英语 中的 change 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 change 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 change 的说明。

英语 中的change 表示修改 xiū gǎi, 把...换成..., 转变 zhuǎn biàn, 变成,蜕变成 biàn chéng, 换, 更衣, 交换 jiāo huàn, 改变 gǎi biàn, 变化 biàn huà, 零钱 líng qián, 找零 zhǎo líng, 硬币 yìng bì, 改变 gǎi biàn, 替换 tì huàn, 变更 biàn gēng, 转调,变调 zhuǎn diào,biàn diào, 更换 gēng huàn, 更年期 gēng nián qī, 转乘 zhuǎn chéng, 变化 biàn huà, 变粗,变沙哑 biàn cū,biàn shā yǎ, 换衣服 huàn yī fú, 换挡 huàn dǎng, 换上, 兑换 duì huàn, 把(大钞)兑换成(零钱) bǎ dà chāo duì huàn chéng líng qián, 破开(整钞) pò kāi zhěng chāo, 更换 gēng huàn, 更换 gēng huàn, 将...变回, 降档 jiàng dǎng, 对调, 加速,开快 jiā sù,kāi kuài, 随时发生变化, 外币兑换所, 重新排列…, 重整 chóng zhěng, 改变方向,改变航向 gǎi biàn fāng xiàng,gǎi biàn háng xiàng, 变好 biàn hǎo, 向好的方向转变 xiàng hǎo de fāng xiàng zhuǎn biàn, 变速齿轮, (股票等)易手 gǔ piào děng yì shǒu, 从一只手转到另一只手 cóng yì zhī shǒu zhuǎn dào lìng yì zhī shǒu, 归另一人所有,转手 guī lìng yì rén suǒ yǒu,zhuǎn shǒu, 变更日志, 换零钱机 huàn líng qián jī, 改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì, 改变主意 gǎi biàn zhǔ yì, 调节 tiáo jié, 改行 gǎi háng, 转换环境 zhuǎn huàn huán jìng, 改变地点 gǎi biàn dì diǎn, 变更审判场所,改变出庭地点 biàn gēng shěn pàn chǎng suǒ,gǎi biàn chū tíng dì diǎn, 变更所有权 biàn gēng suǒ yǒu quán, 换位置 huàn wèi zhì, 与…换位置, 交换角色, 与…交换角色, 交换场地 jiāo huàn chǎng dì, 改变立场 gǎi biàn lì chǎng, 改变策略, 转换话题 zhuǎn huàn huà tí, 变速球 biàn sù qiú, 与时俱进 yǔ shí jù jìn, 改变观念 gǎi biàn guān niàn, 转变态度,改变想法 gǎi biàn xiǎng fǎ, 不停改变, 气候变化 qì hòu biàn huà, 尿布包, 明显的变化 míng xiǎn de biàn huà, 作为改变, 渐变 jiàn biàn, 改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì, 不用找了, 零钱 líng qián, 改变 gǎi biàn, 突然改变观点 tū rán gǎi biàn guān diǎn, 快换的, 根本的变化 gēn běn de biàn huà, 中途改变, 巨变 jù biàn, 变形 biàn xíng, 变性 biàn xìng, 少找零钱, 欺骗, 骗取, 零钱 líng qián, 小钱, 如有变更,恕不另行通知, 突然的变化 tū rán de biàn huà, 彻底变化 chè dǐ biàn huà, 彻底变化 chè dǐ biàn huà, 调时间 tiáo shí jiān, 完全转变 wán quán zhuǎn biàn, 经历变化 jīng lì biàn huà。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 change 的含义

修改 xiū gǎi

transitive verb (alter)

Anna wants to change the agreement.



Dan changed his profile picture to a photo of a monkey.

转变 zhuǎn biàn

transitive verb (transform)

Throughout history, men haven't changed their true nature at all.

变成,蜕变成 biàn chéng

(be transformed)

The larva changed into an adult.

换, 更衣

transitive verb (clothes) (衣服)

I need to change my clothes.

交换 jiāo huàn

transitive verb (exchange, swap)

The two passengers want to change seats with each other.

改变 gǎi biàn

noun (alteration)

The parties made a change to the contract.

变化 biàn huà

noun (variation)

The scientists observed a change in the sensor data.

零钱 líng qián

noun (uncountable (money exchange)

Do you have change for a fifty-dollar bill?
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我儿子喜欢攒零钱。

找零 zhǎo líng

noun (uncountable (money returned)

Gina handed the taxi driver a ten pound note and told him to keep the change.

硬币 yìng bì

noun (uncountable (coins)

Gus keeps a lot of change in his pocket.

改变 gǎi biàn

noun (act of changing)

The change in the weather occurred over night.

