement)

We need a fresh draft of troops to deal with this situation.


noun (US (measurement: ship's hull) (船)

The draught of the boat measured 1.9 metres.


noun (mainly US (draught of ship: waterline to keel) (船舶浸在水里的深度)

Boats with small drafts can more easily navigate shallow waters.

拉车的, 供役使的

noun as adjective (US (horse: pulls cart) (马)

The draft horses pulled the plow.

画草图 huà cǎo tú

intransitive verb (US (draw plans)

Before he creates final drawings, he drafts quickly.

紧跟 jǐn gēn

intransitive verb (US (racing: follow closely) (赛马、自行车赛)

The car drafted on the car in front of him to save fuel and build up speed.

草拟法律文献 cǎo nǐ fǎ lǜ wén xiàn

intransitive verb (write legal documents)

Legal assistants not only review, they draft on behalf of the senior staff.

绘制(草图) huì zhì cǎo tú

transitive verb (sketch)

The architect drafted a sketch of the building.

挑选 tiāo xuǎn

transitive verb (US (select)

He drafted three of the boys to help him with unloading.

征募 zhēng mù

transitive verb (often passive (select for military service)

He was drafted and went to fight in Europe in World War II.

一阵(风) yí zhèn fēng

noun (UK (draft: current of air)

A draught of cold air blew in through the chimney.


noun (UK (draft of beer on tap)

I'd like a pint of draught and some chips, please.


noun as adjective (UK (beer: draft, on tap)

This pub offers both draught and bottled beers.

抽风,通风,气流 tōng fēng,qì liú

noun (UK, literary (draft: intake of smoke, liquid) (烟囱、炉灶等)

Charles lit his pipe and took a draught of smoke.

国际跳棋 guó jì tiào qí

plural noun (UK, uncountable (board game: checkers) (英国)

The boys passed the time by playing draughts.


noun (UK (playing piece for draughts)

Sean captured more of my draughts than I did of his, so he won.


noun (mainly UK (draft of ship's hull: waterline to keel) (船体)

Boats with small draughts can more easily navigate shallow waters.

银行汇票 yín háng huì piào

noun (US (check drawn on a bank)

We accept only bank drafts on past due accounts, no personal checks.

扎啤 zhā pí

noun (cask beer served on tap)

That bar does not sell draft beer, only bottles.

征兵局 zhēng bīng jú

noun (US (military service) (美国)


noun (preliminary version)

This is just a draft document; I'll send you the final version next week.

逃避兵役者 táo bì bīng yì zhě

noun (person: evades military service) (美国口语)

Draft dodgers burned their draft cards and left the country to avoid serving in the military.


noun (insulation against air currents)

封闭防风的 fēng bì fáng fēng de

adjective (door, window: sealed) (门窗)

We need to install a draughtproof door on the garage.


transitive verb (door, window: seal) (门窗)

Since draught-proofing the windows and doors, my heating bill's gone down by 10%.

定稿 dìng gǎo

noun (finished version: of a text)

Here's the final draft of your speech, Mr. President - I hope it covers all the points we discussed.

散装的 sǎn zhuāng de

adverb (beer: on tap) (啤酒)

The pub has ten different beers on draft.

草稿 cǎo gǎo

noun (writing: unfinished version)

The writers are still working on a rough draft right now.

让我们学习 英语

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draft 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。