英语 中的 cleaning 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cleaning 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cleaning 的说明。

英语 中的cleaning 表示清洗 qīng xǐ, 清洗的 qīng xǐ de, 干净的 gān jìng de, 清洁 qīng jié, 整理,收拾 zhěng lǐ,shōu shí, 从…清除掉, 将…从…掸去,把…从…刷掉, 打扫 dǎ sǎo, 把…从…清理走, 纯净的 chún jìng de, 简洁的 jiǎn jié de, 全部的 quán bù de, 字迹清楚的 zì jì qīng chǔ de, 正派的 zhèng pài de, 公平的 gōng píng de, 不吸毒的,没有吸毒现象的 bù xī dú de,méi yǒu xī dú xiàn xiàng de, 有益身心健康的 yǒu yì shēn xīn jiàn kāng de, 整齐的 zhěng qí de, 简洁的 jiǎn jié de, 无阻碍的 wú zǔ ài de, 无色情的 wú sè qíng de, 光明正大地, 完全 wán quán, 整理 zhěng lǐ, 弄光, 清洁剂 qīng jié jì, 清洗液 qīng xǐ yè, 清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng, 清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng, 清理,打扫 qīng lǐ,dǎ sǎo, 数据清理, 衣物干洗 yī wù gān xǐ, 干洗好的衣物, 打扫房屋, 清理门户,肃清 sù qīng, 房屋清理的, 自动清洗的, 自净的, 春季大扫除, 蒸汽清洁 zhēng qì qīng jié。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cleaning 的含义

清洗 qīng xǐ

noun (act of cleaning)

Cleaning may not be enjoyable, but it's necessary.

清洗的 qīng xǐ de

adjective (person, product: cleans)

I only use cleaning products that are natural.

干净的 gān jìng de

adjective (not dirty)

I need to put on a clean shirt.

清洁 qīng jié

transitive verb (wash, sanitize [sth])

I always use bleach when I clean the kitchen.

整理,收拾 zhěng lǐ,shōu shí

transitive verb (organize, tidy [sth])

Clean your room and put away your clothes!


(dirt: remove)

I hosed the car down to clean off the dirt.


(dirt, etc.: remove from) (尘土等)

I cleaned the mud off my boots.

打扫 dǎ sǎo

intransitive verb (remove dirt, sanitize)

Your kitchen is immaculate, so I know you must like to clean.


(tidy away, remove)

The waiter came and cleaned the plates off the table.

纯净的 chún jìng de

adjective (pure, uncontaminated)

The sample is completely clean, with no contamination.

简洁的 jiǎn jié de

adjective (design: sleek, neatly defined) (设计等)

The sculpture has very clean lines.

全部的 quán bù de

adjective (sum: total, complete)

The robbers got away with a clean million.

字迹清楚的 zì jì qīng chǔ de

adjective (legible)

The office needs a clean copy of the form.

正派的 zhèng pài de

adjective (behavior: decent, pure)

I expect clean behaviour from all of you, so don't dance too closely.

公平的 gōng píng de

adjective (fair)

The referee wants a clean fight.

不吸毒的,没有吸毒现象的 bù xī dú de,méi yǒu xī dú xiàn xiàng de

adjective (figurative, informal (drug-free) (非正式用语)

My friend has been clean for one year.

有益身心健康的 yǒu yì shēn xīn jiàn kāng de

adjective (figurative (wholesome) (比喻)

Our family enjoys clean entertainment.

整齐的 zhěng qí de

adjective (without irregularity)

The saw made a clean cut through the tree.

简洁的 jiǎn jié de

adjective (simple)

His writing style is clean, without excessive verbal ornaments.

无阻碍的 wú zǔ ài de

adjective (without interference)

The thieves made a clean getaway.

无色情的 wú sè qíng de

adjective (language: without obscenity)

Keep your language clean, and leave the dirty words out of your talk.


adverb (informal (honestly)

No one will play cards with him because he doesn't play clean.

完全 wán quán

adverb (informal (completely)

It's her birthday, and I clean forgot.

整理 zhěng lǐ

intransitive verb (organize, tidy)

My house is disorganized because I hate cleaning.


(empty of contents)

Birds cleaned the trees of fruit.

清洁剂 qīng jié jì

noun (substance that cleans)

Supermarkets stock a bewildering range of cleaning agents, from old-fashioned soap to the latest detergent.

清洗液 qīng xǐ yè

noun (liquid: cleans fabrics)

You can dab off small grease spots and oil stains with cleaning fluid, but for a really thorough job you need to send the article to a dry cleaner.

清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng

noun (woman: cleaner)

How much do you pay your cleaning lady each month?

清洁女工 qīng jié nǚ gōng

noun (female cleaner)

My grandmother always tidies up before her cleaning woman arrives.

清理,打扫 qīng lǐ,dǎ sǎo

noun (act of clearing a mess)


noun (computing: corrupt data)

When a computer crashes, it will automatically scan the hard drive and perform data cleaning, if necessary.

衣物干洗 yī wù gān xǐ

noun (cleaning clothes with chemicals)

Dry cleaning is a lot cheaper than it used to be.


noun (clothes for chemical cleaning)

Please pick up the dry cleaning on your way home.


noun (cleaning a house)

清理门户,肃清 sù qīng

noun (figurative (weeding out personnel)


noun as adjective (pertaining to housecleaning)

自动清洗的, 自净的

adjective (automatically cleans itself)


noun (housecleaning in springtime)

蒸汽清洁 zhēng qì qīng jié

noun (use of pressurized steam to clean)

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cleaning 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。