英语 中的 harder 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 harder 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 harder 的说明。

英语 中的harder 表示更硬的,更坚硬的, 更困难的,更难的, 坚硬的,硬的 jiān yìng de ,yìng de, 坚硬的 jiān yìng de, 有力的,重重的 yǒu lì de, 难的 nán de, 用力地 yòng lì de, 重重地,沉重地 zhòng zhòng de,chén zhòng de, 坚固地 jiān gù de, 努力地 nǔ lì de, 高低不平的 gāo dī bù píng de, 恶劣的 è liè de, 严厉的 yán lì de, 激烈的 jī liè de, 坏的 huài de, 严厉的 yán lì de, 冷酷的 lěng kù de, 线条鲜明的 xiàn tiáo xiān míng de, 高对比度的,高反差的 gāo duì bǐ dù de,gāo fǎn chā de, 无情的 wú qíng de, 吝啬的,小气的 lìn sè de ,xiǎo qì de, 硬通货的 yìng tōng huò de, 烈性的 liè xìng de, 含无机盐的,硬的 hán wú jī yán de,yìng de, 脆皮的 cuì pí de, 变硬的,不新鲜的 biàn yìng de ,bù xīn xiān de, 顺滑的,光面的 shùn huá de,guāng miàn de, 猛烈的 měng liè de, 隐蔽的,设于地下以避免空袭的 yǐn bì de ,shè yú dì xià yǐ bì miǎn kōng xí de, 发硬音的 fā yìng yīn de, 对…很严格, 专注地 zhuān zhù de, 严厉地 yán lì de, 全力地,尽力地 quán lì de,jìn lì de, 艰难地, 靠近地 kào jìn de, 陆地 lù dì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 harder 的含义


adjective (comparative: more hard)

Some types of wood are harder than others.


adjective (comparative: more difficult)

I find maths harder than languages.

坚硬的,硬的 jiān yìng de ,yìng de

adjective (solid)

Place the stepladder on a hard surface.

坚硬的 jiān yìng de

adjective (firm)

This bed has a hard mattress.

有力的,重重的 yǒu lì de

adjective (forceful)

He struck him a hard blow to the head.

难的 nán de

adjective (difficult)

That exam was really hard!

用力地 yòng lì de

adverb (with impact)

He hit the ground hard with the pickaxe.

重重地,沉重地 zhòng zhòng de,chén zhòng de

adverb (figurative (with deep emotion)

His death hit them hard.

坚固地 jiān gù de

adverb (solid)

The lake was frozen hard.

努力地 nǔ lì de

adverb (with effort, energy)

She exercises hard to keep in shape.

高低不平的 gāo dī bù píng de

adjective (rugged)

This is a very hard hike, over rocks and boulders.

恶劣的 è liè de

adjective (inclement) (指天气)

It was a hard winter, but they survived.

严厉的 yán lì de

adjective (stern)

She gave him a very hard stare.

激烈的 jī liè de

adjective (vigorous)

They put up a long, hard fight.

坏的 huài de

adjective (bad)

We have had some very hard luck.

严厉的 yán lì de

adjective (severe)

He's too hard on his children.

冷酷的 lěng kù de

adjective (figurative (person: tough, unemotional)

The old woman rarely showed any emotion and people said she was hard.

线条鲜明的 xiàn tiáo xiān míng de

adjective (sharp, distinct)

Her face has hard features.

高对比度的,高反差的 gāo duì bǐ dù de,gāo fǎn chā de

adjective (photograph: high contrast) (摄影)

Print the photo using hard paper.

无情的 wú qíng de

adjective (figurative (unsentimental)

When I started to cry in his office, he just gave me a hard look and asked me to leave.

吝啬的,小气的 lìn sè de ,xiǎo qì de

adjective (colloquial (stingy)

He won't lend you any money? That's rather hard.

硬通货的 yìng tōng huò de

adjective (figurative (currency)

You'll need hard currency to pay for this.

烈性的 liè xìng de

adjective (figurative (drink: alcoholic) (指酒)

He only drinks hard liquor, never beer.

含无机盐的,硬的 hán wú jī yán de,yìng de

adjective (water: with minerals) (指水)

Water is hard if it leaves deposits in the shower.

脆皮的 cuì pí de

adjective (baked goods: crusty) (烘烤品)

This bread has a lovely hard crust.

变硬的,不新鲜的 biàn yìng de ,bù xīn xiān de

adjective (baked goods: stale) (烘烤品)

Ellen used the previous day's hard bread to make breadcrumbs.

顺滑的,光面的 shùn huá de,guāng miàn de

adjective (technical (textiles: smooth) (指织物)

The cloth is made with a hard fibre.

猛烈的 měng liè de

adjective (destructive)

The army made a very hard attack on the enemy town.

隐蔽的,设于地下以避免空袭的 yǐn bì de ,shè yú dì xià yǐ bì miǎn kōng xí de

adjective (military installation: protected) (指军事设施)

The location of the army's hard missiles is secret.

发硬音的 fā yìng yīn de

adjective (phonetics)

You should pronounce this word with a hard "c", not a soft.


adjective (treat [sb] harshly, sternly)

My parents were hard on me when I was growing up.

专注地 zhuān zhù de

adverb (intently)

She looked hard at the exam question.

严厉地 yán lì de

adverb (severely)

The teacher looked at him hard, and told him to leave the room.

全力地,尽力地 quán lì de,jìn lì de

adverb (nautical: to an extreme) (航海术语)

Go hard aport and make sure everything is alright.


adverb (with difficulty)

Her victory was all the sweeter for being hard won.

靠近地 kào jìn de

(near, coming up to)

It was hard upon nightfall when they arrived.

陆地 lù dì

noun (UK (solid beach)

You can access the hard during low tide.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。