英语 中的 grounds 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 grounds 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 grounds 的说明。

英语 中的grounds 表示地 dì, 土地 tǔ dì, 整片地区 zhěng piàn dì qū, 空地或花园等, (用于某项运动的)场地,球场 yòng yú mǒu xiàng yùn dòng de chǎng dì,qiú chǎng, 根据 gēn jù, 基于…得到, 基于…形成, 教授 jiào shòu, 禁止…外出,罚...禁足 jìn zhǐ wài chū, 磨碎的 mó suì de, 绞碎的, 接地 jiē dì, 残渣 cán zhā, 搁浅 gē qiǎn, 建立在…的基础之上 jiàn lì zài de jī chǔ zhī shàng, 使停飞 shǐ tíng fēi, 将…接地 jiāng jiē dì, 使搁浅 shǐ gē qiǎn, 扔地滚球, 地面上, 高于地面的, 空对地的 kōng duì dì de, 地面军队, 首创 shǒu chuàng, 开辟新天地,完全创新, 繁殖区,繁殖场 fán zhí qū, 滋生地 zī shēng de, 温床 wēn chuáng, 墓地 mù dì, 把…完全烧毁 bǎ … wán quán shāo huǐ, 把...全部烧毁, 墓地 mù dì, 野营地 yě yíng dì, 露营场地, 洒扫以待 sǎ sǎo yǐ dài, 清出场地 qīng chū chǎng dì, 共同点 gòng tóng diǎn, 覆盖 fù gài, 板球场 bǎn qiú chǎng, 垃圾场 lā jī chǎng, 展览场地 zhǎn lǎn chǎng dì, 稳固的位置,坚实的地位 wěn gù de wèi zhì,jiān shí de dì wèi, 从头开始 cóng tóu kāi shǐ, 发展 fā zhǎn, 顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ, 启动,开始 qǐ dòng,kāi shǐ, 退却 tuì què, 躲藏起来,躲起来,藏起来 duǒ cáng qǐ lái,duǒ qǐ lái,cáng qǐ lái, 碎牛肉 suì niú ròu, 碎牛排 suì niú pái, 肉桂粉 ròu guì fěn, 离地间隙,离地高度, 陆地战 lù dì zhàn, 机场地勤人员 jī chǎng dì qín rén yuán, 第一层,一楼 yī lóu, 入门级工作, 开始阶段, 地面部队 dì miàn bù duì, 地勤, 地平面 dì píng miàn, 底层 dǐ céng, 最底层 zuì dǐ céng, 肉末 ròu mò, 滚球出局, 短路 duǎn lù, 胡椒粉 hú jiāo fěn, 猪肉末, 基本规则 jī běn guī zé, 防水底布, 地勤工作人员, 地勤工作人员, 地面部队 dì miàn bù duì, 被磨碎的 bèi mó suì de, 纽约世界贸易中心废墟 niǔ yuē shì jiè mào yì zhōng xīn fèi xū, 爆炸后的废墟 bào zhà hòu de fèi xū, 一楼的,第一层的 yì lóu de,dì yī céng de, 入门级的,初级的 rù mén jí de,chū jí de, 突破性的,开创性的 tū pò xìng de,kāi chuàng xìng de, 破土, 防潮布, 滚地球, 底栖鱼,底鱼, 地下水 dì xià shuǐ, 碎牛肉 suì niú ròu, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 驾轻就熟 jià qīng jiù shóu / jià qīng jiù shú, 主场, 熟悉的地盘, 擅长的领域 shàn cháng de lǐng yù, 狩猎区 shòu liè qū, 离开地面 lí kāi dì miàn, 开始实施 kāi shǐ shí shī, 退却 tuì què, 中间道路 zhōng jiān dào lù, 肉末 ròu mò, 道德高地, 靠近地面地 kào jìn dì miàn de, 中立地区 zhōng lì dì qū, (高速公路的)中间安全地带 gāo sù gōng lù de zhōng jiān ān quán dì dài, 落地 luò dì, 脚踏实地的, 踏踏实实的, 在现场 zài xiàn chǎng, 奠定基础,做好准备 diàn dìng jī chǔ,zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi, 试验场,检验场, 用到报废, 使...过度劳累, 做过头, 靶场 bǎ chǎng, 坚实的地面 jiān shí de dì miàn, 坚实的基础 jiān shí de jī chǔ, 常去的地方, 坚持立场, 非常适合 fēi cháng shì hé, 高尔夫发球区, 试验场地 shì yàn chǎng dì, 荒原 huāng yuán, 拼命工作。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 grounds 的含义

地 dì

noun (surface of the earth)

The coconut fell to the ground right beside us.

