英语 中的 fold 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fold 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fold 的说明。

英语 中的fold 表示折叠 zhé dié, 彻底失败 chè dǐ shī bài, 结束 jié shù, 让步 ràng bù, 紧紧抱住, 收牌 shōu pái, 羊圈 yáng juàn, 收拢(翅膀),收起(翅膀), 皱褶,褶层 zhòu zhě,zhě céng, 教会 jiào huì, 使…结束, 交叠双手, …倍, 由…部分构成, 拌入…,加入… jiā rù …, 把...拌入...,调入, 将…折起来, 将…折叠起来,把…折叠起来, 折叠起来 zhé dié qǐ lái, 崩溃 bēng kuì, 由五部分组成的, 五倍的, 五倍地, 五重地, 折叠 zhé dié, 放倒,放下 fàng xià, 折叠放平, 折下, 折叠的 zhé dié de, 对折 duì zhé, 把...对折, 展开 zhǎn kāi, 展开为, 可展开的, 把…折叠起来, 双臂环抱在胸前, 折叠的 zhé dié de, 折叠床 zhé dié chuáng, 由四部分组成的 yóu sì bù fèn zǔ chéng de, 四倍的 sì bèi de, 四倍地 sì bèi de, 四重的 sì chóng de, 重返老家,浪子回头 chóng fǎn lǎo jiā,làng zǐ huí tóu, 七部分的, 七倍的, 七倍地, 七重地, 羊圈 yáng juàn, 六部分的, 六倍的 liù bèi de, 六倍地 liù bèi de, 六种地, 有十个部分的 yǒu shí gè bù fèn de, 十倍的 shí bèi de, 十倍地 shí bèi de, 十重, 包含三部分的 bāo hán sān bù fèn de, 三倍的 sān bèi de, 三倍 sān bèi, 三重, 三个连在一起的景片, 两方面的, 双倍的 shuāng bèi de, 两倍 liǎng bèi, 双重的 shuāng chóng de, 两连景,折叠景。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fold 的含义

折叠 zhé dié

transitive verb (crease, double over)

Tyler folded the paper into a triangle.

彻底失败 chè dǐ shī bài

intransitive verb (figurative, informal (business: fail)

The company folded because of the recession.

结束 jié shù

intransitive verb (figurative (end, close)

The show is due to fold next week.

让步 ràng bù

intransitive verb (figurative (give in)

Alison was determined to get her way, so Karen folded in the end.


transitive verb (hug)

Sarah's mother folded her into an embrace.

收牌 shōu pái

intransitive verb (figurative (poker: quit)

Richard decided to fold rather than to risk all of his money.

羊圈 yáng juàn

noun (pen for sheep, livestock)

The shepherd found the lamb and returned it to the fold.


transitive verb (bird, insect: wings) (鸟)

The bird landed and folded his wings.

皱褶,褶层 zhòu zhě,zhě céng

noun (crease)

Crumbs from Peter's lunch got stuck in the folds of his shirt.

教会 jiào huì

noun (figurative (church)

The preacher tried to bring new converts into the fold.


transitive verb (figurative (bring to a close)

We're folding the play at the end of the season.


transitive verb (hands, arms: clasp or cross)

Cindy sat quietly, with her hands folded in her lap.


suffix (multiplied by, times)

For example: threefold, three-fold


suffix (having stated number of parts)

For example: fivefold, five-fold

拌入…,加入… jiā rù …

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cookery: stir in gently) (烹饪)

When the eggs and butter are well mixed, fold in the flour.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cookery: stir gently into [sth])

Fold the egg whites into the batter with a whisk till they are thoroughly blended.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make smaller by creasing) (如纸张等)

Roger folded up the piece of paper and put it in his pocket.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (collapse for portability) (折叠桌等)

Fold up the table and put it in the truck, please.

折叠起来 zhé dié qǐ lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (collapse, flatten)

The chair folds up for easy storage.

