英语 中的 halves 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 halves 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 halves 的说明。

英语 中的halves 表示二分之一 èr fēn zhī yī, 半数的 bàn shù de, 半个 bàn gè, 半场,半局 bàn chǎng ,bàn jú, 约为半数的 yuē wéi bàn shù de, 一半的 yí bàn de, 一半地 yí bàn de, 部分地 bù fèn de, 同母异父的, 部分的 bù fèn de, 半品脱…酒, 半票 bàn piào, 半场 bàn chǎng, 半品脱, 使减少一半,把…缩减一半 shǐ jiǎn shǎo yí bàn,bǎ … suō jiǎn yí bàn, 把…分为两半 bǎ … fēn wéi liǎng bàn, 减半, 对半 duì bàn, 加半个,加0.5, 不得了的事, 配偶,妻子 pèi ǒu,qī zǐ, 一半地 yí bàn de, 非常,相当,远远地 fēi cháng,xiāng dāng ,yuǎn yuǎn de, 中卫 zhōng wèi, 中前卫 zhōng qián wèi, 接卫, 接卫, 对折 duì zhé, 把...对折, 但凡有机会, 半杯, 半打 bàn dǎ, 六个 liù gè, 一眨眼的工夫,没到一秒钟 yì zhǎ yǎn de gōng fū,méi dào yì miǎo zhōng, 半(个)小时 bàn gè xiǎo shí, …的一半, 少一半, 半醒半睡的 bàn xǐng bàn shuì de, 半浴室, 半盲的, 同父异母的兄弟, 混血, 杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng, 半膳宿 bàn shàn sù, 同母异父的哥哥, 半天, 半天, 半工作日, 累得要命,累得半死不活的 lèi de yào mìng,lèi de bàn sǐ bù huó de, 美元的半元银币,50分硬币 měi yuán de bàn yuán yín bì, 半小时 bàn xiǎo shí, 不彻底的办法, 半英里 bàn yīng lǐ, 半音, …点半, 半小时后的, 半品脱, 半品脱啤酒 bàn pǐn tuō pí jiǔ, 容量为半品脱的, 矮子 ǎi zi, 半价 bàn jià, 半边贝壳 bàn biān bèi ké, 同父异母的妹妹, 期中假 qī zhōng jià, 期中假的, 稀奶油, 两者各半, 不完整的 bù wán zhěng de, 未经仔细考虑的,未经深思熟虑的, 同父异母的, 混种的,混血的,半纯种的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de, 混血, 混血儿 hùn xuè ér, 混血儿的, 半个世纪,50年, 50个人, 50分, 50年的, 半圆 bàn yuán, 半圆 bàn yuán, 半周, 半圆状,半圆形 bàn yuán xíng, 半闭的, 扳机半扣的, 没想全的,考虑不周全的,准备不全的, 半克朗, 微醉的 wēi zuì de, 六 liù, 六的 liù de, 衣冠不整的 yī guān bù zhěng de, 半空的, 半满的, 遗忘大半的, 半满的, 半小时的, 半英寸, 半英寸长的, 半身的, 半长的, 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī, 半衰期 bàn shuāi qī, 昏暗的光线, 半程马拉松, 半旗, 半月形的, 半裸的, 半薪的, U型场地, 半价的, 按半价, 半开玩笑半认真的, 一半大小的,缩小一半的, 微型的,小型的 xiǎo xíng de, 短衬裙, 半饥饿的,半饥半饱的, 半木构造的, 中场休息 zhōng chǎng xiū xī, 中场。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 halves 的含义

二分之一 èr fēn zhī yī

noun (50 percent)

Half of eight is four.

半数的 bàn shù de

noun (fraction: 50 per cent)

All of these groups combined add up to half.

半个 bàn gè

noun (one of two parts)

Which half of the apple do you want?

半场,半局 bàn chǎng ,bàn jú

noun (sports: division of play) (体育运动)

At the end of the first half, the score is even.

约为半数的 yuē wéi bàn shù de

(50 per cent)

Half of the people agree with me.

一半的 yí bàn de

adjective (about 50 per cent)

Half the audience applauded, the other half booed.

一半地 yí bàn de

adverb (50 per cent)

The glass was half full.

部分地 bù fèn de

adverb (figurative (partly)

I am half-ready to go.


prefix (relation through one parent)

For example: half-brother

部分的 bù fèn de

adjective (figurative (incomplete)

She gave him a half smile after he told the stupid joke.


noun (UK, informal (beer, cider: half a pint)

Landlord, I'll have a half of lager, please.