替换 tì huàn

noun (substitution)

The coach asked for a change of player.

变更 biàn gēng

noun (novelty) (新奇的、可喜的)

The new procedures were quite a change compared with the old way.

转调,变调 zhuǎn diào,biàn diào

noun (music: altered tonality) (音乐)

This song has a lot of key changes for the pianist.

更换 gēng huàn

noun (clothes) (衣服等的)

Mary was going straight out after work, so she took a change of outfit with her to the office.

更年期 gēng nián qī

noun (dated, informal (menopause)

Weight gain is common among women who are going through the change.

转乘 zhuǎn chéng

intransitive verb (transportation: trains, planes) (飞机、车、船等)

You need to change at Kings Cross Station.

变化 biàn huà

intransitive verb (become different)

Everyone changes as they get older. Audrey knew something had changed, but she wasn't sure what it was.
随着年龄增长,每个人都会改变。 奥德丽知道有些东西已经变了,但不确定到底是什么。

变粗,变沙哑 biàn cū,biàn shā yǎ

intransitive verb (voice: deepen, break) (青春期男性的嗓音)

Larry's voice changed as he went through puberty.

换衣服 huàn yī fú

intransitive verb (put on different clothes)

It's cold outside. You should change.

换挡 huàn dǎng

(switch vehicle gears) (车辆)

On the hill, change into second gear.


(put on: fresh clothes) (新衣服)

When she gets home from the office, Lisa changes into jeans and a T-shirt.

兑换 duì huàn

transitive verb (exchange currency) (货币)

I want to change these dollars for euros.

把(大钞)兑换成(零钱) bǎ dà chāo duì huàn chéng líng qián

transitive verb (get smaller money)

You should change your bills for coins.

破开(整钞) pò kāi zhěng chāo

transitive verb (give smaller money)

Can you change a fiver?

更换 gēng huàn

transitive verb (change for [sth] new or clean) (脏床单、旧衣服等)

Change the bed linen at least once a week.

更换 gēng huàn

(exchange, switch)

Don't forget to change your winter clothes for lightweight ones before you depart.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reverse a change)

The event changed its name to the Emirates Rally in 1989, but changed it back the following year.

降档 jiàng dǎng

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: shift to lower gear) (车辆)


phrasal verb, intransitive (switch)

I work until midnight for a week and then I change over to the morning shift.

加速,开快 jiā sù,kāi kuài

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: shift to higher gear) (车辆)

When the car goes faster you need to change up to prevent the engine revving excessively.


intransitive verb (be liable to vary)

The marriage laws are subject to change.


noun (currency exchange service)

You will find a bureau de change at large airports.


(rearrange [sth])

You can change around the icons on your computer to make them more convenient. The coach changed the players around to balance out the teams.

重整 chóng zhěng

noun (rearrangement, shift)

The change around in the team's coaching has helped them win many more games this year.

改变方向,改变航向 gǎi biàn fāng xiàng,gǎi biàn háng xiàng

verbal expression (alter one's direction)

The ship changed course and headed for Durban.

变好 biàn hǎo

noun (improvement)

Her lovely, new hair style is definitely a change for the better.

向好的方向转变 xiàng hǎo de fāng xiàng zhuǎn biàn

verbal expression (improve)

Her life has changed for the better since she moved here.


(vehicle: change transmission level)

(股票等)易手 gǔ piào děng yì shǒu

intransitive verb (be exchanged)

从一只手转到另一只手 cóng yì zhī shǒu zhuǎn dào lìng yì zhī shǒu

intransitive verb (use your other hand)

When I get tired of scrubbing with my right hand, I change hands and start scrubbing with my left.

归另一人所有,转手 guī lìng yì rén suǒ yǒu,zhuǎn shǒu

(pass into possession of another) (财产等)

That old car has changed hands seven times since it was new.


noun (computing: listing project changes)

换零钱机 huàn líng qián jī

noun (machine that dispenses coins)

They've just installed change machines at the car wash.

改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì

noun (reversal of an attitude or feeling)

I don't know what has brought about his change of heart, but Reza now says he'd love to come to France with me.

改变主意 gǎi biàn zhǔ yì

noun (reversal of decision)

She's had a change of mind and now says she won't marry me.

调节 tiáo jié

noun (figurative (refreshing deviation from the usual)

The water fight was a wonderful change of pace after working in the garden. Tonight's dinner is a welcome change of pace from the usual meat and potatos.

改行 gǎi háng

noun (retraining for new career)

I've had a change of profession: I used to be a bookmaker, but now I'm an ordinary accountant.

转换环境 zhuǎn huàn huán jìng

noun (figurative (refreshing deviation)

Jake was looking for a change of scene, and decided to apply for a job abroad.

