英语 中的 fast 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fast 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fast 的说明。

英语 中的fast 表示快的,迅速的 kuài de ,xùn sù de, 快速 kuài sù, 紧紧地 jǐn jǐn de, 斋戒期 zhāi jiè qī, 快于标准时间的,走时偏快的 kuài yú biāo zhǔn shí jiān de,zǒu shí piān kuài de, 禁食 jìn shí, 绝食 jué shí, 感光迅速的,高感度的 gǎn guāng xùn sù de,gāo gǎn dù de, 固定的 gù dìng de, 放荡的 fàng dàng de, 不褪色的,持久的 bú tuì sè de,chí jiǔ de, 忠诚的,忠实的 zhōng chéng de ,zhōng shí de, 早于预定时间的 zǎo yú yù dìng shí jiān de, 牢牢系在...上, 坚持,坚守 jiān chí, 耐酸的,抗酸的 kàng suān de, 极快的 jí kuài de, 熟睡的 shóu shuì de, 快速出击, 进行快速出击, 快速流动的, 快餐 kuài cān, 快餐 kuài cān, 快进 kuài jìn, 快进 kuài jìn, 快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn, 快进键, 快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn, 忠实的朋友, 快车道, 快车道, 行动迅速的人,雷厉风行的人, 快节奏 kuài jié zòu, 快节奏的 kuài jié zòu de, 快节奏的 kuài jié zòu de, 快速通道、, 加快的,加速的, 加快某人的进度, 加快某事的进程, 聪明的人 cōng míng de rén, 能快速与异性交往的人, 快速见效的, 快餐店 kuài cān diàn, 快速成长的, 快速增长的, 快速移动的, 情节紧凑的, 花言巧语的 huā yán qiǎo yǔ de, 移动得快 yí dòng de kuài, 过得快, 不能更改的,不容变通的 bù néng gēng gǎi de,bù róng biàn tōng de, 不能变通的规则, 固定器, 附着器, 放纵地生活 fàng zòng de shēng huó, 挣快钱, 草率做某事, 用欺骗的方法做某事, 欺骗 qī piàn, 坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí, 一动不动。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fast 的含义

快的,迅速的 kuài de ,xùn sù de

adjective (quick, rapid)

The fast fox caught the chicken.

快速 kuài sù

adverb (quickly)

She ran fast to catch the train.

紧紧地 jǐn jǐn de

adverb (non-negotiable)

He plans to hold fast to his asking price.

斋戒期 zhāi jiè qī

noun (period without food)

The fast lasts for forty days.

快于标准时间的,走时偏快的 kuài yú biāo zhǔn shí jiān de,zǒu shí piān kuài de

adjective (clock: ahead of time) (钟表)

That clock is five minutes fast.

禁食 jìn shí

intransitive verb (not eat for a period)

Some religions require its followers to fast during a holy season.

绝食 jué shí

intransitive verb (protest by not eating) (为了抗议)

To protest his treatment, the prisoner decided to fast.

感光迅速的,高感度的 gǎn guāng xùn sù de,gāo gǎn dù de

adjective (film: sensitive) (胶片)

This is a fast film, so don't expose it too long.

固定的 gù dìng de

adjective (fixed)

Don't worry about that handle - it's fast now.

放荡的 fàng dàng de

adjective (slang (promiscuous)

Stay away from her - everyone says she is fast.

不褪色的,持久的 bú tuì sè de,chí jiǔ de

adjective (color: does not fade) (颜色)

Yes, these colours are fast and should not bleed.

忠诚的,忠实的 zhōng chéng de ,zhōng shí de

adjective (friend: close, loyal) (朋友)

Through the years, they remained fast friends.

早于预定时间的 zǎo yú yù dìng shí jiān de

adverb (ahead of time)

His presentation ran fast, so they had time for questions at the end.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (firmly, tightly)

The rope held fast to the boat.

坚持,坚守 jiān chí

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (uphold: principle, idea) (宾语多为表原则、信念之词)

He holds fast to his socialist principles.

