英语 中的 sure 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sure 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sure 的说明。

英语 中的sure 表示确定的,肯定的 què dìng de,kěn dìng de, 确信的 què xìn de, 确定…,对…肯定 què dìng, 对…自信的, 自信的,对自己有信心的 zì xìn de, 一定会获得…,一定会得到…, 当然!可以!好啊! dāng rán !kě yǐ !hǎo ɑ !, 必然发生的 bì rán fā shēng de, 一定会做某事,肯定能做某事, 可靠的 kě kào de, 可靠的 kě kào de, 确定地, 无疑地, 几乎可以肯定, 毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de, 确保 què bǎo, 确认 què rèn, 确定 què dìng, 确定 què dìng, 确保 què bǎo, 不确定 bú què dìng, 绝对肯定 jué duì kěn dìng, 肯定,毫无疑问 kěn dìng,háo wú yí wèn, 肯定,毫无疑问 kěn dìng,háo wú yí wèn, 明确的迹象 míng què de jì xiàng, 那是自然, 毫无疑问的事情,肯定成功的事 háo wú yí wèn de shì qíng,kěn dìng chéng gōng de shì, 必定成功的 bì dìng chéng gōng de, 脚步稳健的, 稳当的, 稳健的,自信满满的 wěn jiàn de ,zì xìn mǎn mǎn de, 我很肯定。 wǒ hěn kěn dìng, 确实 què shí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sure 的含义

确定的,肯定的 què dìng de,kěn dìng de

adjective (certain)

"It's the 12th today." "Are you sure?"

确信的 què xìn de

adjective (with clause: certain)

I'm sure that I turned off the stove.

确定…,对…肯定 què dìng

(certain of [sth])

Only reply if you are sure of the answer.



The athlete was sure of his skills.

自信的,对自己有信心的 zì xìn de

adjective (self-confident)

I wouldn't say Melanie is arrogant, but she is definitely sure of herself.


(certain to receive)

You're always sure of a warm welcome at this hotel.

当然!可以!好啊! dāng rán !kě yǐ !hǎo ɑ !

interjection (informal (Yes!) (语气词)

Will I help you move? Sure!

必然发生的 bì rán fā shēng de

adjective (inevitable)

Today's game is a sure win for us.


expression (certain to do)

That horse is sure to win the race; you should put a bet on him.

可靠的 kě kào de

adjective (hand: firm)

The cook cut the meat with a sure hand.

可靠的 kě kào de

adjective (infallible)

For many, their conscience is the one, sure guide.

确定地, 无疑地

adverb (US, informal (surely)

It sure is a hot day.


adjective (not quite certain)

I'm almost sure I turned the stove off, but maybe we should go back to check.

毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de

adverb (certainly, definitely)

Do you know that for sure or are you just guessing?

确保 què bǎo

verbal expression (with clause: ensure)

He made sure they were all listening before starting to speak. I always make sure that I lock the door when I leave.

确认 què rèn

verbal expression (ensure it is so)

I think dinner is at six, but I'll phone Mary to make sure of it.

确定 què dìng

verbal expression (ascertain [sth])

I was almost certain I had packed everything I needed, but I took one last look at my list to make sure.

确定 què dìng

verbal expression (with clause: ascertain)

The teacher counted heads to make sure all her students were present.

确保 què bǎo

verbal expression (ensure you do [sth])

Please make sure to lock all the windows and doors before you leave.

不确定 bú què dìng

adjective (unsure of [sth])

"Do you know when the movie starts?" "I'm not sure."

绝对肯定 jué duì kěn dìng

adverb (slang (definitely, certainly)

Whenever I bake cookies, sure as hell Jim will show up. I sure as hell don't want to eat here anymore – there's mould on my bread!

肯定,毫无疑问 kěn dìng,háo wú yí wèn

adverb (informal (as expected or predicted)

Sure enough, the stray cat appears when it's time for supper.

肯定,毫无疑问 kěn dìng,háo wú yí wèn

adjective (informal (certain, not doubtful)

The police were sure enough that whoever had killed Brown had also murdered Wilkins.

明确的迹象 míng què de jì xiàng

noun (clear indication)

When she starts tapping her foot it's a sure sign she's angry.


interjection (slang (certainly, of course) (用以回答他人的要求或建议)

A: Can you lend me a pen? B: Sure thing!

毫无疑问的事情,肯定成功的事 háo wú yí wèn de shì qíng,kěn dìng chéng gōng de shì

noun (informal ([sth] certain)

She knew that passing the test was a sure thing, so she didn't feel nervous.

必定成功的 bì dìng chéng gōng de

adjective (informal (certain to succeed) (非正式用语)

脚步稳健的, 稳当的

adjective (having an unfaltering step)

稳健的,自信满满的 wěn jiàn de ,zì xìn mǎn mǎn de

adjective (figurative (confident, not faltering)

我很肯定。 wǒ hěn kěn dìng

interjection (informal (expressing agreement) (非正式用语)

This operation will relieve the pain in your abdomen – that's for sure!

确实 què shí

adverb (certainly)

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sure 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。