英语 中的 cell 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cell 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cell 的说明。

英语 中的cell 表示细胞 xì bāo, 单人牢房, 基层小组 jī céng xiǎo zǔ, 手机 shǒu jī, 单元格, 格网单元, 巢室, 基底细胞癌 jī dǐ xì bāo ái, 血细胞 xiě xì bāo / xuè xì bāo, 骨细胞 gǔ xì bāo, 脑细胞 nǎo xì bāo, 癌细胞 ái xì bāo, 细胞学 xì bāo xué, 细胞膜 xì bāo mó, 手机 shǒu jī, 细胞壁, 手机 shǒu jī, 领细胞,襟细胞, 卵细胞 luǎn xì bāo, 脂肪细胞, 燃料电池, 监室, 肌细胞, 神经细胞 shén jīng xì bāo, 软墙病房, 填充的单元格, 囚室, 祖细胞, 红血球 hóng xiě qiú / hóng xuè qiú, 视杆细胞, 镰状红细胞 lián zhuàng hóng xì bāo, 镰状细胞性贫血, 单细胞的 dān xì bāo de, 太阳能电池 tài yáng néng diàn chí, 干细胞 gān xì bāo, 白细胞 bái xì bāo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cell 的含义

细胞 xì bāo

noun (biology)

Each student drew a diagram of a cell for biology class.


noun (room in a prison)

The prisoners must spend twenty-two hours a day in their cells.

基层小组 jī céng xiǎo zǔ

noun (part of group)

The government received a tip about a terror cell within the country.

手机 shǒu jī

noun (US, informal, abbreviation (cell phone)

If you need to reach me, just call my cell.


noun (in a spreadsheet) (电子制表程序)

Highlight all of the cells in the second column of the spreadsheet.


noun (animation) (卡通绘制)

Cartoons used to be produced by hand-painting each cell.


noun (small cavity) (蜂窝的)

Each cell of the honeycomb was perfectly shaped.

基底细胞癌 jī dǐ xì bāo ái

noun (skin cancer)

Melanoma is the worst type of skin cancer, but even basal-cell carcinoma needs prompt treatment.

血细胞 xiě xì bāo / xuè xì bāo

noun (corpuscle)

骨细胞 gǔ xì bāo

noun (biology: cell in bone)

脑细胞 nǎo xì bāo

noun (nerve cell in the brain)

Dopamine is a chemical that stimulates brain cells.

癌细胞 ái xì bāo

noun (cell: grows unchecked)

The cancer hadn't metastasized; they found no cancer cells in the lymph nodes.

细胞学 xì bāo xué

noun (branch of biology)

细胞膜 xì bāo mó

noun (biology: thin layer inside a cell) (生物学)

手机 shǒu jī

noun (US (portable telephone)

Cell phones are a lot smaller than they were 20 years ago.


(biology) (生物学)

手机 shǒu jī

noun (US, slightly formal (mobile telephone)

She always has her cellular phone with her, so I can reach her anywhere.


noun (zoology: cell in a sponge) (动物学)

卵细胞 luǎn xì bāo





(physics) (物理学)


noun (room where [sb] is held in custody)


noun (formal (biology: muscle cell)

神经细胞 shén jīng xì bāo

noun (neuron, cell of nervous system)

The shock went trough every nerve cell in my body.


noun (in psychiatric hospital)


noun (figurative (computing: program) (电子表格软件)


noun (enclosed space where a prisoner is kept)

We don't have enough prison cells for all the corrupt politicians who should be incarcerated.


noun (biology)

红血球 hóng xiě qiú / hóng xuè qiú

noun (red corpuscle: component of blood)

Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.


noun (cell in the eye)

The rods in our eyes enable us to see color.

镰状红细胞 lián zhuàng hóng xì bāo

noun (abnormal blood cell)


noun (inherited blood disorder)

Sickle cell anaemia is a serious blood disorder which affects many people.

单细胞的 dān xì bāo de

adjective (organism: having one cell)

太阳能电池 tài yáng néng diàn chí

noun (panel that turns sunlight into electricity)

Solar cells are used to supply isolated houses with electricity.

干细胞 gān xì bāo

noun (biology: self-renewing cell) (生物)

Stem cell research is a controversial topic.

白细胞 bái xì bāo

noun (white corpuscle, leukocyte)

As she recovered, her white blood cell count dropped into the normal range.

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cell 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。