崩溃 bēng kuì

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, figurative, informal (break down)

Jim folded up when the prosecutor discredited his story.


adjective (having five parts)


adjective (quintuple, times five)


adverb (by five, five times)

Since Delia set up her website, sales of her artwork have increased fivefold.


adverb (in five ways)

折叠 zhé dié

(fold up into smaller unit)

Those chairs fold away when they are not in use.

放倒,放下 fàng xià

(furniture: lower for use) (家具)

Behind this wall panel is a bed that folds down at night.


(furniture: become flat)

The seat backs fold down to create more room in the car.


(furniture: lower for use)

On the plane, he folded down the arm rests and fastened his seat belt.

折叠的 zhé dié de

adjective (furniture: convertible) (家具)

He put a fold-down craft table in the children's room.

对折 duì zhé

verbal expression (bend over on itself)

The table folds in half to make it more portable.


verbal expression (fold in two)

Fold the paper in half so that nobody can see what you've written.

展开 zhǎn kāi

(unfold into [sth] larger)

The couch folds out to make a bed.


verbal expression (unfold into [sth] larger)

The couch folds out into a bed.


adjective (that folds out)

Agatha slept on a fold-out couch in the living room.


(bend [sth] onto itself)


verbal expression (cross and hold arms over chest)

折叠的 zhé dié de

adjective (collapsible by folding)

When my son comes to stay, he sleeps on a fold-up bed.

折叠床 zhé dié chuáng

noun (bed, etc., collapsible by folding)

由四部分组成的 yóu sì bù fèn zǔ chéng de

adjective (having four parts)

The stages of this plan are fourfold, beginning with the identification of key factors.

四倍的 sì bèi de

adjective (quadruple, times four)

This year we have seen a fourfold increase in sales thanks to our new marketing campaign.

四倍地 sì bèi de

adverb (by four, four times)

This microscope increases the size of the specimen fourfold.

四重的 sì chóng de

adverb (in four ways)

重返老家,浪子回头 chóng fǎn lǎo jiā,làng zǐ huí tóu

verbal expression (figurative (come back home) (比喻)

I was travelling the world for the last nine years but now I've returned to the fold.


adjective (having seven parts)


adjective (times seven)


adverb (by seven, seven times)

Sales have increased sevenfold over the past three years.


adverb (in seven ways)

羊圈 yáng juàn

noun (pen for sheep)


adjective (having six parts)

We propose a sixfold approach to the problem.

六倍的 liù bèi de

adjective (times six)

The country has seen a sixfold increase in gun crime since the law was changed.

六倍地 liù bèi de

adverb (by six, six times)

The population of the town has grown sixfold over the past 50 years.


adverb (in six ways)

有十个部分的 yǒu shí gè bù fèn de

adjective (having ten parts)

The process is tenfold, so make sure you are familiar with each step before you begin.

十倍的 shí bèi de

adjective (times ten: in greatness, etc.)

James vowed tenfold revenge on the company that wronged him.

十倍地 shí bèi de

adverb (by ten, ten times)

The population has increased tenfold in the last fifty years.


adverb (in ten ways)

包含三部分的 bāo hán sān bù fèn de

adjective (having three parts)

The problem is threefold, so it cannot be solved easily.

三倍的 sān bèi de

adjective (treble, triple, times three)

There was a threefold increase in sales last month.

三倍 sān bèi

adverb (by three, three times)

The size of the student body has increased threefold in the past twenty years.


adverb (in three ways)


noun (stage scenery)

The play's threefold was beautifully painted.


adjective (having two parts)

There is a twofold explanation for this phenomenon.

双倍的 shuāng bèi de

adjective (double, times two)

There had been a twofold increase in business.

两倍 liǎng bèi

adverb (doubly, by two)

They hope to increase their profits twofold.

双重的 shuāng chóng de

adverb (in two ways)


noun (stage scenery) (舞台布景)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。