英语 中的 drawing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 drawing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 drawing 的说明。

英语 中的drawing 表示图画 tú huà, 绘画 huì huà, 画 huà, 画 huà, 拔出, 抽出, 吸引 xī yǐn, 引出 yǐn chū, 打成平手 dǎ chéng píng shǒu, 吸引人的事情,吸引观众等的人 xī yǐn rén de shì qíng,xī yǐn guān zhòng děng de rén, 平局 píng jú, 吸引力 xī yǐn lì, 抽签 chōu qiān, 吸入 xī rù, 拔枪 bá qiāng, 抽出 chōu chū, 山洼 shān wā, 后撤传球 hòu chè chuán qiú, 绘画 huì huà, 靠拢 kào lǒng, 拔枪 bá qiāng, 抽签选择 chōu qiān xuǎn zé, (充分)泡开 chōng fèn pào kāi, 拖 tuō, 汲(水) jí shuǐ, 拉上,闭上 lā shàng ,bì shàng, 取(款) qǔ kuǎn, 获得 huò dé, 推断出 tuī duàn chū, 抽(签等) chōu qiān děng, 抽(牌) chōu pái, 皱起 zhòu qǐ, 拉(弓) lā gōng, 泡(茶) pào chá, 拉,拉开 lā ,lā kāi, 从...取得, 从…中抽取, 从…中获取, 从…中借鉴, 重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào, 素描 sù miáo, 制图板 zhì tú bǎn, 绘图纸 huì tú zhǐ, 图钉 tú dīng, 吸引力 xī yǐn lì, 客厅 kè tīng, 徒手画 tú shǒu huà, 人体写生课, 人体写生, 素描 sù miáo, 铅笔画 qiān bǐ huà, 按原物比例画的画(制的图) àn yuán wù bǐ lì huà de huà zhì de tú, 工作图 gōng zuò tú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 drawing 的含义

图画 tú huà

noun (depiction, sketch)

I like Picasso's drawings of bullfighters.

绘画 huì huà

noun (activity)

Drawing is one of my favourite activities.

画 huà

intransitive verb (sketch, do drawings)

The artist picked up a sketch pad and began to draw.

画 huà

transitive verb (sketch a picture)

I like to draw trees on my school books.

拔出, 抽出

transitive verb (take out a weapon) (武器)

The cowboy drew his gun to show that he was serious.

吸引 xī yǐn

transitive verb (attract)

Fights usually draw large crowds.

引出 yǐn chū

transitive verb (figurative (elicit, arouse)

Racial remarks will usually draw anger from others.

打成平手 dǎ chéng píng shǒu

intransitive verb (tie a game)

Neither team won the game; they drew.

吸引人的事情,吸引观众等的人 xī yǐn rén de shì qíng,xī yǐn guān zhòng děng de rén

noun (attraction)

The governor's speech was a big draw, so there were many people in attendance.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 篮球运动对男孩子有很强的吸引力。

平局 píng jú

noun (tied game)

The football match was a draw.

吸引力 xī yǐn lì

noun (power to attract)

The man had some sort of draw on women that we couldn't understand.

抽签 chōu qiān

noun (drawing of lots)

A draw was used to create four teams. She won the draw for the blueberry pie.

吸入 xī rù

noun (smoking: inhalation)

A draw of cigarette smoke is often followed by a cough.

拔枪 bá qiāng

noun (removal of a gun)

The cowboy had a quick draw and shot the other cowboys first.

抽出 chōu chū

noun (pull)

His draw of a four from the hat put him on team four.

山洼 shān wā

noun (US (gully)

The horsemen are waiting in the draw behind that hill.

后撤传球 hòu chè chuán qiú

noun (American football) (橄榄球)

The quarterback called for a draw, and ran to his left.

绘画 huì huà

intransitive verb (sketch)

She likes to spend her time drawing.

靠拢 kào lǒng

intransitive verb (approach)

As he drew close to home, he heard the sound of the fire.

拔枪 bá qiāng

intransitive verb (take out a weapon)

The cowboy drew quickly.

抽签选择 chōu qiān xuǎn zé

intransitive verb (select [sth] by lots)

We will draw from a hat to see who goes on which team.

(充分)泡开 chōng fèn pào kāi

intransitive verb (tea: brew) (茶艺术语)

Leave the tea alone! Just let it draw.

拖 tuō

transitive verb (pull [sth] behind)

The truck is strong enough to draw a one-ton trailer.

汲(水) jí shuǐ

transitive verb (extract [sth])

Before people had running water in their homes, they would have to go to a well to draw water.

拉上,闭上 lā shàng ,bì shàng

transitive verb (curtain, drapes: pull shut) (指窗帘等)

Each night they draw the curtains.

取(款) qǔ kuǎn

transitive verb (withdraw money)

He draws fifty dollars from my account every Friday.

获得 huò dé

transitive verb (earn [sth])

He draws a large salary.

推断出 tuī duàn chū

transitive verb (formulate [sth])

You can draw whatever conclusion you want, but I believe that he did it.

抽(签等) chōu qiān děng

transitive verb (select [sth])

Let's draw sticks to see who has to go. Longer stick wins.

抽(牌) chōu pái

transitive verb (cards: take out)

She drew a card from the top of the deck.

皱起 zhòu qǐ

transitive verb (contract, wrinkle [sth])

She drew her brow in deep thought.

拉(弓) lā gōng

transitive verb (bow: bend to shoot arrow)

The archer draws his bow, and then releases the arrow.

泡(茶) pào chá

transitive verb (tea: brew) (茶艺术语)

She never draws the tea properly - it's always too weak.

拉,拉开 lā ,lā kāi

transitive verb (bow: pull across strings) (弓)

Lisa drew her bow gently across the strings of her violin.


(take, obtain [sth])

He draws inspiration from his past.


(extract from)

Martha drew water from the well.

从…中获取, 从…中借鉴

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (takes, gets ideas from) (灵感等)

This biography draws from a wealth of historical texts.

重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào

adverb (figurative, informal (starting over) (失败后)

素描 sù miáo

noun ([sth] drawn in charcoal)

Constable's great paintings were often based on charcoal drawings.

制图板 zhì tú bǎn

noun (support for paper)

绘图纸 huì tú zhǐ

noun (paper for drawing, sketching)

图钉 tú dīng

noun (UK (flat-headed pin)

You'll need drawing pins to fix your poster to the board.

吸引力 xī yǐn lì

noun (ability to attract people)

We use celebrities in the ads because they have great drawing power.

客厅 kè tīng

noun (dated (parlour) (过时用语)

After dinner, the ladies retired to the drawing room.

徒手画 tú shǒu huà

noun (drawing without use of aids) (不借助工具)


noun (nude drawing lesson)


noun (art: drawing from a nude model)

素描 sù miáo

noun (unshaded drawing done with linear marks)

Now that you've mastered line drawing you need to start using shade. When doing a painting it's a good idea to do a quick line drawing first.

铅笔画 qiān bǐ huà

noun (picture drawn using graphite pencil)

The young man created a detailed pencil drawing using the cross-hatch method.

按原物比例画的画(制的图) àn yuán wù bǐ lì huà de huà zhì de tú

noun (illustration made in proportion)

Henrietta made a scale drawing of her garden. The artist began with a scale drawing of the planned mural.

工作图 gōng zuò tú

noun (drawn plan, outline)

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drawing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。