土地 tǔ dì

noun (soil)

The ground here is rich in colour and minerals.

整片地区 zhěng piàn dì qū

noun (area)

During the search, we need to cover all the ground - the whole area.


plural noun (property associated with a house) (房屋周围的)

The grounds of the mansion extended to the river.

(用于某项运动的)场地,球场 yòng yú mǒu xiàng yùn dòng de chǎng dì,qiú chǎng

noun (usually plural (area used for sports) (常作_s)

We used to play football on the old school sports ground.

根据 gēn jù

noun (usually plural (basis, reason)

On what grounds do you base your conclusions? The judge said she had no grounds to believe he would reoffend.

基于…得到, 基于…形成

(often passive (base on)

The plot of this novel might seem far-fetched, but the author grounded it in fact.

教授 jiào shòu


The tennis pro grounded his students in the basics.

禁止…外出,罚...禁足 jìn zhǐ wài chū

transitive verb (informal (punish by keeping indoors) (一种对孩子的惩罚手段)

His parents grounded him for two weeks.

磨碎的 mó suì de

adjective (subjected to grinding)

Ursula tipped the ground coffee beans into the pot.


adjective (US (meat: minced) (肉)

The ground beef was made into hamburgers.

接地 jiē dì

noun (US (electrical wire: earth)

US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground.

残渣 cán zhā

plural noun (coffee, drinks) (咖啡等)

There were always some grounds left in the bottom of her coffee cup.

搁浅 gē qiǎn

intransitive verb (be stranded)

The ship grounded on a sand bar.

建立在…的基础之上 jiàn lì zài de jī chǔ zhī shàng

transitive verb (often passive (base)

His argument was grounded in his belief in God.

使停飞 shǐ tíng fēi

transitive verb (prevent from flying)

The plane was grounded because of mechanical problems.

将…接地 jiāng jiē dì

transitive verb (US (electricity: connect earth wire) (电器)

This connection grounds the device to keep it from shocking you.

使搁浅 shǐ gē qiǎn

transitive verb (often passive (strand)

The ship was grounded on a desert island.


transitive verb (American football: throw to the ground) (橄榄球)

The quarterback grounded the ball to stop the play.


adverb (higher than ground level)


adjective (higher than ground level)

Our neighbors have an above-ground swimming pool.

空对地的 kōng duì dì de

adjective (weapon: fired by aircraft at land)


plural noun (figurative (soldiers deployed)

首创 shǒu chuàng

(figurative (be first to do [sth])

She's breaking ground with her innovative approach.


verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] completely new)

繁殖区,繁殖场 fán zhí qū

noun (place where animals breed)

The swamp was a breeding ground for many species of waterfowl.

滋生地 zī shēng de

noun (figurative (place: [sth] spreads) (比喻)

That drug-infested neighborhood is a breeding ground for violence.

温床 wēn chuáng

noun (figurative (circumstances: [sth] spreads) (比喻)

Poor economic conditions created a perfect breeding ground for the revolution.

墓地 mù dì

noun (cemetery, graveyard)

That native American burial ground is off-limits to visitors.

把…完全烧毁 bǎ … wán quán shāo huǐ

verbal expression (be destroyed by fire)

The house burnt to the ground.


verbal expression (destroy by fire)

The fire burned the hotel to the ground.

墓地 mù dì

noun (US (cemetery, graveyard)

The mourners accompanied the body to the burying ground.

野营地 yě yíng dì

noun (site of or for a camp)

Please put up tents only in designated campgrounds.


noun (campsite: site of a camp)

洒扫以待 sǎ sǎo yǐ dài

verbal expression (figurative (prepare for [sth]) (比喻)

清出场地 qīng chū chǎng dì

verbal expression (area: rid of weeds, etc.) (本义)

Before they could even think about building shelters, they had to clear the ground of hundreds of large rocks.

共同点 gòng tóng diǎn

noun (shared interests)

We started dating because we had a lot of common ground in our likes and dislikes.

