英语 中的 file 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 file 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 file 的说明。

英语 中的file 表示文件夹 wén jiàn jiā, 锉 cuò, 文档,文件 wén dàng,wén jiàn, 把…归档 bǎ … guī dàng, 用锉刀锉 yòng cuò dāo cuò, 申请 shēn qǐng, 卷宗 juàn zōng, 卷宗 juàn zōng, 指甲锉刀 zhǐ jiǎ cuò dāo, 纵列 zòng liè, 排成纵队前进 pái chéng zòng duì qián jìn, 用指甲锉挫, 提起 tí qǐ, 把…归档 bǎ … guī dàng, 记下 jì xià, 卷宗 juàn zōng, 计算机文件,电脑文件, 提起索赔, 提交报告 tí iāo bào gào, 文员 wén yuán, 文件格式转换, 文件夹 wén jiàn jiā, 文件柜 wén jiàn guì, 排成一列纵队地 pái chéng yí liè zòng duì de, 日志文件, 指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò, 存档地 cún dàng de, 警方档案, 普通成员, 普通的 pǔ tōng de, 单行, 备忘录 bèi wàng lù, 压缩文件。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 file 的含义

文件夹 wén jiàn jiā

noun (folder for keeping information)

I have a file that I keep all my telephone bills in.

锉 cuò

noun (tool)

He used a file to smooth the corner of the wood.

文档,文件 wén dàng,wén jiàn

noun (computer file) (计算机)

Can you send me the file as an attachment in an email?

把…归档 bǎ … guī dàng

transitive verb (classify)

I file all my telephone bills together.

用锉刀锉 yòng cuò dāo cuò

transitive verb (smooth with a file)

He filed the wood.

申请 shēn qǐng

(register legally for [sth]) (破产等)

Jeff's company failed and he was forced to file for bankruptcy.

卷宗 juàn zōng

noun (information, dossier)

The police pulled out the file on the fugitive to see if they could learn anything about him.

卷宗 juàn zōng

noun (set of papers)

The reporter looked through the file of old newspapers.

指甲锉刀 zhǐ jiǎ cuò dāo

noun (nail file)

She used a file to smooth her fingernails.

纵列 zòng liè

noun (line, array)

Please walk in single file for safety.

排成纵队前进 pái chéng zòng duì qián jìn

intransitive verb (walk in line)

The students obediently filed into the classroom one by one.


transitive verb (smooth with a nail file)

She filed her nails.

提起 tí qǐ

transitive verb (submit a law, complaint) (诉讼)

The worker filed a formal complaint against his company.

把…归档 bǎ … guī dàng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put in folder)

You should file away your receipts after a business trip.

记下 jì xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (keep in memory)

It was an interesting piece of information which he filed away for future reference.

卷宗 juàn zōng

noun (law: case documents) (法律)


noun (stored data: document, image, etc.) (存储的数据:文档、图像等)


verbal expression (application to insurance company)

提交报告 tí iāo bào gào

verbal expression (submit a written summary of [sth])

The boss told me to file a report by midday on Friday.

文员 wén yuán

(office employee)


noun (computing: change of file format) (计算机)

The program took a long time to complete the file conversion.

文件夹 wén jiàn jiā

noun (folder for papers)

The lawyer took the documents out of a file folder.

文件柜 wén jiàn guì

noun (office: tall set of drawers)

The filing cabinet contains all the personnel files.

排成一列纵队地 pái chéng yí liè zòng duì de

adverb (one behind another)

The horses walked in single file along the narrow track.


noun (record of data history)

指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò

noun (tool for shaping fingernails)

Tracy smoothed the ragged tip of her broken fingernail with a nail file.

存档地 cún dàng de

adverb (in official documents)

We have his medical records on file.


noun (record)


noun (members of an organization)

普通的 pǔ tōng de

noun as adjective (members: ordinary) (指作为成员)


noun (movement: one after another)

备忘录 bèi wàng lù

noun (US (memorandum, reminder)


noun (computer data in compressed format)

让我们学习 英语

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file 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。