英语 中的 laws 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 laws 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 laws 的说明。

英语 中的laws 表示法 fǎ, 法律制度,法律 fǎ lǜ zhì dù ,fǎ lǜ, 定律 dìng lǜ, 规则 guī zé, 法 fǎ, 法律 fǎ lǜ, 律师行业 lǜ shī háng yè, 法律 fǎ lǜ, 警察 jǐng chá, 起诉 qǐ sù, (自行制定的)规定 zì xíng zhì dìng de guī dìng, 圣戒 shèng jiè, 律法,摩西五经 lǜ fǎ,mó xī wǔ jīng, 凌驾于法律之上的,不受法律约束的, 根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ, 违法的 wéi fǎ de, 违法 wéi fǎ, 阿基米德定律, 律师 lǜ shī, 我行我素 wǒ xíng wǒ sù, 违法 wéi fǎ, 大舅子, 姐夫 jiě fū, 商业法, 根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ, 企业章程, 地方法规, 教会法规 jiào huì fǎ guī, 判例法 pàn lì fǎ, 民法, 商法 shāng fǎ, 不成文法 bù chéng wén fǎ, 不成文法的 bù chéng wén fǎ de, 习惯法上的婚姻,事实婚姻 xí guàn fǎ shàng de hūn yīn,shì shí hūn yīn, 习惯法上的妻子 xí guàn fǎ shàng de qī zi, 能量守恒定律 néng liàng shǒu héng dìng lǜ, 宪法 xiàn fǎ, 公司法, 律师,法律顾问 lǜ shī,fǎ lǜ gù wèn, 法庭 fǎ tíng, 开庭 kāi tíng, 姻堂兄妹, 刑法 xíng fǎ, 儿媳 ér xí, 收益递减规律, 法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù, 雇佣法,就业法,劳动法, 岳父 yuè fù, 依法 yī fǎ, 从法律角度而言 cóng fǎ lǜ jiǎo dù ér yán, 违法地 wéi fǎ de, 违法的 wéi fǎ de, 姻亲 yīn qīn, 姻亲 yīn qīn, 伊斯兰法 yī sī lán fǎ, 劳动法, 治安 zhì ān, 执法 zhí fǎ, 执法的, 执法部门 zhí fǎ bù mén, 律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ, 平均律 píng jūn lǜ, 摩西律法 mó xī lǜ fǎ, 丛林法则 cóng lín fǎ zé, 热力学原理 rè lì xué yuán lǐ, 律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ, 法学院 fǎ xué yuàn, 律师协会,律师公会, 法律系学生,法律专业学生, 遵纪守法的 zūn jì shǒu fǎ de, 制定法规 zhì dìng fǎ guī, 法律的字面意思, 本地法规 běn dì fǎ guī, 执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng, 海商法 hǎi shāng fǎ, 戒严令,军事管制, 法学硕士,法律硕士, 法学硕士, 法律问题 fǎ lǜ wèn tí, 最低工资法 zuì dī gōng zī fǎ, 婆婆 pó po, 侄女的丈夫, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 配偶的父母 pèi ǒu de fù mǔ, 通过法案 tōng guò fǎ àn, 刑法 xíng fǎ, 做律师 zuò lǜ shī, 隐私法, 法治, 姑子 gū zǐ, 嫂子 sǎo zi, 女婿 nǚ xù, 州法律 zhōu fǎ lǜ, 不通过法律自行处理 bù tōng guò fǎ lǜ zì xíng chǔ lǐ, 根据法律规定, 违法 wéi fǎ, 违法行为 wéi fǎ xíng wéi, 在法律允许范围内 zài fǎ lǜ yǔn xǔ fàn wéi nèi, 合法的 hé fǎ de, 土地分区法。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 laws 的含义

法 fǎ

noun (government laws)

It is against the law to steal.

法律制度,法律 fǎ lǜ zhì dù ,fǎ lǜ

noun (rules) (总称)

You should always follow the law.

定律 dìng lǜ

noun (scientific truth)

The law of gravity has been proven.

规则 guī zé

noun (rule, regulation)

The law is that you cannot go through a red traffic light.

法 fǎ

noun (subset of law) (某个特定领域的法律,如合同法、婚姻法等)

His speciality is contract law.

法律 fǎ lǜ

noun (legal studies)

He studied law and became a lawyer.

律师行业 lǜ shī háng yè

noun (legal profession)

She practices law and has many clients.

法律 fǎ lǜ

noun (written rules)

This is against both Statute and Common Law.

警察 jǐng chá

noun (informal, figurative (police) (口语)

The fugitive avoided the law for sixty days before he was caught.

起诉 qǐ sù

noun (litigation)

I will go to law over this matter.

