英语 中的 fallen 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fallen 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fallen 的说明。

英语 中的fallen 表示倒毙的,阵亡的 dǎo bì de ,zhèn wáng de, 沦陷的,被攻下的 lún xiàn de, 阵亡者 zhèn wáng zhě, 落下,跌落 là xià,diē luò, 不光彩的 bù guāng cǎi de, 掉下 diào xià, 下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng, 下掉 xià diào, 秋 qiū, 下降,减少 xià jiàng ,jiǎn shǎo, (下降的)斜坡 xià jiàng de xié pō, 倒台 dǎo tái, 失陷,沦陷 shī xiàn,lún xiàn, 落差 luò chā, 跌落 diē luò, 下垂 xià chuí, 堕落 duò luò, 投降,失守 tóu xiáng ,shī shǒu, 人类的堕落, 瀑布 pù bù, 塌陷 tā xiàn, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 受伤倒下 shòu shāng dǎo xià, 下降,下跌、 xià jiàng, 垮台 kuǎ tái, 变得 biàn de, 堕落 duò luò, 属于 shǔ yú, 落下, 垂下, 适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào, 袭击 xí jī, 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn, 激动地抓住, 足弓下陷,足弓塌陷, 堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ, 堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ, 不景气的公司, 娼妓,妓女 chāng jì,jì nǚ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fallen 的含义

倒毙的,阵亡的 dǎo bì de ,zhèn wáng de

adjective (euphemism (soldier: killed in battle) (战场上)

The city built a memorial to its fallen soldiers.

沦陷的,被攻下的 lún xiàn de

adjective (military: conquered) (军事)

The army marched into the fallen city.

阵亡者 zhèn wáng zhě

plural noun (euphemism (soldiers killed in battle)

The graveyard had gravestones for each of the fallen and missing.

落下,跌落 là xià,diē luò

adjective (that has dropped) (掉下)

The fallen fruit lay on the grass around the tree.

不光彩的 bù guāng cǎi de

adjective (figurative (dishonoured)

The fallen nobles were stripped of their titles and imprisoned.

掉下 diào xià

intransitive verb (come down)

I fell from a ladder yesterday. It's autumn and the leaves are falling.

下跌,下降 xià diē ,xià jiàng

intransitive verb (figurative (abate) (比喻)

Demand for this product has fallen recently.

下掉 xià diào

noun (act of falling)

The fall of nuts from the tree makes a loud sound.

秋 qiū

noun (US (autumn)

Classes will resume in the fall.

下降,减少 xià jiàng ,jiǎn shǎo

noun (decline) (数量、质量等)

The fall in prices will harm our profits.

(下降的)斜坡 xià jiàng de xié pō

noun (slope)

The field is flat except for a fall towards the river.

倒台 dǎo tái

noun (ruin)

This is the story of the decline and fall of Richard Nixon.

失陷,沦陷 shī xiàn,lún xiàn

noun (defeat) (战争中某个城市或地方)

She wrote a book about the Fall of France in 1940.

落差 luò chā

noun (distance [sth] falls) (水流或者山脉等)

The river has a fall of about fifty metres.

跌落 diē luò

noun (falling down)

She suffered a bad fall, while horseriding.

下垂 xià chuí

noun (uncountable ([sth] hanging down)

He was enchanted by the fall of her hair on her shoulders.

堕落 duò luò

noun (sinful lapse)

A sinner must confess his fall.

投降,失守 tóu xiáng ,shī shǒu

noun (surrender, capture) (战争中)

Odysseus wandered for ten years after the fall of Troy.


noun (Bible) (基督教)

In the Bible, the serpent brought on the Fall.

瀑布 pù bù

plural noun (waterfall)

You can hear the falls from far off.

塌陷 tā xiàn

intransitive verb (collapse)

The roof fell under the weight of the snow.

死亡 sǐ wáng

intransitive verb (die)

He fell in battle, dying like a hero.

受伤倒下 shòu shāng dǎo xià

intransitive verb (drop wounded)

The soldier fell, and was treated by the medics.

下降,下跌、 xià jiàng

intransitive verb (figurative (temperature: decline) (温度)

Temperatures will fall below freezing tomorrow.

垮台 kuǎ tái

intransitive verb (figurative (government: lose ability) (政府)

The government fell, following a scandal.

变得 biàn de

intransitive verb (figurative (become)

She fell ill.

堕落 duò luò

intransitive verb (figurative (commit a sin)

He fell from grace after the discovery of his crimes.

属于 shǔ yú

intransitive verb (figurative (be included)

Their request falls within the scope of our project.

落下, 垂下

(come to rest on) (目光)

Her gaze fell upon the letter I was writing.

适逢,正好轮到,恰好是 shì féng,zhèng hǎo lún dào

(figurative (occur on) (日期)

My birthday falls on a Saturday this year. The election falls on my birthday.

袭击 xí jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack, assault)

The group of men fell on Pete, punching and kicking him.

狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (eat hungrily)

I could tell by the way the homeless man fell upon the burger that he hadn't eaten all day.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (opportunity: grab enthusiastically) (机会)

Being a huge fan of the band, Stella fell upon the chance to see them in concert.


plural noun (medicine: foot condition)

Donald is suffering from fallen arches.

堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ

noun (Christianity) (基督教)

Lucifer is a fallen angel.

堕落天使 duò luò tiān shǐ

noun (figurative, dated (woman who is no longer virtuous) (指堕落的女人、失去贞洁的女人)

Almost as soon as she got to college she became a fallen angel.


noun (figurative (finance: failed company) (金融)

Fallen angels are companies whose stock price has declined to a level below their true value.

娼妓,妓女 chāng jì,jì nǚ

noun (dated, figurative (prostitute)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。