半票 bàn piào

noun (UK (children's ticket)

One and a half to Waterloo, please, driver.

半场 bàn chǎng

noun (soccer, etc.: position) (足球等运动)

I prefer to play centre half, but my brother likes to be in goal.


noun (UK, informal (half a pint of: beer, cider, etc.) (酒)

As I could only stay at the pub for fifteen minutes, I ordered a half.

使减少一半,把…缩减一半 shǐ jiǎn shǎo yí bàn,bǎ … suō jiǎn yí bàn

transitive verb (decrease [sth] by half)

We need to halve the amount we spend on food.

把…分为两半 bǎ … fēn wéi liǎng bàn

transitive verb (divide in half)

Halve the dough and let it rise in a warm place.


intransitive verb (decrease by half)

对半 duì bàn

plural noun (two equal parts)

Divide the pizza into halves and then into quarters.


expression (plus 0.5)

If you divide three oranges equally between two people, each person will have one and a half oranges.


noun (informal (extreme example)

You have to do all of that by Sunday? That's a task and a half!

配偶,妻子 pèi ǒu,qī zǐ

noun (figurative, informal (partner or spouse) (诙谐说法)

I'll have to ask my better half if we are free that weekend.

一半地 yí bàn de

adverb (by 50 per cent)

Since I retired my income is down by half.

非常,相当,远远地 fēi cháng,xiāng dāng ,yuǎn yuǎn de

adjective (UK, slang, figurative (extremely)

Your problem is, you're too clever by half!

中卫 zhōng wèi

noun (soccer position)

中前卫 zhōng qián wèi

noun (soccer player) (足球)


noun (rugby position) (英式橄榄球)


noun (rugby player) (英式橄榄球)

对折 duì zhé

verbal expression (bend over on itself)

The table folds in half to make it more portable.


verbal expression (fold in two)

Fold the paper in half so that nobody can see what you've written.


expression (figurative, informal (if allowed, able)

I would take that job, given half a chance.


noun (US (cookery: measure of volume) (美国计量单位)

半打 bàn dǎ

noun (six)

The price for half a dozen buns is three dollars; it is five dollars for a dozen.

六个 liù gè

adjective (six of [sth])

I bought a half-dozen eggs and a loaf of bread.

一眨眼的工夫,没到一秒钟 yì zhǎ yǎn de gōng fū,méi dào yì miǎo zhōng

noun (figurative (a very brief time) (比喻)

Hold on, I'll be with you in half a second!

半(个)小时 bàn gè xiǎo shí

noun (30 minutes)

It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning.


noun (50 percent of)

I'll have half as much of the pie as he has.


expression (50 percent less)

The coat cost half as much on sale.

半醒半睡的 bàn xǐng bàn shuì de

adjective (dopey, not alert)

I was half-asleep when you called this morning so I don't remember what you said. Davina made breakfast for the still half-asleep teenagers.


noun (US (washroom: no bath or shower) (卫生间:无浴缸或淋浴)


adjective (partially sighted)


noun (sibling with one parent in common)


noun (offensive (person of mixed race)

杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng

noun (animal of mixed breed)

That beautiful dog is a half blood.

半膳宿 bàn shàn sù

noun (lodging arrangement) (住宿并可享用早餐及一顿主餐)

We prefer half board to full board because it's less restrictive.


noun (male sibling by one parent)

My half-brother and I have different fathers.


noun (half the day)

Janice is only working half days at the moment.


noun as adjective (lasting half the day)

Jim decided to take a half-day holiday to go fishing in the afternoon.


noun (day when only half is worked)

When I was a child, Wednesdays were half-days for the post office and a lot of the shops.

累得要命,累得半死不活的 lèi de yào mìng,lèi de bàn sǐ bù huó de

adjective (figurative (exhausted) (比喻)

David continued the climb, although he was half dead from the effort; he had to make it to the top.

美元的半元银币,50分硬币 měi yuán de bàn yuán yín bì

noun (US, Can (50-cent coin) (美国及加拿大用法)

It is rare to come across a half-dollar coin anymore.

半小时 bàn xiǎo shí

noun (30 minutes)

I ran for a good half hour. // It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning.


noun (disapproving, often plural (incomplete attempt)

Teaching people how to cook healthy meals is only a half-measure if they cannot afford the ingredients. It is not a time for half measures: we need radical change now.