(自行制定的)规定 zì xíng zhì dìng de guī dìng

noun (voluntary regulation)

The press has its own set of unwritten laws.

圣戒 shèng jiè

noun (God's law)

God's laws are different from government's laws.

律法,摩西五经 lǜ fǎ,mó xī wǔ jīng

noun (first five books of the Bible) (圣经最初的五书)

The Law is also called the Torah and the Pentateuch.


adjective (not legally accountable)

Many politicians think that they are above the law, and should not be punished for any wrongdoing.

根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ

expression (in agreement with law)

According to law, the website owner must check all materials published on it.

违法的 wéi fǎ de

adjective (illegal)

Smoking marijuana is against the law.

违法 wéi fǎ

adverb (illegally)

He was driving against the law as he had just guzzled down seven pints of beer.


noun (physics: force of a lever)

律师 lǜ shī

noun (US (defence or prosecution lawyer)

Most lawyers use the more formal title "Attorney at law" on their business cards.
大多数律师都在名片上使用更加正式的称谓,即“Attorney at law”。

我行我素 wǒ xíng wǒ sù

verbal expression (disregard conventions)

违法 wéi fǎ

verbal expression (do [sth] illegal, commit a crime)

Every time you buy a pirated DVD, you are breaking the law.


noun (spouse's male sibling) (妻子的哥哥)

My wife and my brother-in-law have both inherited their mother's blue eyes.

姐夫 jiě fū

noun (sibling's husband)

My brother-in-law married my sister five years ago.


noun (set of laws governing business)

根据法律 gēn jù fǎ lǜ

adverb (legally)

By law, in England, the minimum age for buying alcoholic beverages is eighteen.


noun (organizational rule)

Self-nomination for the board is against the organization's bylaws.


noun (UK (local authority law)

Local bylaws require pavements to be shovelled after large snows.

教会法规 jiào huì fǎ guī

noun (regulations of Christian church)

判例法 pàn lì fǎ

noun (law of precedent)


noun (laws about private matters, rights)

商法 shāng fǎ

noun (laws governing business practices)

The law firm I work for specializes in business and commercial law.

不成文法 bù chéng wén fǎ

noun (legal system: custom)

不成文法的 bù chéng wén fǎ de

noun as adjective (marriage, partner: informal)

习惯法上的婚姻,事实婚姻 xí guàn fǎ shàng de hūn yīn,shì shí hūn yīn

noun (partnership: not formalized) (指非正式结婚但同居的关系)

When a common-law marriage exists, the spouses receive the same legal treatment given to legally married couples.

习惯法上的妻子 xí guàn fǎ shàng de qī zi

noun (woman in informal marriage)

John had more than one common-law wife, though he was never married.

能量守恒定律 néng liàng shǒu héng dìng lǜ

noun (physics: energy remains constant) (物理)

According to the law of the conservation of energy, energy cannot be destroyed, only transmuted.

宪法 xiàn fǎ

noun (law related to constitution)

In Ed's opinion, the government is breaking constitutional law by spying on Americans.


noun (business or company law)

律师,法律顾问 lǜ shī,fǎ lǜ gù wèn

noun (US (lawyer)

法庭 fǎ tíng

noun (place: tribunal)

That argument would not be acceptable in a court of law.

开庭 kāi tíng

noun (proceedings: trial)


noun (cousin's spouse)

I'd like you to meet my new cousin-in law, Estelle.

刑法 xíng fǎ

noun (branch of law)

Delia works for a law firm that specializes in criminal law.

儿媳 ér xí

noun (son or daughter's wife)

My daughter-in-law's casual attitude infuriates me.


plural noun (figurative (fewer benefits for more effort) (比喻义)

法定诉讼程序 fǎ dìng sù sòng chéng xù

noun (legal proceedings)

If arrested, you have the right to due process.


noun (rules governing working practices)

岳父 yuè fù

noun (spouse's father)

My father-in-law treats me like his own daughter.

依法 yī fǎ

adverb (legally)

从法律角度而言 cóng fǎ lǜ jiǎo dù ér yán

expression (legally)

In the eyes of the law, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

违法地 wéi fǎ de

adverb (against the law)

违法的 wéi fǎ de

adjective (illegal, unlawful)

姻亲 yīn qīn

suffix (relative by marriage) (因婚姻而形成的亲戚关系)

For example: son-in-law

姻亲 yīn qīn

plural noun (spouse's family) (因婚姻而结成的亲戚关系)

My in-laws always come to visit us during the holiday season.

