英语 中的 guide 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 guide 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 guide 的说明。

英语 中的guide 表示为…领路 wèi … lǐng lù, 导游 dǎo yóu, 向导 xiàng dǎo, 指导者 zhǐ dǎo zhě, 参考 cān kǎo, 导向件 dǎo xiàng jiàn, 指南 zhǐ nán, 路标 lù biāo, 手册 shǒu cè, 女童子军, 给...带路 gěi dài lù, 指导 zhǐ dǎo, 童子军 tóng zǐ jūn, 女童子军成员, 侦察者 zhēn chá zhě, 搜索 sōu suǒ, 哨兵 shào bīng, 物色新秀者, 校工, 童子军的, 物色人才 wù sè rén cái, 幼年女童子军 yòu nián nǚ tóng zǐ jūn, 实地指南, 女童子军队员 nǚ tóng zǐ jūn duì yuán, 导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn, 导轨 dǎo guǐ, 旅行指南 lǚ xíng zhǐ nán, 学习指南, 导游 dǎo yóu, 导游 dǎo yóu, 旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán, 导游 dǎo yóu, 旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán, 波导。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 guide 的含义

为…领路 wèi … lǐng lù

transitive verb (lead)

We need someone to guide us around the sights of Paris.

导游 dǎo yóu

noun (leader: tour)

She was employed as a guide in the museum.

向导 xiàng dǎo

noun (leader: geography)

The explorers were led by a native guide.

指导者 zhǐ dǎo zhě

noun (leader: process)

The man over there will be your guide through the process.

参考 cān kǎo

noun (reference)

Use a spirit-level as a guide when laying bricks.

导向件 dǎo xiàng jiàn

noun (machine part)

Make sure to lay the board against the guide before you cut it with the saw.

指南 zhǐ nán

noun (guidebook)

We looked up the train times in the guide.

路标 lù biāo

noun (guidepost)

They placed piles of stones along the trail, as guides.

手册 shǒu cè

noun (manual)

The machine came with a twenty-page guide.


noun (UK (girl scout: member of girls' youth group)

给...带路 gěi dài lù

transitive verb (steer)

The locals will guide you safely through the forest.

指导 zhǐ dǎo

transitive verb (advise)

She has economists to guide her in drawing up her policy on tax.

童子军 tóng zǐ jūn

noun (member of boys' youth group)

Matthew is a scout.


noun (member of girls' youth group)

Paula is a scout.

侦察者 zhēn chá zhě

noun (person sent ahead)

The commanding officer sent two soldiers out as scouts to see if the way was clear.

搜索 sōu suǒ

intransitive verb (search, explore)

Oliver and Mary scouted the area for a suitable business to buy.

哨兵 shào bīng

noun (observer, spy)

The company uses scouts to keep an eye on the competition.


noun (sports, arts: talent scout)

The members of the team were nervous as they'd heard there was a scout watching the match.


noun (mainly Oxford University (college servant) (尤指牛津大学的)

Larry was pleased to see the scout had cleaned the bathroom.


noun as adjective (relating to youth group)

A scout leader has to be a responsible adult.

物色人才 wù sè rén cái

intransitive verb (seek)

The HR team is scouting for bright graduates to join the company.

幼年女童子军 yòu nián nǚ tóng zǐ jūn

noun (UK (young Girl Guide, Girl Scout)

You wouldn't believe it but my sister was once a Brownie.


(illustrated book)

女童子军队员 nǚ tóng zǐ jūn duì yuán

noun (member of girls' youth group)

I was a Girl Scout when I was young.

导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn

noun (blind person's assistance dog)

Labradors have traditionally been used as guide dogs.

导轨 dǎo guǐ

noun (track: guides movement)

旅行指南 lǚ xíng zhǐ nán

noun (book of tourist information)

Michelin and Lonely Planet are two famous companies that publish guidebooks for travelers. The guidebook recommended taking a boat to Kew Gardens.


noun (subject notes or summary used for revision)

导游 dǎo yóu

noun ([sb] who shows tourists around)

The tour guide took the visitors to see many local attractions.

导游 dǎo yóu

noun (person who leads tourists)

A tourist guide showed us around the city.

旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán

noun (book for travelers) (书籍)

I bought a tourist guide to Sardinia.

导游 dǎo yóu

noun (person: tour leader)

If the travel guide does a good job, we'll give her a nice tip.

旅游指南 lǚ yóu zhǐ nán

noun (guidebook)


noun (tube that guides microwaves)

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guide 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。