英语 中的 master 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 master 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 master 的说明。

英语 中的master 表示能手 néng shǒu, 主人,主子 zhǔ rén,zhǔ zi, 主人 zhǔ rén, 主人 zhǔ rén, 师傅 shī fū, 专家 zhuān jiā, 船长 chuán zhǎng, 少爷 shào yé, 精通 jīng tōng, 控制 kòng zhì, 首领,领队,头目 shǒu lǐng,lǐng duì,tóu mù, 硕士 shuò shì, 男教师 nán jiào shī, 主文件,正本,原件,原版 zhǔ wén jiàn,zhèng běn,yuán jiàn,yuán bǎn, 户主 hù zhǔ, 大师 dà shī, 主设备,主机 zhǔ shè bèi,zhǔ jī, 能手 néng shǒu, 主宰 zhǔ zǎi, 圣主, 原版的 yuán bǎn de, 控制 kòng zhì, 统治 tǒng zhì, 驯服 xùn fú, 男教师 nán jiào shī, 港(务)长 gǎng wù zhǎng, 杂而不精, 老板 lǎo bǎn, 主盥洗室, 主卧 zhǔ wò, 原件 yuán jiàn, 大师级工匠,老师傅, 女工匠大师, 万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi, 文科硕士, 文学硕士 wén xué shuò shì, 司仪 sī yí, 法学硕士,法律硕士, 法学硕士, 理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì, 理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì, 一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ, 蓝图 lán tú, 制定...的蓝图, 优等民族 yōu děng mín zú, 军士长 jūn shì zhǎng, 母带 mǔ dài, 纠察长, 硕士学位 shuò shì xué wèi, 专家讲授的课程 zhuān jiā jiǎng shòu de kè chéng, 典范 diǎn fàn, 古代大画家 gǔ dài dà huà jiā, 高手, 行家, 大师 dà shī, 奴隶主 nú lì zhǔ, 双桅船。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 master 的含义

能手 néng shǒu

noun (expert)

He is the master at fixing old cars.

主人,主子 zhǔ rén,zhǔ zi

noun (historical (slave owner) (历史用语)

"Yes, master," said the slave.

主人 zhǔ rén

noun (servant's employer)

I need to ask the master what he wants for dinner.

主人 zhǔ rén

noun (pet owner) (宠物的)

The dog came running at the sound of his master's voice.

师傅 shī fū

noun (craftsman) (手工业)

After years as an apprentice woodworker, he became a master.

专家 zhuān jiā

noun (scholar)

He is a master in the study of ancient texts.

船长 chuán zhǎng

noun (nautical: captain) (航海)

You need to ask the master where we are sailing next.

少爷 shào yé

noun (archaic (title for a youth) (古语)

Master James Willis is much like his lazy, corpulent father.

精通 jīng tōng

transitive verb (become an expert in)

He mastered heart surgery in only 2 years.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (figurative (control)

If he wants to be taken seriously in business, he must learn to master his emotions.

首领,领队,头目 shǒu lǐng,lǐng duì,tóu mù

noun (leader)

Who is the master of this group?

硕士 shuò shì

noun (postgraduate degree)

She has a Master of Arts in Psychology.

男教师 nán jiào shī

noun (UK, dated (school teacher) (过时用语)

The master expects that we have our schoolwork finished on time.

主文件,正本,原件,原版 zhǔ wén jiàn,zhèng běn,yuán jiàn,yuán bǎn

noun (original)

The software master is kept in a safe, but copies are freely available.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 小心,别把电影母带弄丢了。

户主 hù zhǔ

noun (dated (head of household)

He is the master of his home.

大师 dà shī

noun (chess, bridge) (象棋或桥牌)

He is one of the youngest masters ever, but his chess skills are incredible.

主设备,主机 zhǔ shè bèi,zhǔ jī

noun (computing device) (计算机)

The first disk is the master; the other one is the slave.

能手 néng shǒu

noun (an expert in)

The con man is a master of deceit.

主宰 zhǔ zǎi

noun (person in charge of)

Adults are masters of their own destinies.


noun (Jesus Christ) (耶稣基督)

原版的 yuán bǎn de

noun as adjective (document, etc.: original)

The master copy of the treaty was held in a neutral location.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (conquer)

Napoleon was able to master many countries.

统治 tǒng zhì

transitive verb (rule)

The dictator mastered his nation through fear and threats.

驯服 xùn fú

transitive verb (tame)

It took a long time, but he finally mastered the wild horse.

男教师 nán jiào shī

noun (dated (male teacher)

The schoolmaster was a strict man who often punished students.

港(务)长 gǎng wù zhǎng

noun (supervisor at a seaport) (美式拼法)

The harbormaster dispatched tugs to guide the huge tanker out of the harbor.


noun (informal, pejorative (shallow skill in many things)

老板 lǎo bǎn

noun ([sb] with total power, boss)

I need to ask my lord and master for permission to take a holiday.


(master bedroom: bathroom)

主卧 zhǔ wò

noun (largest bedroom in a house)

Normally, the parents sleep in the master bedroom. The master bedroom was big enough to hold a sofa as well as the king-size bed.

原件 yuán jiàn

noun (original of a document)

You left the master copy on the photocopier; you ought to look after it.


noun (skilled tradesperson, esp. male) (熟练技工)

These wooden chairs are made by master craftsmen.


noun (skilled female tradeswoman)

万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi

noun (passkey, key that opens a number of locks)

I lost the key to my apartment and so had to ask the caretaker to open the door for me with his master key.


noun (postgraduate arts degree)

Gillian is studying for a Master of Arts in History.

文学硕士 wén xué shuò shì

noun (holder of postgraduate arts degree)

司仪 sī yí

noun (person: hosts an event)

The master of ceremonies introduced the keynote speaker.


noun (postgraduate legal degree)

Michael has a Master of Law from McGill University.


noun (holder of postgraduate legal degree)

理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì

noun (postgraduate science degree)

The Institute offers tuition leading to Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc) degrees.

理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì

noun (holder of postgraduate science degree)

一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ

noun (male head of household)

The master of the house is not necessarily the male head, but it is whoever holds the final say in certain familial matters.

蓝图 lán tú

noun (large scale scheme or project)

Tonight, the corporation will unveil its master plan to maximize third-quarter profit.


transitive verb (create master plan)

优等民族 yōu děng mín zú

noun (Nazis' Aryan ideal)

Nazi ideology describes a human master race as Nordic people with blond hair and blue eyes.

军士长 jūn shì zhǎng

noun (military: noncommissioned officer)

Andrew was promoted to the rank of master sergeant.

母带 mǔ dài

noun (original recording)

I made a copy in case the master tape was destroyed or stolen.


noun (naval rank) (海军军衔)

The master-at-arms is responsible for maintaining discipline aboard the ship.

硕士学位 shuò shì xué wèi

noun (postgraduate qualification)

He is now studying for a master's degree in English Literature.

专家讲授的课程 zhuān jiā jiǎng shòu de kè chéng

noun (lesson from expert)

典范 diǎn fàn

noun (figurative (expert example)

Scorsese's "Raging Bull" is a masterclass in cinematography.

古代大画家 gǔ dài dà huà jiā

noun (great painter of the past)

Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci are considered to be old masters.

高手, 行家

noun (sports, etc.: expert)

Golf's past masters include Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer.

大师 dà shī

noun (person: skilled)

Don't believe a word he says. He's a past master at lying.

奴隶主 nú lì zhǔ

noun ([sb] who keeps captive worker)

The slave master owned nearly two hundred slaves.


noun (vessel with two masts)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。