英语 中的 within 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 within 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 within 的说明。

英语 中的within 表示在…之内 zài … zhī nèi, 在…之内,不出… zài … zhī nèi ,bù chū …, 在…之内,不出… zài … zhī nèi ,bù chū …, 在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi, 在…里面 zài … lǐ miàn, 在心里,暗暗地 zài xīn lǐ,àn àn de, 归为…, 在…内 zài … nèi, 离…一箭之遥, 内在美才是真正的美, 差一点就, 差一点就去做某事, 深入自身, 内切 nèi qiē, 不越界 bú yuè jiè, 不逾矩 bù yú jǔ, 在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi, 在能听到的范围之内 zài néng tīng dào de fàn wéi zhī nèi, 在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi, 在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi, 在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi, 触手可及地 chù shǒu kě jí de, 触手可及的 chù shǒu kě jí de, 在合理范围内 zài hé lǐ fàn wéi nèi, 理智的 lǐ zhì de, 在视线之内 zài shì xiàn zhī nèi, 在法律允许范围内 zài fǎ lǜ yǔn xǔ fàn wéi nèi, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 在这一背景下,从这个意义上说, 有把握 yǒu bǎ wò, 有把握 yǒu bǎ wò。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 within 的含义

在…之内 zài … zhī nèi

preposition (on the inside of) (范围、限度)

Please stay within the boundaries.

在…之内,不出… zài … zhī nèi ,bù chū …

preposition (time: before the end of) (时间)

The project is due within three days.

在…之内,不出… zài … zhī nèi ,bù chū …

preposition (a given distance away) (距离)

There is a town within five miles of this spot.

在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

preposition (respecting scope or bounds)

They did not act within the terms of the agreement.

在…里面 zài … lǐ miàn

adverb (the inside)

I could hear a scratching sound coming from within.

在心里,暗暗地 zài xīn lǐ,àn àn de

adverb (inwardly) (情绪等)

His feelings were held within.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be classified under)

在…内 zài … nèi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be included in)

All of your vital sign readings fall within the normal range for your age.


expression (figurative, informal (near)

The shop is just a stone's throw from my house.


expression (Moral virtues produce real beauty.)


verbal expression (informal (almost do [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (almost do)


verbal expression (figurative (summon inner resources)

Dig deep within yourself and you'll find you can overcome any fear.

内切 nèi qiē

(geometry: draw [sth] inside)

The math teacher inscribed a circle in a square.

不越界 bú yuè jiè

verbal expression (stay within boundaries: of a property)

Students must keep within the bounds of the school at all times during the day.

不逾矩 bù yú jǔ

verbal expression (figurative (stay within limits: of behaviour)

If you can't keep within the bounds of good behaviour you will have to leave the class.

在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

adverb (not beyond limits)

Stay within the bounds of the school!

在能听到的范围之内 zài néng tīng dào de fàn wéi zhī nèi

adverb (at an audible distance)

We'd better not talk about him while he's within earshot!

在听力所及范围内 zài tīng lì suǒ jí fàn wéi nèi

adverb (closely enough to be heard)

She insulted me in a loud enough voice that everyone within hearing range turned to look.

在范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

adverb (closely enough)

The car went through the mud, splashing everyone within range.

在…范围之内 zài fàn wéi zhī nèi

preposition (closely enough to)

Don't start shooting until you're within range of the target.

触手可及地 chù shǒu kě jí de

adverb (close enough to be reached)

Medicines should not be stored within reach of children. The baby cried for the ball, which was not within reach.

触手可及的 chù shǒu kě jí de

adjective (figurative (attainable)

Solar powered cities are within reach.

在合理范围内 zài hé lǐ fàn wéi nèi

adverb (justifiably, sensibly)

On this diet you can eat as much as you want, within reason.

理智的 lǐ zhì de

adjective (justifiable, sensible)

I can sympathize if your story's within reason.

在视线之内 zài shì xiàn zhī nèi

adverb (closely enough to be seen)

Some say that an end to the recession could be within sight in a few months.

在法律允许范围内 zài fǎ lǜ yǔn xǔ fàn wéi nèi

adverb (legally, lawfully)

Most people are quite happy to live within the law.

合法的 hé fǎ de

adjective (legal, lawful)

All the bank's financial maneuvers were technically within the law.


adverb (in this sense)

有把握 yǒu bǎ wò

adjective (attainable)

Keep trying – the first prize is easily within your grasp.

有把握 yǒu bǎ wò

adverb (close enough to reach)

Your glasses are right there on the table, well within your grasp.

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within 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。