英语 中的 faith 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 faith 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 faith 的说明。

英语 中的faith 表示信心 xìn xīn, 宗教信仰 zōng jiào xìn yǎng, 信任 xìn rèn, 忠诚 zhōng chéng, 信仰行为 xìn yǎng xíng wéi, 有信心的行为 yǒu xìn xīn de xíng wéi, 信仰宣言 xìn yǎng xuān yán, 信条 xìn tiáo, 盲目信仰 máng mù xìn yǎng, 违约 wéi yuē, 信仰疗法治疗者, 信仰治疗, 善意 shàn yì, 坚信 jiān xìn, 信仰 xìn yǎng, 怀有...信仰, 相信 xiāng xìn, 没有诚信地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de, 诚信地 chéng xìn de, 真诚地 zhēn chéng de, 坚守信仰 jiān shǒu xìn yǎng, 盲目的信仰 máng mù de xìn yǎng, 信任 xìn rèn, 真正的信仰 zhēn zhèng de xìn yǎng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 faith 的含义

信心 xìn xīn

noun (belief without proof)

Though he couldn't prove it, he had faith that the package would arrive on time.

宗教信仰 zōng jiào xìn yǎng

noun (religious belief)

His faith in God led him to believe in Heaven.

信任 xìn rèn

noun (trust)

She had faith that he would do as he said.

忠诚 zhōng chéng

noun (loyalty)

He shows great faith towards his friends.

信仰行为 xìn yǎng xíng wéi

noun (out of religious conviction)

Going on a religious pilgrimage is an act of faith.

有信心的行为 yǒu xìn xīn de xíng wéi

noun (demonstration of earnestness)

Putting down a deposit is considered an act of faith.

信仰宣言 xìn yǎng xuān yán

noun (religion: statement of belief) (宗教)

The Nicene Creed states the articles of faith of most Christian believers.

信条 xìn tiáo

noun (tenet, belief)

盲目信仰 máng mù xìn yǎng

noun (unquestioning devotion)

You should try not to take things on blind faith.

违约 wéi yuē

noun (betrayal)


noun ([sb]: heals with prayer, etc.)


noun (healing through prayer)

善意 shàn yì

noun as adjective (law: as an indication of sincerity)

坚信 jiān xìn

(trust: future)

I have faith that I will be able to pay the rent this month.

信仰 xìn yǎng

(religion: believe)


verbal expression (religion: believe)

I have faith in God.

相信 xiāng xìn

verbal expression (believe in)

没有诚信地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de

adverb (intending to deceive [sb])

You acted in bad faith when you sold me a car you knew had been stolen.

诚信地 chéng xìn de

adverb (on trust)

The carpenter asked for a partial payment in advance, which we paid in good faith.

真诚地 zhēn chéng de

expression (honestly)

I entered into the lease agreement in good faith, but after a month without a working shower I've begun withholding a portion of my rent.

坚守信仰 jiān shǒu xìn yǎng

verbal expression (stay true to beliefs)

Cahill urged fans to keep the faith after the team slumped to its eighth loss in 12 matches.

盲目的信仰 máng mù de xìn yǎng

noun (figurative (act of blind trust) (比喻)

Acceptance of the plan will require a leap of faith.

信任 xìn rèn

transitive verb (trust, believe in)

We need to do something now; we can't put faith in their promises of a future solution. As an atheist, I put my faith in the power of the human mind.

真正的信仰 zhēn zhèng de xìn yǎng

noun (devotion, strong belief)

Every religious zealot believes that theirs is the one true faith. Since I discovered the one true faith my life has been at peace.

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faith 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。