覆盖 fù gài

noun (ground) (地面)

These short plants provide good ground cover.

板球场 bǎn qiú chǎng

noun (field, pitch for cricket games)

垃圾场 lā jī chǎng

noun (rubbish tip, refuse area)

The factory used its neighbor's fields as a dumping ground for its toxic waste.

展览场地 zhǎn lǎn chǎng dì

noun (venue for shows and trade fairs)

稳固的位置,坚实的地位 wěn gù de wèi zhì,jiān shí de dì wèi

noun (figurative (secure position) (比喻)

I was on firm ground in the history section of the quiz.

从头开始 cóng tóu kāi shǐ

expression (figurative (from the beginning)

发展 fā zhǎn

(figurative (advance, make progress)

Though it's slow going we're definitely gaining ground.

顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ

verbal expression (figurative (project: start well)

Without funding, the project will never get off the ground.

启动,开始 qǐ dòng,kāi shǐ

verbal expression (figurative (start: a project) (指项目或任务等)

I have a great idea for a business, but I'll need money to get it off the ground.

退却 tuì què

(figurative (concede, yield)

He was so stubborn he would never give ground on any argument.

躲藏起来,躲起来,藏起来 duǒ cáng qǐ lái,duǒ qǐ lái,cáng qǐ lái

verbal expression (figurative (hide, be reclusive)

碎牛肉 suì niú ròu

noun (minced cattle meat)

The meat for ground beef usually comes from several different cows.

碎牛排 suì niú pái

noun (US (minced beefsteak)

When I make hamburgers the meat I usually use is ground chuck.

肉桂粉 ròu guì fěn

noun (powdered spice) (一种香料)

The recipe calls for one teaspoon of ground cinnamon.


noun (space under vehicle)

The Jeep is prized by offroad driving enthusiasts for its high ground clearance.

陆地战 lù dì zhàn

noun (warfare taking place on the ground)

The two opposing forces have started to engage in ground combat.

机场地勤人员 jī chǎng dì qín rén yuán

noun (airline employees)

The ground crew safely guided the plane to the terminal gate.

第一层,一楼 yī lóu

noun (UK (ground level of a building) (建筑物)

Office buildings often have shops on the ground floor.


noun (US, figurative (entry-level job)

Harry started on the ground floor and worked his way up.


noun (figurative (beginning of [sth])

地面部队 dì miàn bù duì

plural noun (soldiers positioned on the ground)

There's little chance of winning this war without the use of ground forces.


noun (aircraft servicing between flights)

地平面 dì píng miàn

noun (at the level of the ground)

Many good photos of plants are taken at ground level.

底层 dǐ céng

noun (floor nearest the ground)

Kitchenware is located at ground level in this store. Most buildings are entered at ground level.

最底层 zuì dǐ céng

noun (figurative (lowest level of hierarchy) (比喻)

Recruits and conscripts normally enter the military at ground level.

肉末 ròu mò

noun (finely chopped beef, lamb, etc.)


noun (baseball: putting out batter) (棒球)

A ground out ended the inning.

短路 duǎn lù

noun (US, informal (electricity: short circuit)

Contact between the wires will cause a ground out.

胡椒粉 hú jiāo fěn

noun (milled condiment)

There's nothing like a sprinkling of fresh ground pepper to add a little zing to a salad.


noun (finely chopped pig meat)

基本规则 jī běn guī zé

noun (usually plural (fundamental principle)

We need to agree on some ground rules before we go any further. No smoking in your room; that's a ground rule.


noun (camping: cover for the ground) (露营)

We pitched camp in the dark, and forgot to lay the ground sheet - we woke up sopping wet in the morning.


noun (employees at sports ground) (体育)

The ground staff are preparing the pitch for the football match.


noun (employees at airport) (机场)

The ground staff at the airport are used to dealing with delayed flights.

地面部队 dì miàn bù duì

plural noun (soldiers positioned on the ground)

Fighter jets provide cover for the ground troops.

被磨碎的 bèi mó suì de

adjective (minced or pulverized)

Garam masala is made from ground-up spices and is used in making curries.

