英语 中的 breaking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 breaking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 breaking 的说明。

英语 中的breaking 表示元音割裂, 霹雳舞, 打破 dǎ pò, 折断(骨头), 打断 dǎ duàn, 打碎 dǎ suì, 坏掉 huài diào, 休息,歇息 xiū xī,xiē xī, 假期,短期休假 jià qī ,duǎn qī xiū jià, 骨折 gǔ zhé, 暂停,中止 zàn tíng,zhōng zhǐ, 打破 dǎ pò, 突破口, 机会, 机遇, 裂口 liè kǒu, 突变,突然变化 tū biàn,tū rán biàn huà, 猛冲 měng chōng, 关系破裂 guān xì pò liè, 突变,变粗,变调,变声 tū biàn,biàn cū,biàn diào, 课间休息 kè jiān xiū xī, 开球破局 kāi qiú pò jú, 爆裂 bào liè, 中断 zhōng duàn, 中止 zhōng zhǐ, 破晓 pò xiǎo, (健康状况)变糟糕 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng biàn zāo gāo, 变声, 中断去, 违反 wéi fǎn, 减弱 jiǎn ruò, 使…失效 shǐ shī xiào, 打败 dǎ bài, 拆开 chāi kāi, 兑换 duì huàn, 穿破 chuān pò, 破译(密码等) pò yì mì mǎ děng, 从…逃脱 cóng táo tuō, 打破(记录) dǎ pò jì lù, 使…破产 shǐ pò chǎn, 投出(曲线球) tóu chū qū xiàn qiú, 使...垮掉, 撕裂 sī liè, 解决 jiě jué, 制服, 驯服, 驯养, 公布, 发表, 破了对手的发球局, 驳倒 bó dǎo, 超出 chāo chū, 强行闯入 qiáng xíng chuǎng rù, 假期 jià qī, 凹进处 āo jìn chù, 休庭 xiū tíng, 休庭 xiū tíng, 把…嵌入墙壁, 艰巨的,辛苦的,艰辛的 jiān jù de ,xīn kǔ de,jiān xīn de, 非法入侵 fēi fǎ rù qīn, 破裂 pò liè, 最新消息,突发新闻 zuì xīn xiāo xī, 强度极限 qiáng dù jí xiàn, 关键时刻,爆发点 guān jiàn shí kè,bào fā diǎn, 分离 fēn lí, 破裂 pò liè, 突破性的,开创性的 tū pò xìng de,kāi chuàng xìng de, 破土, 最新的 zuì xīn de, 破纪录的, 破坏罢工 pò huài bà gōng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 breaking 的含义


noun (phonology: change to a diphthong) (音韵学)


noun (informal (breakdancing: street dance style) (街舞风格)

Breaking takes energy and athleticism.

打破 dǎ pò

transitive verb (smash: into pieces)

If you play ball in the house, you will break something.


transitive verb (fracture a bone)

Alan broke his arm when he fell. Janis broke two ribs when she slipped on the ice.

打断 dǎ duàn

transitive verb (figurative (end [sth])

The home team broke the champions' winning streak.

打碎 dǎ suì

intransitive verb (fragment, shatter)

The window broke, and now there's glass all over the floor.

坏掉 huài diào

intransitive verb (stop functioning)

Our old television finally broke.

休息,歇息 xiū xī,xiē xī

noun (rest)

A break from training gave the football players a rest.

假期,短期休假 jià qī ,duǎn qī xiū jià

noun (in schedule: holiday) (学校)

There will be no classes until after Christmas break.

骨折 gǔ zhé

noun (person: fracture)

Will suffered a bad break when he went skiing.

暂停,中止 zàn tíng,zhōng zhǐ

noun (suspension, pause)

A break from discussions will give us time to gather more information.

打破 dǎ pò

transitive verb (figurative (promise: fail to fulfill)

突破口, 机会, 机遇

noun (slang (fortunate event) (俚语)

Miranda went to Hollywood, looking for her big break.

裂口 liè kǒu

noun (gap)

The children slipped through a break in the fence.

突变,突然变化 tū biàn,tū rán biàn huà

noun (weather: change) (天气)

They are waiting for a break in the storm.

猛冲 měng chōng

noun (rush to escape) (为了逃跑而)

The guards weren't expecting the prisoners' break for the door.

关系破裂 guān xì pò liè

noun (informal (relationship rupture)

Sam is heading for a break with his girlfriend.

突变,变粗,变调,变声 tū biàn,biàn cū,biàn diào

noun (voice change) (嗓音)

The break in his voice is a sign of puberty, as he goes from bass to alto with no control.

课间休息 kè jiān xiū xī

noun (UK (school recreation period)

It was raining, so we spent the whole of break in the classroom.

开球破局 kāi qiú pò jú

intransitive verb (pool: scatter balls)

When I play pool, I always like to break.

