英语 中的 door 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 door 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 door 的说明。

英语 中的door 表示门 mén, 车门, 入口,通道 rù kǒu,tōng dào, 家 jiā, 应门,去开门, 生命垂危 shēng mìng chuí wēi, 后门 hòu mén, 谷仓门 gǔ cāng mén, 争先恐后地登门拜访, 地窖门 dì jiào mén, 拒之门外 jù zhī mén wài, 把…关在门外 bǎ guān zài mén wài, 秘密的,保密的 mì mì de ,bǎo mì de, 门链, 闭门器, 门框 mén kuàng, 门垫圈, 门把手 mén bǎ shǒu, 门把挂牌, 门合叶 mén hé yè, 门钥匙 mén yào shi, 门环 mén huán, 门锁 mén suǒ, 门卫 mén wèi, 门票抽奖 mén piào chōu jiǎng, 挨家挨户地 āi jiā āi hù de, 挨家挨户的 āi jiā āi hù de, 从门到门的 cóng mén dào mén de, 上门推销 shàng mén tuī xiāo, 上门推销员, 上门女推销员, 防火门 fáng huǒ mén, 四门的, 落地玻璃门 luò dì bō lí mén, 前门 qián mén, 车库门, 成功的开始, 玻璃门, 合页,铰链 hé yè ,jiǎo liàn, 内门 nèi mén, 让门开着 ràng mén kāi zhe, 为…保留可能性 wèi … bǎo liú kě néng xìng, 在门口偷听 zài mén kǒu tōu tīng, 锁门 suǒ mén, 在隔壁 zài gé bì, 在…隔壁, 邻居的, 隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū, 隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū, 邀请 yāo qǐng, 门户开放的, 开放政策 kāi fàng zhèng cè, 随时可见, 暗藏推拉门, 旋转门, 流水营盘, 纱门, 护送…到门口, 关门 guān mén, 推拉门, 后台入口 hòu tái rù kǒu, 两面皆可推拉开关的门 liǎng miàn jiē kě tuī lā kāi guān de mén, 地板门,活板门 dì bǎn mén,huó bǎn mén。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 door 的含义

门 mén

noun (entry to room, building)

He opened the door and walked into the room.


noun (entry to vehicle)

Amber unlocked the car and opened the door.

入口,通道 rù kǒu,tōng dào

noun (figurative (access) (比喻)

A college degree is the door to financial success.

家 jiā

noun (distance: houses) (描述距离)

She lives three doors down the street.


verbal expression (open front door to a caller)

When the sales lady rang the bell, I didn't answer the door.

生命垂危 shēng mìng chuí wēi

adverb (figurative (very ill, about to die)

后门 hòu mén

noun (building: rear door)

In this house the back door opens directly into the kitchen.

谷仓门 gǔ cāng mén

noun (door of a farm building)

Buying an alarm system after you've been burgled is a lot like closing the barn door after the horses are out.


verbal expression (figurative (be keen to meet with [sb])

If you have a good idea, investors will beat a path to your door.

地窖门 dì jiào mén

noun (door leading into basement)

Be careful going through the cellar door because the stairs are very steep. He went to get another bottle of wine and walked straight into the cellar door.

拒之门外 jù zhī mén wài

verbal expression (figurative (rule out, exclude)

The politician's latest comments, unfortunately, closed the door on a peace agreement between the two countries.

把…关在门外 bǎ guān zài mén wài

transitive verb (on [sb]: shut door to exclude)

秘密的,保密的 mì mì de ,bǎo mì de

adjective (figurative (secret or restricted)


noun (metal security device for a door)

Don't depend on a door chain as your only lock.


noun (device: closes door automatically)

门框 mén kuàng

noun (structure around a door)

If you keep slamming the door you'll damage the door frame.


noun (seal on the door of an appliance)

If you can pull a dollar bill out through the refrigerator door gasket, it's time to replace the gasket.

门把手 mén bǎ shǒu

noun (knob, etc. for opening a door)

Don't kick the door open - use the door handle!


noun (sign for door handle)

The door hanger said: "Do not disturb".

门合叶 mén hé yè

noun (joint in a door frame)

It squeaks when you open and close it: you need to oil the door hinges.

门钥匙 mén yào shi

noun (key to house, hotel room)

In modern hotels, the door key is a plastic card.

