英语 中的 income 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 income 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 income 的说明。

英语 中的income 表示个人收入 gè rén shōu rù, 收益 shōu yì, 总收入 zǒng shōu rù, 投资收益 tóu zī shōu yì, 利息收入 lì xī shōu rù, 调整后总收入, 递延收益, 可任意支配的收入 kě rèn yì zhī pèi de shōu rù, 可支配收入 kě zhī pèi shōu rù, 劳动所得 láo dòng suǒ dé, 固定收入的 gù dìng shōu rù de, 总收入 zǒng shōu rù, 有保障的收入 yǒu bǎo zhàng de shōu rù, 高收入 gāo shōu rù, 高收入的, 家庭收入, 收入差距, 损益表 sǔn yì biǎo, 收入补贴,收入补助, 所得税 suǒ dé shuì, 低收入的,收入低的 dī shōu rù de, 中产的,中等收入的, 净收入 jìng shōu rù, 营业收入, 租赁收入, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù, 收入来源, 须纳税收入 xū nà shuì shōu rù, 非劳动所得 fēi láo dòng suǒ dé。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 income 的含义

个人收入 gè rén shōu rù

noun (personal earnings)

He has a very high annual income.

收益 shōu yì

noun (profit)

We had $3000 income after expenses.

总收入 zǒng shōu rù

noun (gross receipts)

The business had a substantial income, but when they subtracted their costs, their profit was not very impressive.

投资收益 tóu zī shōu yì

noun (investment earnings)

The income from the investment was substantial.

利息收入 lì xī shōu rù

noun (interest earnings)

This investment will provide you with a 4% income.




noun (accounting: advance payments)

可任意支配的收入 kě rèn yì zhī pèi de shōu rù

noun (money for luxuries)

I spend quite a lot of my discretionary income on music and books.

可支配收入 kě zhī pèi shōu rù

noun (money available for luxuries)

Disposable income is what you have left after you have paid for all the essentials like rent, bills, and food.

劳动所得 láo dòng suǒ dé

noun (money earned from work)

Earned income does not include interest or investment income. His bills were much greater than his earned income could pay.

固定收入的 gù dìng shōu rù de

adjective (with a set rate)

The fixed-income housing was rent controlled at a low price.

总收入 zǒng shōu rù

noun (earnings before tax)

On the application, do you want me to put down my gross income per month or how much I get after they take out taxes?

有保障的收入 yǒu bǎo zhàng de shōu rù

noun (assured wage)

I prefer the guaranteed income of a salary to the insecurity of contract consulting.

高收入 gāo shōu rù

noun (large earnings)

You need a high income in order to live in central London.


noun as adjective (with a higher than average income)

High-income taxpayers no longer receive child benefit.


noun (total earnings of a family)

household income is used to assess eligibility for student loans.


noun (disparity of earnings)

损益表 sǔn yì biǎo

noun (report of earnings)


noun (welfare payment to low earners)

所得税 suǒ dé shuì

noun (revenue paid on earnings)

The amount of income tax I have to pay seems to increase every year.

低收入的,收入低的 dī shōu rù de

adjective (of or on low earnings)

This apartment complex is geared to low-income families.


adjective (middle-class)

净收入 jìng shōu rù

noun (earnings after tax)

The company's net income is quite low in comparison to last year.


noun (actual earnings before tax) (指尚未计税的)


noun (earnings from property that is rented out)

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (UK (earnings of thousands of pounds a year) (英镑)

I'll be earning a six-figure income in my new job.

六位数的年收入 liù wèi shù de nián shōu rù

noun (US (earnings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) (美元)


noun (where income comes from)

须纳税收入 xū nà shuì shōu rù

noun (earnings on which tax must be paid)

My taxable income last year was just over £21,000.

非劳动所得 fēi láo dòng suǒ dé

noun (money gained by means other than work)

In addition to his salary, he also has unearned income such as interest on his savings account.

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income 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。