爆裂 bào liè

intransitive verb (burst)

The water balloon broke.

中断 zhōng duàn

intransitive verb (be disconnected) (连接)

The long-distance connection broke.

中止 zhōng zhǐ

intransitive verb (pause)

The meeting will break at noon.

破晓 pò xiǎo

intransitive verb (dawn)

The dawn is about to break.

(健康状况)变糟糕 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng biàn zāo gāo

intransitive verb (health: fail)

His health broke after years of toil.


intransitive verb (voice: change) (声音)

His voice started to break when he was 13.


(pause, interrupt activity)

After an hour's discussion, the committee broke for a coffee and a bite to eat.

违反 wéi fǎn

transitive verb (infringe)

The drag racers broke the speed limit.

减弱 jiǎn ruò

transitive verb (lessen impact of)

The boxer's blocking move broke the force of his opponent's blow.

使…失效 shǐ shī xiào

transitive verb (sever, annul)

The actor wants to break his contract.

打败 dǎ bài

transitive verb (destroy)

The boxer threatened to break his opponent.

拆开 chāi kāi

transitive verb (set: remove a piece)

The collector doesn't want to break the set.

兑换 duì huàn

transitive verb (US, slang (money: give change) (零钱)

Can you break a dollar?

穿破 chuān pò

transitive verb (penetrate)

The drill broke through the door of the safe.

破译(密码等) pò yì mì mǎ děng

transitive verb (decode)

The army is trying to break the enemy code.

从…逃脱 cóng táo tuō

transitive verb (US, slang (escape)

The convicts broke jail.

打破(记录) dǎ pò jì lù

transitive verb (sports: better a score) (体育)

Our team broke the record for number of games won.

使…破产 shǐ pò chǎn

transitive verb (figurative, slang (bankrupt)

The card shark broke the house.

投出(曲线球) tóu chū qū xiàn qiú

transitive verb (baseball: curveball) (棒球)

The pitcher broke a wicked curve that got the corner of the plate.


transitive verb (figurative (wear [sth] down) (精神、意志)

The interrogation broke the soldier's spirit.

撕裂 sī liè

transitive verb (rupture [sth])

Bubbles broke the surface of the water.

解决 jiě jué

transitive verb (figurative (solve [sth])

No matter what I try, I can't break this problem.

制服, 驯服, 驯养

transitive verb (animals: tame) (动物)

The cowboy tried to break the new stallion.

公布, 发表

transitive verb (media: publish [sth]) (媒体)

A newspaper broke the story.


transitive verb (tennis: win when opponent served) (网球)

The challenger broke his opponent's serve.

驳倒 bó dǎo

transitive verb (US, slang (disprove)

The police broke his alibi.

超出 chāo chū

transitive verb (surpass)

The man was cited for breaking the speed limit.

强行闯入 qiáng xíng chuǎng rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (enter by force)

Criminals broke into the house.

假期 jià qī

noun (school: pause from lessons)

Tim couldn't wait for recess and the chance to get out of this boring math class.

凹进处 āo jìn chù

noun (architecture: alcove) (墙壁等的)

There are three deep recesses in the wall.

休庭 xiū tíng

noun (court: break)

The defence asked for a short recess to examine the new evidence.

休庭 xiū tíng

intransitive verb (court: break)

The court will recess for lunch.


transitive verb (usually passive (lights)

Amanda recessed the lights in her living room.

艰巨的,辛苦的,艰辛的 jiān jù de ,xīn kǔ de,jiān xīn de

adjective (figurative (work: strenuous, arduous) (比喻)

Frank did back-breaking work on the farm for over 50 years.

非法入侵 fēi fǎ rù qīn

noun (breaking into property)

The youth was arrested on suspicion of breaking and entering the victim's home.

破裂 pò liè

noun (disintegration)

最新消息,突发新闻 zuì xīn xiāo xī

noun (event reported as it happens)

They interrupted the nature program to report breaking news.

强度极限 qiáng dù jí xiàn

noun (physics: pressure)

The physics students are testing the breaking points of different metals.

关键时刻,爆发点 guān jiàn shí kè,bào fā diǎn

noun (figurative (critical moment)

Tony was under a lot of stress and he eventually reached breaking point.

分离 fēn lí

noun (informal, figurative (couple: separation)

破裂 pò liè

noun (disintegration)

The breaking up of ice shelves has been blamed on global warming.

突破性的,开创性的 tū pò xìng de,kāi chuàng xìng de

adjective (figurative (revolutionary, innovative) (比喻)

He received the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research in genetics.


noun (start of building project)

最新的 zuì xīn de

adjective (news: last-minute)

In late breaking news, the president has just announced her resignation.


adjective (top, most successful)

破坏罢工 pò huài bà gōng

noun (working during a strike)

The union forbids strikebreaking during official strikes.

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breaking 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。