英语 中的 view 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 view 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 view 的说明。

英语 中的view 表示景色 jǐng sè, 观点 guān diǎn, 视察 shì chá, 认为 rèn wéi, 观看(视频), 看一眼 kàn yì yǎn, 视野 shì yě, 查看 chá kàn, 目的 mù dì, 一次观看, 看房, 认为 rèn wéi, 把…看作…,把…视为…,认为…是…, 鸟瞰图,俯瞰图, 鸟瞰 niǎo kàn, 全景 quán jǐng, 歪曲的见解 wāi qū de jiàn jiě, 扭曲的画面, 正视图,前视图, 考虑到,虑及 kǎo lǜ dào, 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái, 视野开阔地 shì yě kāi kuò de, 在公共场合地 zài gōng gòng chǎng hé de, 看得见 kàn de jiàn, 在考虑中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng, 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào, 考虑到…的事实 kǎo lǜ dào … de shì shí, 客观观点 kè guān guān diǎn, 展示的 zhǎn shì de, 网页浏览量, 全景 quán jǐng, 广阔视角, 付费的, 观点 guān diǎn, 视角 shì jiǎo, 后视,后视图, 后视镜 hòu shì jìng, 优美的风景 yōu měi de fēng jǐng, 海景 hǎi jǐng, 侧视图,侧面图, 对…不乐观, 俯视图,顶视图, 视作 shì zuò, 浏览次数, 后视镜 hòu shì jìng, 考虑到, 鉴于, 世界观 shì jiè guān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 view 的含义

景色 jǐng sè

noun (vista, panorama)

There is an amazing view out the window.

观点 guān diǎn

noun (opinion)

What is your view on the situation in Africa?

视察 shì chá

transitive verb (inspect, survey)

The politicians viewed the disaster area.

认为 rèn wéi

transitive verb (consider, opinion)

Many people view tattoos negatively.


transitive verb (often passive (video, etc.: watch)

A million people have viewed that clip of the talking cat.

看一眼 kàn yì yǎn

noun (individual look)

They stopped at a high place for a view of the city.

视野 shì yě

noun (range of vision)

The city disappeared from view.

查看 chá kàn

noun (examination)

She picked the flower for a closer view.

目的 mù dì

noun (intention)

He left with the view to returning shortly.


noun (unique view of video file) (网络上对视频的)

That Youtube video has 10,000 views.


transitive verb (potential buyer: inspect a house)

Before we bought this house, we viewed five others.

认为 rèn wéi

(regard in some way)

I view that idea with suspicion.


(regard in some way)

The government viewed the latest scandal as a disaster.


noun ([sth] as seen from above)

鸟瞰 niǎo kàn

noun (view from above)

I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it.

全景 quán jǐng

noun (figurative (overall view)

歪曲的见解 wāi qū de jiàn jiě

noun (figurative (perception: unrealistic)

His privileged background left him with a distorted view of poverty.


noun (appearance: deformed, twisted)

The tilted position of the camera provides a deliberately distorted view of the building.


noun ([sth] as seen face-on)

考虑到,虑及 kǎo lǜ dào

verbal expression (visualize, envisage [sth])

The bill has in view two types of sanctions.

在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái

expression (in my opinion)

视野开阔地 shì yě kāi kuò de

expression (overtly, in the open)

The deer stood in plain view in the field in front of us.

在公共场合地 zài gōng gòng chǎng hé de

adverb (openly)

They were kissing in public view at the station and didn't care if anyone saw them.

看得见 kàn de jiàn

expression (able to be seen)

The castle is in view on top of the hill.

在考虑中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng

expression (being considered, as an aim)

The expansion of the company is in view.

考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào

expression (considering)

In view of your actions, you'll have to leave.

考虑到…的事实 kǎo lǜ dào … de shì shí

expression (given that)

In view of the fact that it's raining hard, we are going to cancel the game.

客观观点 kè guān guān diǎn

noun (impartial opinion, perspective)

People go before a judge because they want an objective point of view.

展示的 zhǎn shì de

adjective (on display)

The exhibits on view at the gallery represent a period of history that many have little knowledge of.


noun (number of times web page viewed)

全景 quán jǐng

noun (wide vista or landscape)

The image is a panoramic view of the whole world as seen from space.


noun (figurative (broad perspective on [sth]) (比喻义)


adjective (TV) (电视)

观点 guān diǎn

noun (opinion)

That's my own point of view; you may well disagree with me!

视角 shì jiǎo

noun (angle from which [sth] is seen)

There are too many tall people in front of me; I need to move to get a better point of view.


noun ([sth] as seen from behind)

From the front, the house was charming, but the rear view was hideous.

后视镜 hòu shì jìng

noun (vehicle: mirror showing view behind) (车辆)

Good drivers regularly check their rearview mirrors to see what's happening behind them.

优美的风景 yōu měi de fēng jǐng

noun (picturesque landscape)

There's a magnificent scenic view from the top of the mountain.

海景 hǎi jǐng

noun (view over the ocean)


noun (lateral aspect, [sth] seen from sideways on)


verbal expression (figurative (disapprove)

Her parents took a dim view of her choice of boyfriends.


noun ([sth] seen from above)

视作 shì zuò

transitive verb (consider to be)

I view your shortcomings as a challenge.


noun (times viewed online)

后视镜 hòu shì jìng

noun (small mirror at either side of a vehicle)

考虑到, 鉴于

expression (so as to)

I worked hard with a view to applying to a good university.

世界观 shì jiè guān

noun (outlook, ethos)

His worldview's much more optimistic than mine.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。