改变地点 gǎi biàn dì diǎn

noun (new or different place or setting)

The change of venue meant we held the meeting in the town hall, rather than in the new school.

变更审判场所,改变出庭地点 biàn gēng shěn pàn chǎng suǒ,gǎi biàn chū tíng dì diǎn

noun (law: moving location of a trial) (法律)

The defence lawyers asked for a change of venue because they feared the pre-trial publicity had tainted the local jury pool.

变更所有权 biàn gēng suǒ yǒu quán

(become property of [sb] new)

We saw a big improvement in the property next door when it changed ownership.

换位置 huàn wèi zhì

(swap positions)

The photographer asked the two children to change places before he took the picture.


verbal expression (swap positions with)

Kathy changed places with Jim so that she could sit by the window.


(exchange roles)

The couple changed places, with Dan becoming a house husband and Sally going out to work.


verbal expression (exchange roles with)

If parents and children could change places with each other, it would be a real eye opener.

交换场地 jiāo huàn chǎng dì

(sport: to other end of pitch) (体育运动)

When it was time to change sides my team had the disadvantage of the setting sun shining right into our eyes.

改变立场 gǎi biàn lì chǎng

(switch allegiance)

Quian Lo lost the battle because many of his troops changed sides in the middle and joined the enemy.


(figurative (try a different approach)

转换话题 zhuǎn huàn huà tí

verbal expression (start talking about [sth] else)

Let's change the subject and talk about something less depressing.

变速球 biàn sù qiú

noun (baseball: slower pitch) (棒球)

The pitcher's change-up came across home plate 20 miles per hour slower than his fastball.

与时俱进 yǔ shí jù jìn

verbal expression (modernize)

I've told my parents that it is time to change with the times and start tweeting and skyping!

改变观念 gǎi biàn guān niàn

verbal expression (reverse your decision)

I changed my mind and decided to go to the party after all.

转变态度,改变想法 gǎi biàn xiǎng fǎ

verbal expression (change opinion)


verbal expression (informal (keep changing)

气候变化 qì hòu biàn huà

noun (global warming)

Scientists believe that climate change may be responsible for larger and more frequent storms.


noun (tote for nappies)

Now mothers can buy fashionable diaper bags that look like purses.

明显的变化 míng xiǎn de biàn huà

noun (coins to a precise amount)

You must pay your bus fare with exact change.


adverb (contrary to the norm)

It's nice to see her smile for a change.

渐变 jiàn biàn

noun (slow transformation or alteration)

Darwin's theory of evolution based on gradual change stood in marked contrast to the creationist ideas that were prevalent at the time.

改变心意 gǎi biàn xīn yì

verbal expression (go against your previous decision)

She's had a change of heart and is inviting her sister after all.


verbal expression (paying: keep the extra)

零钱 líng qián

noun (small amount of coins)

Alan had some loose change in his pocket.

改变 gǎi biàn

verbal expression (amend [sth])

突然改变观点 tū rán gǎi biàn guān diǎn

noun (about-face)

The quick change of opinion was brought about by the discovery of compromising documents.


noun as adjective (can be modified quickly)

根本的变化 gēn běn de biàn huà

noun (fundamental or drastic revision)


noun (alteration made to [sth] midway)

Children couldn't unwrap the toys, so the manufacturer made a running change in the packaging.

巨变 jù biàn

noun (figurative (major transformation)

变形 biàn xíng

noun (transformation caused by sea) (因为海洋的作用)

变性 biàn xìng

noun (dated, offensive (gender reassignment) (过时用语, 有冒犯意味)


transitive verb (return insufficient money to) (找钱时)

欺骗, 骗取

transitive verb (informal, figurative (cheat out of [sth], deprive of [sth])

零钱 líng qián

noun (loose coins)


noun (figurative (inconsequential amount of money)


adjective (liable to vary without warning)

Tour prices are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuations.

突然的变化 tū rán de biàn huà

noun (abrupt difference)

There was a sudden change in his manner when his mother arrived.

彻底变化 chè dǐ biàn huà

noun (often plural (far-reaching amendments)

The banking system should undergo sweeping changes.

彻底变化 chè dǐ biàn huà

noun (often plural (dramatic transformation)

Obama hopes to bring about sweeping change in the US healthcare system.

调时间 tiáo shí jiān

noun (seasonal adjustment of clocks) (进入夏时制或其结束时对钟表等的调整)

Every fall there's a time change.

完全转变 wán quán zhuǎn biàn

noun (transformation)

经历变化 jīng lì biàn huà

verbal expression (be transformed)

When a woman hits menopause, her body will undergo a major change.

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现在您对 英语 中的 change 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

change 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。