英语 中的 inside 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 inside 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 inside 的说明。

英语 中的inside 表示在户内 zài hù nèi, 在…的内部,在…的里面, 里面 lǐ miàn, 在…内部 zài … nèi bù, 内侧 nèi cè, 在…心里面, 内脏 nèi zàng, 在里面的 zài lǐ miàn de, 从内部了解到的 cóng nèi bù liǎo jiě dào de, 在牢里 zài láo lǐ, 内情 nèi qíng, 少于,在...以内 shǎo yú, 内部玩笑,行内幽默,圈子里的玩笑, 信内地址,封内地址, 彻底地 chè dǐ de, 封面内页, 内部信息 nèi bù xìn xī, 监守自盗, 内部笑话,圈内笑话, 在…里 zài … lǐ, 在…之内 zài … zhī nèi, 反过来 fǎn guò lái, 反的, 内圈跑道,内圈 nèi quān pǎo dào,nèi quān, 有利地位 yǒu lì dì wèi, 套叠, 使套叠 shǐ tào dié, 将…嵌套在…中, 偷看 tōu kàn, 把…翻过来,把…翻面。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 inside 的含义

在户内 zài hù nèi

adverb (indoors)

I stay inside when it is cold outside.


preposition (in the interior of)

He stayed inside the room for three hours.

里面 lǐ miàn

noun (interior)

The inside of the house is beautiful.

在…内部 zài … nèi bù

preposition (within)

The child was drawing inside the square.

内侧 nèi cè

noun (inner edge)

You need to keep your feet on the inside of the line.


preposition (within: the mind or body)

Deep inside himself he felt a need to preach the Gospel.

内脏 nèi zàng

plural noun (informal (internal organs)

The pigeon was dead and you could see its insides.

在里面的 zài lǐ miàn de

adjective (positioned on the inside)

The inside car is in the lead.

从内部了解到的 cóng nèi bù liǎo jiě dào de

adjective (figurative (from a position of knowledge)

The inside rumour was that he was going to be sacked.

在牢里 zài láo lǐ

adverb (slang (in prison)

My uncle spent ten long years inside.

内情 nèi qíng

noun (position of knowledge)

With that government, nobody knows what happened on the inside.

少于,在...以内 shǎo yú

preposition (informal (in less time than) (指时间)

I can finish this inside thirty minutes.


noun (informal (private joke)


noun (correspondence: address of recipient written on letter)

In a business letter, the inside address is on the left above the "Dear Sirs" salutation.

彻底地 chè dǐ de

adverb (all over, thoroughly)

As the understudy to the lead, she had to know the part inside and out.


noun (reverse side of book or magazine cover)

The price of the book is marked on the inside front cover.

内部信息 nèi bù xìn xī

noun (confidential details)

The company should limit the number of employees with access to inside information.


noun (crime by [sb] within company)

Apparently, the jewelry store robbery was an inside job.


noun (private joke understood only by a few)

在…里 zài … lǐ

preposition (informal (within, in [sth])

Something was rattling inside of the box.

在…之内 zài … zhī nèi

preposition (time: within) (时间)

My order arrived by post inside of a week.

反过来 fǎn guò lái

adverb (the wrong way round)

That jumper's on inside out. I put my fur gloves on inside out; the fur is on the outside.


adjective (inverted)

He put his shirt on so quickly he didn't notice it was inside out.

内圈跑道,内圈 nèi quān pǎo dào,nèi quān

noun (inside lane of a racecourse)

有利地位 yǒu lì dì wèi

noun (figurative (fast track, position of advantage)


(fit inside [sth] larger)

The dolls nested inside each other.

使套叠 shǐ tào dié

(fit inside [sth] larger)

When you do not need to use the tables, you can nest them inside one another.


(computing) (计算机)

The programmer nested the subroutine inside the main routine.

偷看 tōu kàn

(informal (look in furtively) (非正式用语)


verbal expression (reverse or invert)

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inside 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。