纽约世界贸易中心废墟 niǔ yuē shì jiè mào yì zhōng xīn fèi xū

noun (World Trade Center site)

The US president visited Ground Zero in New York in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

爆炸后的废墟 bào zhà hòu de fèi xū

noun (explosion: impact area)

一楼的,第一层的 yì lóu de,dì yī céng de

noun as adjective (UK (storey: at ground level) (建筑物)

Brian lived in a ground-floor flat.

入门级的,初级的 rù mén jí de,chū jí de

noun as adjective (US, figurative (job: entry-level) (工作)

Alan worked his way up from a ground-floor job in a lawyer's office to become a respected attorney.

突破性的,开创性的 tū pò xìng de,kāi chuàng xìng de

adjective (figurative (revolutionary, innovative) (比喻)

He received the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research in genetics.


noun (start of building project)


noun (fabric for covering ground)


noun (baseball: rolling ball) (棒球)


noun (fish living near bottom)

地下水 dì xià shuǐ

noun (water beneath the soil)

The state passed several new regulations to prevent the contamination of groundwater.

碎牛肉 suì niú ròu

noun (US (meat: ground beef)

Mom needs a pound of hamburger to make meatballs.

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

verbal expression (informal, figurative (begin enthusiastically)

She hit the ground running when she started her new job.

驾轻就熟 jià qīng jiù shóu / jià qīng jiù shú

verbal expression (informal, figurative (begin fully prepared)

This position requires someone experienced who can hit the ground running.


noun (sports team's stadium or field)


noun (familiar surroundings)

擅长的领域 shàn cháng de lǐng yù

noun (figurative (area of competence)

狩猎区 shòu liè qū

noun (game-tracking area)

Officials are trying to balance conservation with access to hunting grounds.

离开地面 lí kāi dì miàn

verbal expression (aircraft, bird: take off)

My flight was at 5:00, but we didn't leave the ground until 6:30.

开始实施 kāi shǐ shí shī

verbal expression (figurative (plan: succeed, be put in action) (比喻)

Without financing their plans would never leave the ground.

退却 tuì què

verbal expression (figurative (regress, fall back)

中间道路 zhōng jiān dào lù

noun (compromise)

He wants a city break whereas I want a beach holiday, so we will have to find some middle ground.

肉末 ròu mò

noun (UK (ground beef, lamb, etc.)

Tom bought some fresh mince from the butcher.


noun (superior ethical stance)

靠近地面地 kào jìn dì miàn de

adverb (close to the earth)

The helicopter hovered near the ground for a few minutes before finally taking off.

中立地区 zhōng lì dì qū

noun (figurative (impartial area) (比喻)

We agreed to meet on neutral ground.

(高速公路的)中间安全地带 gāo sù gōng lù de zhōng jiān ān quán dì dài

noun (US (strip between highway lanes)

落地 luò dì

expression (on terra firma)

It was a relief to get off the ship and back on solid ground.

脚踏实地的, 踏踏实实的

expression (figurative (on a firm footing)

After a few weeks at her new job, Emily began to feel like she was on solid ground.

在现场 zài xiàn chǎng

adverb (figurative (at the scene)

We have journalists on the ground reporting live from the scene.

奠定基础,做好准备 diàn dìng jī chǔ,zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi

verbal expression (figurative (make conditions ready) (比喻)

The economic agreements were used to prepare the ground for full political collaboration.


noun (area for testing [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (use until worn out)


verbal expression (figurative (overwork)


verbal expression (figurative (do too much)

靶场 bǎ chǎng

noun (rifle range, place for practising with guns)

坚实的地面 jiān shí de dì miàn

noun (terra firma, dry land)

After the turbulence they had experienced on the flight, the passengers were glad to feel solid ground beneath their feet again.

坚实的基础 jiān shí de jī chǔ

noun (figurative (well founded argument, position)

When the conversation turned to politics she was on more solid ground.


noun (frequented place)


verbal expression (figurative (not waver, maintain your stance)

非常适合 fēi cháng shì hé

verbal expression (informal (be ideal)


noun (golf: area where a hole begins)

The golfer chose her club and approached the tee.

试验场地 shì yàn chǎng dì

noun (place where [sth] is tested)

Is this a testing ground for experimental weapons?

荒原 huāng yuán

noun (barren terrain)

The local council is planning to transform a piece of wasteland into a children's play area.


verbal expression (figurative (do too much)

He's working himself into the ground, doing three hours of overtime each night.

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