英语 中的 figures 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 figures 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 figures 的说明。

英语 中的figures 表示数字 shù zì, 数额 shù é, 数字 shù zì, 身材 shēn cái, -figure, 轮廓 lún kuò, 人的轮廓 rén de lún kuò, 人物 rén wù, 图案 tú àn, 图表 tú biǎo, 数字符号 shù zì fú hào, 舞步 wǔ bù, 图形 tú xíng, (赛跑等比赛中表示选手成绩的)时间,数字 sài pǎo děng bǐ sài zhōng biǎo shì xuǎn shǒu chéng jì de shí jiān,shù zì, 音型, 格, 一小节音乐, 包括 bāo kuò, 料想,觉得,估摸 liào xiǎng,jué de ,gū mō, 估计 gū jì, 描绘 miáo huì, 用…装饰, 打算 dǎ suàn, 算出 suàn chū, 搞懂, 计算 jì suàn, 玩偶, 权威人物, 大约数量, 父亲形象, 可笑的人 kě xiào de rén, 修辞,比喻 xiū cí,bǐ yù, 花样滑冰 huā yàng huá bīng, 花样滑冰运动员 huā yàng huá bīng yùn dòng yuán, 花样滑冰 huā yàng huá bīng, 想想看吧, 真想不到 zhēn xiǎng bú dào, 沙漏型身材, 领头人 lǐng tóu rén, 慈母般的人 cí mǔ bān de rén, 母职人物 mǔ zhí rén wù, 公众人物, 销售额,销售数据 xiāo shòu é, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn, 六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn, 人物线条画。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 figures 的含义

数字 shù zì

noun (number)

Should I write "34" in figures or as words?

数额 shù é

noun (amount of money)

I am not sure how much to charge, but I have a figure in mind.

数字 shù zì

plural noun (calculations)

Let's review those figures and try to balance the budget.

身材 shēn cái

noun (bodily shape)

The actress had a beautiful figure.


adjective (as suffix (having specified number of digits) (后缀,意为“...位数的”)

The mansion sold for a seven-figure sum.

轮廓 lún kuò

noun (shape)

I can just make out the figure of a horse in this cubist painting.

人的轮廓 rén de lún kuò

noun (person seen as a shape)

In the semi-darkness, he saw the thin figure of a man.

人物 rén wù

noun (personality, person with standing)

Being a public figure, he was criticised by many people.

图案 tú àn

noun (drawing, sculpture)

The figure of a dog he made in art class was very impressive.

图表 tú biǎo

noun (Fig.: image, graph in a text)

For more clarification on this point, please see Figure One on the next page.

数字符号 shù zì fú hào

noun (numeral, not written form)

Do not write the numbers out in full, use figures.

舞步 wǔ bù

noun (part of a dance) (舞蹈)

Let's rehearse the second figure again, dancers!

图形 tú xíng

noun (geometric shape) (几何)

The students drew figures such as squares and triangles.

(赛跑等比赛中表示选手成绩的)时间,数字 sài pǎo děng bǐ sài zhōng biǎo shì xuǎn shǒu chéng jì de shí jiān,shù zì

noun (sports racing time) (体育比赛)

That figure beat her best by three seconds.


noun (music: harmonic tune) (音乐)

The figure you composed is beautiful!

noun (logic: syllogism form) (逻辑三段论的)

The position of the middle term with respect to the two other terms is what determines the figure of a syllogism.


noun (music: short sequence of notes) (音乐)

The guitarist practised playing the figure until he got it right.

包括 bāo kuò

(be included)

Make sure the cost of lighting and heating figures in your tax calculations.

料想,觉得,估摸 liào xiǎng,jué de ,gū mō

transitive verb (US, informal (with clause: reckon)

I figure that I better get my hair cut soon.

估计 gū jì

transitive verb (mainly US (with clause: assume, conclude)

When I didn't see him at school, I figured that he'd probably stayed home sick.

描绘 miáo huì

transitive verb (often passive (depict)

The tribe's early style of dress is figured in the drawing.


(often passive (decorate)

The wedding invitation was figured with an intricate design.

打算 dǎ suàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (mainly US, informal (expect, plan)

I figure on traveling around Europe when I'm through with college.

算出 suàn chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (solve)

How did you figure out that math problem?


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (understand)

He finally figured out why his car wouldn't start.

计算 jì suàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US (calculate)

Figure up the total cost for the trip, and I'll pay you back.


noun (character toy)

My nephew collects action figures; he must have at least twenty of Batman alone.


noun ([sb] who commands obedience)

My mother was the authority figure in our household.


noun (figurative, informal, mainly US (approximate number)


(fatherly man) (像父亲一样的人)

可笑的人 kě xiào de rén

noun (source of mockery)

修辞,比喻 xiū cí,bǐ yù

noun (idiom) (语法)

Should I interpret that literally or is it only a figure of speech?

花样滑冰 huā yàng huá bīng

intransitive verb (perform a dance on ice skates)

Since this is my first time on the ice, I hope you don't expect me to figure skate!

花样滑冰运动员 huā yàng huá bīng yùn dòng yuán

noun (dancer on ice skates)

The figure skater had to perform his routine in his brother's hockey skates.

花样滑冰 huā yàng huá bīng

noun (performance ice skating)

Figure skating is my favourite Winter Olympics sport. Figure skating combines athletic jumps with graceful movement.


interjection (mainly US, informal (expression incomprehension)

真想不到 zhēn xiǎng bú dào

interjection (US, ironic, informal (expressing surprise)

After years of reckless spending, now she's broke--go figure.


noun (figurative (woman's body: curvy)

She has that hourglass figure that some men love.

领头人 lǐng tóu rén

noun (important person)

慈母般的人 cí mǔ bān de rén

noun ([sb] maternal or nurturing)

母职人物 mǔ zhí rén wù

noun (female guardian)


noun (person the public knows)

销售额,销售数据 xiāo shòu é

plural noun (statement of money made from sales)

What are your sales figures for the second quarter?

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (UK (earnings of thousands of pounds a year) (英镑)

I'll be earning a six-figure income in my new job.

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (US (earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) (美元)

六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn

noun (earnings of thousands of pounds a year) (英镑)

I get paid a six-figure salary to sit in an office all day and do nothing.

六位数的年薪 liù wèi shù de nián xīn

noun (US (earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) (美元)


noun (simple line drawing of a person)

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figures 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。