耐酸的,抗酸的 kàng suān de

adjective (resistant to acid)

极快的 jí kuài de

adjective (US, figurative (rapid)

The racehorse's pace was blazing fast.

熟睡的 shóu shuì de

adjective (sleeping deeply)

I love being awake when everyone else in the house is fast asleep.


noun (sports: quick attack) (体育)


intransitive verb (sports: execute fast break) (体育)


adjective (water: rapid)

The stream was fast flowing.

快餐 kuài cān

noun (junk food)

We eat fast food occasionally when we don't have time to cook.

快餐 kuài cān

noun as adjective (relating to fast food)

Many fast-food items contain unhealthy amounts of sugar and fat.

快进 kuài jìn

intransitive verb (advance rapidly)

Fast forward to the last five minutes of the film clip - that's the funniest bit.

快进 kuài jìn

(advance rapidly through)

I often fast forward through the boring parts of movies.

快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn

transitive verb (advance rapidly)


noun (button: advance)

He hit fast forward, and images in the film sped by.

快速前进 kuài sù qián jìn

noun (figurative (rapid movement)

Everything was happening so fast that she felt as though her life were on fast forward.


plural noun (loyal friends)

Diana and Jessica had a strong connection and became fast friends.


noun (express lane of roadway)


noun (figurative (competitive, exciting scene or activity) (比喻义: 快节奏、刺激兴奋的场景或活动)


noun (informal ([sb] who acts promptly)

Veronica had an idea for a business and, within a couple of weeks, she had it up and running; she's a fast mover!

快节奏 kuài jié zòu

noun (brisk or rapid rhythm)

He walked at such a fast pace that it was difficult to keep up with him.

快节奏的 kuài jié zòu de

adjective (moving rapidly)

It was such a fast-paced movie that I felt a little dizzy afterward.

快节奏的 kuài jié zòu de

adjective (happening rapidly) (生活等)

Life in the city can be very fast paced.


noun (figurative (route to rapid advancement)


noun as adjective (figurative (accelerated or privileged)


transitive verb (speed the progress of)


transitive verb (speed the progress of)

His father put pressure on them to fast-track his application.

聪明的人 cōng míng de rén

noun ([sb] shrewd)


noun ([sb] who charms opposite sex)


adjective (which takes effect quickly)

快餐店 kuài cān diàn

noun (restaurant: rapid service)

Fast-food restaurants tend to serve unhealthy food.


adjective (rapidly getting physically bigger)


adjective (rapidly increasing)


adjective (quick)

The fast-moving traffic on this street makes it dangerous to cross.


adjective (action, plot, novel: fast-paced)

Right now I'm reading a fast-moving novel about a man's journey around the world.

花言巧语的 huā yán qiǎo yǔ de

adjective (talks facilely to persuade)

移动得快 yí dòng de kuài

intransitive verb (move quickly)

I like to go fast in my car.


intransitive verb (figurative (pass quickly: time) (时间)

Time always goes fast when I am with you.

不能更改的,不容变通的 bù néng gēng gǎi de,bù róng biàn tōng de

adjective (rule: strictly enforced) (规则等)

The company has no hard-and-fast dress code, but everyone wears a business suit.


noun (rule: unbreakable)

There's no hard-and-fast rule about what makes good picnic food.


noun ([sth] that holds [sth] in place)


noun (botany: fungus part for attaching) (植物)

放纵地生活 fàng zòng de shēng huó

verbal expression (informal, figurative (behave recklessly) (非正式用语)


verbal expression (informal (make money quickly)


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] recklessly) (俚语)


verbal expression (slang (do [sth] deceitfully) (俚语)

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (informal (trick [sb] stealthily)

坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí

verbal expression (figurative (not change one's mind)

Once I make my mind up, I always stand fast in my decision.


verbal expression (not move)

I expected the cat to run away but it stood fast. The guards at Buckingham Palace are trained to stand fast, even if tourists provoke them.

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fast 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。