门环 mén huán

noun (fixture on a door)

The door knocker on Jane's house is in the shape of an owl.

门锁 mén suǒ

noun (for locking a door)

After the thief broke in, I had a hard time replacing the door lock.

门卫 mén wèi

noun (doorkeeper, [sb] guarding an entrance)

门票抽奖 mén piào chōu jiǎng

noun (US ([sth] won in raffle) (剧场,舞会)

挨家挨户地 āi jiā āi hù de

adverb (selling: from one door to another)

I got my start in sales selling vacuum cleaners door to door.

挨家挨户的 āi jiā āi hù de

adjective (sales: from one door to another)

I started my sales career as a door-to-door insurance salesman.

从门到门的 cóng mén dào mén de

adjective (shipping: all-inclusive) (运输)

Are those shipping costs door-to-door or port-to-port?

上门推销 shàng mén tuī xiāo

plural noun (selling: knocking on doors)


noun (male seller: knocks on doors) (指男性)

James is a door-to-door vacuum salesman.


noun (female seller: knocks on doors)

防火门 fáng huǒ mén

noun (fire-resistant inner door)

The employees were told off for wedging the fire doors open in the hot weather.


adjective (car: having four doors) (汽车)

落地玻璃门 luò dì bō lí mén

noun (often plural (door with floor-length window)

The French doors bring a lot of light into the room.

前门 qián mén

noun (main entrance)

My family usually goes in and out of the house by the kitchen door, but we prefer that guests use the front door.


noun (part of a house, building)

My house is the one with the brown garage door.


verbal expression (figurative (succeed at an initial step)


noun (door made of glass)

合页,铰链 hé yè ,jiǎo liàn

noun (joint in a door frame) (门上的)

Jake greased the hinge on the door.

内门 nèi mén

noun (interior door)

The inner door of this room has not been painted yet.

让门开着 ràng mén kāi zhe

verbal expression (figurative (allow possibility)

The Prime Minister said he would like to keep the door open for future negotiations.

为…保留可能性 wèi … bǎo liú kě néng xìng

verbal expression (figurative (allow possibility, access)

When the reigning gold medalist fell, she left the door open for her competitors. By not completely cutting ties with the country's former allies, the prime minister is leaving the door open for negotiations to be resumed in the future.

在门口偷听 zài mén kǒu tōu tīng

verbal expression (eavesdrop)

You'll hear what they say if you listen at the door.

锁门 suǒ mén

verbal expression (close and secure the door with a key)

I always set the burglar alarm and lock the door when I go out. Don't forget to lock the door behind you when you leave.

在隔壁 zài gé bì

adverb (in the next house along)

She lives next door with her mother and half a dozen cats.


(in the next house along from)


noun as adjective (neighboring)

The people in the next-door apartment are very nosy.

隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū

noun (UK, informal (next-door neighbors)

I see that next door have visitors over the holidays.

隔壁邻居 gé bì lín jū

noun (often plural (person: in next house, apartment)

My next-door neighbor is always waking me up with his loud music.

邀请 yāo qǐng

noun (figurative (invitation, [sth] giving access)

"Gratitude is an open door to abundance." - Yogi Bhajan


noun as adjective (figurative (promoting free movement)

This government has an open-door approach to immigration.

开放政策 kāi fàng zhèng cè

noun (politics: free movement)

The country decided to adopt an open-door economic policy.


noun (person: availability)

My boss has an open-door policy -- he wants his employees to feel comfortable talking to him any time.


(type of sliding door)


noun (door that rotates)


noun (figurative, informal (organization: high staff turnover) (指人员变动很快)


noun (outer door: mesh screen)


verbal expression (show out)

Would you see Mrs. Barlow to the door, please?

关门 guān mén

verbal expression (figurative (put up a barrier)

He failed his entrance exam, which has shut the door on him becoming a lawyer.


noun (door which opens on a runner)

后台入口 hòu tái rù kǒu

noun (backstage entrance to a venue)

The band entered the club through the stage door. Groupies hang out around the stage door, hoping to get a glimpse of their idols.

两面皆可推拉开关的门 liǎng miàn jiē kě tuī lā kāi guān de mén

noun (door that swings in both directions)

There was a large swing door at the entrance of the bar.

地板门,活板门 dì bǎn mén,huó bǎn mén

noun (opening in floor or ceiling)

The magician disappeared by way of a trapdoor in the stage floor.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。