英语 中的 fill 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fill 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fill 的说明。

英语 中的fill 表示装满 zhuāng mǎn, 被装满 bèi zhuāng mǎn, 照(方)配药 zhào fāng pèi yào, 能吃饱的量 néng chī bǎo de liàng, 填充物 tián chōng wù, 插入句,插入乐段, 占满 zhàn mǎn, 堵, 担任, 找人担任, 让...吃饱, 补(牙), 填写 tián xiě, 填写 tián xiě, 临时替代, 临时替代, 让…临时替代, 填写 tián xiě, 长胖 zhǎng pàng, 装满,加满(汽油等) zhuāng mǎn,jiā mǎn ( qì yóu děng ), 加满, 泪汪汪的 lèi wāng wāng de, 能吃多少吃多少,尽量多吃点 néng chī duō shǎo chī duō shǎo ,jǐn liàng duō chī diǎn, 告知…最新情况, 临时补缺的人 lín shí bǔ quē de rén, 临时的 lín shí de, 供应率, 推断 tuī duàn, 盛满到快要溢出, 用…倒满…, 加满油, 令…吃惊 lìng chī jīng, 加满,装满,注满 zhuāng mǎn,zhù mǎn, 刚好符合要求, 受够了,就要受不了了 shòu gòu le, 受够了(某事), 对做(某事)感到厌倦。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fill 的含义

装满 zhuāng mǎn

transitive verb (load a container)

He filled the bottle with water.

被装满 bèi zhuāng mǎn

intransitive verb (become full)

The water bottle filled quickly.

照(方)配药 zhào fāng pèi yào

transitive verb (complete an order, prescription)

The pharmacist fills hundreds of prescriptions per day.

能吃饱的量 néng chī bǎo de liàng

noun (all one can eat)

Did you get your fill? You ate a lot of French fries.

填充物 tián chōng wù

noun (US (stuffing, cushioning)

We keep the fill for the cushions next to the assembly line.


noun (music)

We need to hear more of the drums on this fill.

占满 zhàn mǎn

transitive verb (occupy space)

The boxes filled the entire storage room.

transitive verb (plug)

Joseph filled the hole with cement to fix the leak.


transitive verb (hold a position, role) (职务)

He fills the role of marketing director for the company.


transitive verb (hire a person for a job) (职务)

We need to fill this position as soon as possible.


transitive verb (give enough to eat)

She filled the kids by providing them plenty of potatoes.


transitive verb (put amalgam in: a tooth)

The standard treatment for a cavity is to fill the tooth.

填写 tián xiě

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (complete: a form, blank) (在表格中)

If you don't fill in every answer on the form, the inspector will be suspicious.

填写 tián xiě

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (details, information: provide in writing) (信息)

Please fill in your name, address and email so we can get back to you.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (substitute for [sb])

John had an emergency so I am filling in.


(informal (substitute for [sb])

I'm filling in for my boss at the board meeting next week.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (person: update)

He had to leave the meeting for a while, so we filled him in when he got back.

填写 tián xiě

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (complete: a form) (表格等)

I am going to fill out an application for the job.

长胖 zhǎng pàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (put on weight)

John was thin as a child but began to fill out when he reached 16.

装满,加满(汽油等) zhuāng mǎn,jiā mǎn ( qì yóu děng )

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make full)

Fill up your cup before they stop serving tea.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (petrol tank: fill) (油箱)

Alison filled up the petrol tank.

泪汪汪的 lèi wāng wāng de

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, figurative, informal (become teary-eyed)

Craig started filling up when someone mentioned his late wife.

能吃多少吃多少,尽量多吃点 néng chī duō shǎo chī duō shǎo ,jǐn liàng duō chī diǎn

verbal expression (eat until full) (招呼语)

Everybody ate their fill at the buffet lunch.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (person: update)

Andy filled me in on the latest developments.

临时补缺的人 lín shí bǔ quē de rén

noun (informal (person: substitute)

The assistant coach will be the fill-in for the head coach who's ill tonight.

临时的 lín shí de

adjective (informal (temporary)

I'm afraid it's only a fill-in post we're offering you.


noun (business: level of demand met) (商业:满足需求水平)

推断 tuī duàn

verbal expression (UK, informal, figurative (make inferences)


verbal expression (fill completely)

She lifted the pitcher and filled his mug to overflowing.


verbal expression (make full of)

Brendan filled up my glass with wine.


verbal expression (informal (petrol tank: fill)

Make sure you fill up with petrol before we get to the motorway.

令…吃惊 lìng chī jīng

transitive verb (amaze)

Gazing at the night sky never ceases to fill me with wonder.

加满,装满,注满 zhuāng mǎn,zhù mǎn

noun (act of filling to top)

Jill took the car to the gas station for a fill-up.


verbal expression (exactly what's needed)

受够了,就要受不了了 shòu gòu le

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reach your limit) (非正式)

Do stop complaining--I've had my fill now!


verbal expression (figurative, informal (have enough of [sth])

He had his fill of conversation for the day and went home.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (tire of doing [sth])

Elaine has had her fill of tidying up after her flatmates.

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fill 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。