半英里 bàn yīng lǐ

noun (half a mile, 0.5 of a mile)

When I ran track in high school my favorite event was the half mile.


noun (music: half a whole note) (音乐)

Four eighth notes are as long as one half note.


preposition (thirty minutes after (the hour)

School usually finishes at half past three, but today we finished at half two!


adjective (informal (thirty minutes after (the hour)

I finish work at 5, so I'll drop by to pick you up at about half past.


noun (liquid: 0.2 litres) (容器的容量)

That glass is a half pint; can you find me a pint?

半品脱啤酒 bàn pǐn tuō pí jiǔ

noun (beer: smaller serving)

Brian went into the pub and ordered a half pint of beer.


noun as adjective (glass, serving: half a pint)

He poured the cola into a half-pint glass.

矮子 ǎi zi

noun (figurative, slang (short person)

What is a half pint like you doing trying to fight someone twice your size?

半价 bàn jià

noun (cost: 50% reduction)

The shop is selling lots of clothes at half price in the sale.

半边贝壳 bàn biān bèi ké

noun (half of an oyster shell)

In Botticelli's famous painting, Venus is depicted rising from the sea on a half-shell.


noun (female sibling by one parent)

My half-sister's 15 years younger than me.

期中假 qī zhōng jià

noun (school, etc.: mid-trimester break) (学校)

We're planning to spend a few days in Wales during half term.


noun as adjective (relating to mid-trimester break)


noun (US (cream)


noun (equal parts of two things)

You want a mixture of half-and-half milk and cream.

不完整的 bù wán zhěng de

adjective (slang (incomplete or unenthusiastic)


adjective (figurative (badly thought out) (比喻)


adjective (sibling: with one parent in common)

混种的,混血的,半纯种的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de

adjective (animal: of mixed breed) (动物)


noun (pejorative, offensive (child of mixed-race parents)

混血儿 hùn xuè ér

noun (dated, offensive (person of mixed race) (尤指欧洲人和印第安人所生)


adjective (dated, offensive (of mixed race) (尤指欧洲人和印第安人所生)


noun (fifty years)


noun (group of fifty)


noun (sports: score)


adjective (relating to fifty years)

We are approaching the half-century point since the end of the war.

半圆 bàn yuán

noun (semicircle, crescent shape)

The teacher arranged the chairs in a half circle to better address all of the students directly.

半圆 bàn yuán

noun (half of a circle)


noun (half of circumference)

半圆状,半圆形 bàn yuán xíng

noun (thing: with half-circle shape)


adjective (partly closed)


adjective (gun: partly cocked)


adjective (figurative (not fully thought through)


noun (historical (former British coin) (2先令6便士)

微醉的 wēi zuì de

adjective (UK, slang (drunk)

You can't drive! You're half-cut.

六 liù

noun (six)

六的 liù de

adjective (six)

衣冠不整的 yī guān bù zhěng de

adjective (not fully clothed)


adjective (half of contents remaining)


adjective (container) (容器)


adjective (not fully recalled)


adjective (holding half of available space)


noun as adjective (lasting 30 minutes)

I go for a half-hour run every morning.


noun (measurement: half of one inch)


adjective (half an inch in length)


adjective (portrait: waist up) (肖像、照片)


adjective (boots, trousers: to mid thigh) (靴子、裤子)

半衰期 bàn shuāi qī

noun (radioactivity decrease) (物理)

The half-life of uranium-238 is about 4.47 billion years.

半衰期 bàn shuāi qī

noun (finance: principal decrease) (金融)

The time taken to repay half the mortgage debt is referred to here as the half-life of the mortgage.


noun (low light, esp. twilight)


noun (running: 13-mile footrace) (13英里)

He won the marathon in 2 hours 15 minutes, but I took longer than that for a half-marathon.


noun (flag position: low)


adjective (shape of half-circle)


adjective (not fully clothed)


adjective (half of normal salary)


noun (ramp for skate-boarding, skiing) (滑板、滑雪)

A group of skateboarders was using the half-pipe.


noun as adjective (50% reduction)

Alice always looks out for half-price items in the supermarket.


adverb (at a 50% reduction)

I bought this dress half-price in the sale.


adjective (not entirely joking)


noun as adjective (half-sized: half as big as usual)

微型的,小型的 xiǎo xíng de

noun as adjective (miniature)


noun (woman's undergarment)


adjective (malnourished)


adjective (built partially of timber)

中场休息 zhōng chǎng xiū xī

noun (sport: break at mid point) (体育竞赛等)

At half-time the home team was winning easily.


adjective (taking place midway though sports match)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。