英语 中的 issuing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 issuing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 issuing 的说明。

英语 中的issuing 表示发给 fā gěi, 把…分发给,向…分发…, 把…发给,把…发给…, 出版 chū bǎn, 问题 wèn tí, 问题 wèn tí, 发行的一套,一次发行的物品 fā xíng de yí tào,yí cì fā xíng de wù pǐn, 期,号,版次 hào ,bǎn cì, 从…排出, 发放 fā fàng, 出水口 chū shuǐ kǒu, 发表 fā biǎo, 发出 fā chū, 发行 fā xíng, 发行 fā xíng, 后代 hòu dài, 问题 wèn tí, 出口 chū kǒu, 流出,排出 liú chū,pái chū, 由…产生, 来自,由…产生 lái zì, 流向 liú xiàng, 发出 fā chū, 正在争论的 zhèng zài zhēng lùn de, 过刊, 债券发行, 公债发行, 急需讨论的紧要问题 jí xū tǎo lùn de jǐn yào wèn tí, 热烈争论的问题 rè liè zhēng lùn de wèn tí, 跨领域问题, 敏感问题 mǐn gǎn wèn tí, 发出命令 fā chū mìng lìng, 公开表示反对 gōng kāi biǎo shì fǎn duì, 发表声明 fā biǎo shēng míng, 发出令状 fā chū lìng zhuàng, 发出强制令 fā chū qiáng zhì lìng, 出借日 chū jiè rì, 发行日 fā xíng rì, 关键问题, 主要问题,核心问题 hé xīn wèn tí, 当前正在讨论的话题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de huà tí, 争论中的问题 zhēng lùn zhōng de wèn tí, 标配的, 在…方面有分歧。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 issuing 的含义

发给 fā gěi

transitive verb (distribute)

They're going to issue new membership cards next month.


(distribute [sth] to [sb])

The university issues identity cards to all its students.


(give, send [sb] [sth])

The library issued me with a new card.

出版 chū bǎn

transitive verb (publish)

He issued an apology for his remarks.

问题 wèn tí

noun (problem, dispute)

The ownership of the land is the main issue.

问题 wèn tí

noun (question)

She's concerned about the issue of work place harassment.

发行的一套,一次发行的物品 fā xíng de yí tào,yí cì fā xíng de wù pǐn

noun (stamps) (邮票等)

These stamps are a special coronation issue from 1953.
这些邮票是 1953 年发行的加冕礼特别版。

期,号,版次 hào ,bǎn cì

noun (publication: edition) (书刊的)

They printed a special issue of the book on high-quality paper.


(be emitted)

Smoke issued from the chimney.

发放 fā fàng

noun (distribution)

The town hall oversees the issue of liquor licenses.

出水口 chū shuǐ kǒu

noun (emission)

The Dead Sea is a lake with no issue.

发表 fā biǎo

noun (uncountable (promulgation)

They're preparing the issue of a new statement.

发出 fā chū

noun (uncountable (sending out)

All these items are ready for issue.

发行 fā xíng

noun (finance: bonds) (金融:债券)

The government announced a new issue of bonds.

发行 fā xíng

noun (finance: stock) (金融:股票)

The board approved another issue of stock in the company.

后代 hòu dài

noun (uncountable (offspring)

He died without issue.

问题 wèn tí

noun (often plural (problems)

He has unresolved issues from his childhood.

出口 chū kǒu

noun (outlet)

They finally brought their arguments to an issue.

流出,排出 liú chū,pái chū

noun (medicine: discharge) (医药:血等)

She suffered from an issue of blood.


(arise due to [sth])

Many problems issued from that decision.

来自,由…产生 lái zì

(be accrued) (利润等)

A lot of profits issued from the investment.

流向 liú xiàng

(flow into [sth])

The river issued into the sea.

发出 fā chū

transitive verb (emit)

The oven issues enough heat to keep the room warm.

正在争论的 zhèng zài zhēng lùn de

adverb (being discussed, in question)

At issue here are the psychological origins of criminal behaviour.


noun (magazine, etc.: earlier issue)


noun (finance: debt instrument)


noun (government: ballot question)

急需讨论的紧要问题 jí xū tǎo lùn de jǐn yào wèn tí

noun (urgent matter for discussion)

Today's burning issue is deciding where to go for lunch.

热烈争论的问题 rè liè zhēng lùn de wèn tí

noun (keenly-debated topic)

Religion is always a burning issue.


noun (affects multiple areas)

敏感问题 mǐn gǎn wèn tí

noun (sensitive subject)

Impotence is a delicate issue which most men find difficult to discuss.

发出命令 fā chū mìng lìng

verbal expression (give an order)

The general issued a command for his men to be ready for battle.

公开表示反对 gōng kāi biǎo shì fǎn duì

intransitive verb (deny publicly and formally)

When it was reported that Madonna had remarried, her publicist quickly issued a denial.

发表声明 fā biǎo shēng míng

verbal expression (announce)

The FBI issued a statement denying that the journalist was under investigation.

发出令状 fā chū lìng zhuàng

intransitive verb (law: order [sb] to do or refrain from [sth].)

发出强制令 fā chū qiáng zhì lìng

intransitive verb (law: put out a restraining order)

The celebrity was relieved when the judge issued an injunction against her stalker.

出借日 chū jiè rì

noun (library book: date borrowed) (图书馆书籍等)

发行日 fā xíng rì

noun (finance: date on which bond, security, insurance policy is issued) (股票证券等)


noun (crucial subject)

主要问题,核心问题 hé xīn wèn tí

noun (central problem)

The main issue with the new airport is that it will cause a lot of noise pollution.

当前正在讨论的话题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de huà tí

noun (matter being discussed)

Global warming was the main point at issue of the conference.

争论中的问题 zhēng lùn zhōng de wèn tí

noun (matter being discussed)

That's good to know … but the question at issue is entirely different.


adjective (typically given)


verbal expression (disagree with)

She took issue with his claim of innocence.

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issuing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。