伊斯兰法 yī sī lán fǎ

noun (Muslim code of conduct)

Islamic law prohibits the consumption of pork and all intoxicants, such as alcohol.


noun (law: to protect workers)

治安 zhì ān

noun (social discipline)

The government sent troops to restore law and order to areas where violence had broken out.

执法 zhí fǎ

noun (police, anti-crime)

My father worked for years in law enforcement.


noun as adjective (of police, anti-crime)

She works as a law-enforcement officer.

执法部门 zhí fǎ bù mén

noun (police, etc.)

律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ

noun (company of lawyers)

When she's finished law school she's hoping to find a job in a well-known law firm.

平均律 píng jūn lǜ

noun (probability) (统计)

We can predict many natural phenomena according to the law of averages.

摩西律法 mó xī lǜ fǎ

noun (ancient Hebrew law) (古希伯来律法)

All good Jews follow the law of Moses.

丛林法则 cóng lín fǎ zé

noun (survival of the strongest)

By the law of the jungle, the lion is king.

热力学原理 rè lì xué yuán lǐ

noun (physics: law relating heat and mechanical energy)

One of the laws of thermodynamics maintains that it is impossible to cool something to the temperature of absolute zero.

律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ

noun (lawyer or lawyers' premises)

法学院 fǎ xué yuàn

noun (university where law degrees are taught)

He graduated from law school with full honours.


noun (association of lawyers)


noun ([sb] who studies legal system)

遵纪守法的 zūn jì shǒu fǎ de

adjective (obeying the law)

He was a law-abiding citizen who never did anything wrong.

制定法规 zhì dìng fǎ guī

verbal expression (enforce rules)

My mom laid down the law; if I choose to smoke I can't live at home.


noun (strict interpretation)

They followed the letter of the law to avoid any problems.

本地法规 běn dì fǎ guī

noun (legal restrictions that apply to an area)

The local law prohibited smoking in all public areas.

执法力量,法律权力 zhí fǎ lì liàng

noun (figurative (police powers)

If you break the law, the police will catch you - you can't outrun the long arm of the law.

海商法 hǎi shāng fǎ

noun (laws governing shipping)

After graduating, he decided to specialise in maritime law.


noun (uncountable (temporary military rule)


noun (postgraduate legal degree)

Michael has a Master of Law from McGill University.


noun (holder of postgraduate legal degree)

法律问题 fǎ lǜ wèn tí

noun (legal issue)

The interpretation of a written contract is a matter of law to be determined by the court.

最低工资法 zuì dī gōng zī fǎ

noun (law governing minimum earnings)

Many conservatives find any minimum-wage law reprehensible.

婆婆 pó po

noun (spouse's mother) (女方对丈夫母亲的称呼)

Stephen always got on very well with his mother-in-law.


noun (niece's husband)

My nephew-in-law is coming over to watch the game.

合法的 hé fǎ de

expression (legal)

The protesters felt that they were on the right side of the law.

配偶的父母 pèi ǒu de fù mǔ

plural noun (spouse's mother and father)

We lived with my parents-in-law for nearly five years before we could afford our own home.

通过法案 tōng guò fǎ àn

verbal expression (make [sth] legal or illegal)

In 1647 Parliament passed a law making the celebration of Christmas illegal.

刑法 xíng fǎ

noun (rules governing crime and punishment)

做律师 zuò lǜ shī

(work as a lawyer)

Sean has been practising law for five years.


noun (legal rules on confidentiality)


noun (overriding legal principle)

During the gold rush, there was no rule of law in the miners' camps.

姑子 gū zǐ

noun (spouse's female sibling)

My sister-in-law is coming to visit us next week.

嫂子 sǎo zi

noun (sibling's wife)

My sister-in-law treats my brother as if he was a child.

女婿 nǚ xù

noun (daughter or son's husband)

My daughter and son-in-law are coming over tomorrow for dinner.

州法律 zhōu fǎ lǜ

noun (US (legal system of a US state)

State law prohibits the making of alcohol at home.

不通过法律自行处理 bù tōng guò fǎ lǜ zì xíng chǔ lǐ

verbal expression (act as a vigilante)

If you get robbed, don't try to take the law into your own hands.


adverb (from a legal point of view)

违法 wéi fǎ

verbal expression (do [sth] illegal, commit an offence)

If you violate the law (and get caught) you may go to jail.

违法行为 wéi fǎ xíng wéi

noun (offence, crime)

The district court deals with the most common violations of law.

在法律允许范围内 zài fǎ lǜ yǔn xǔ fàn wéi nèi

adverb (legally, lawfully)

Most people are quite happy to live within the law.

合法的 hé fǎ de

adjective (legal, lawful)

All the bank's financial maneuvers were technically within the law.


noun (often plural (law about property use)

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laws 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。