英语 中的 body 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 body 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 body 的说明。

英语 中的body 表示身体,躯体 shēn tǐ ,qū tǐ, 组织机构 zǔ zhī jī gòu, 车身 chē shēn, 天体 tiān tǐ, 主体,主要部分 zhǔ tǐ ,zhǔ yào bù fèn, 集 jí, 人 rén, (酒的)香醇 jiǔ de xiāng chún, 紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī, 紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī, 咨询机构 zī xún jī gòu, 基础体温, 体味 tǐ wèi, 全身心地,全心全意地 quán xīn quán yì de, 盔甲 kuī jiǎ, 防弹衣 fáng dàn yī, 人体艺术, 运尸袋 yùn shī dài, 上体重击 shàng tǐ zhòng jī, 重大打击,严重挫折,败北 zhòng dà dǎ jī,yán zhòng cuò zhé,bài běi, 健美运动员, 身体护理,美体, 身体护理的,美体的, 体腔 tǐ qiāng, 人体化学, 法人团体, 死亡人数 sǐ wáng rén shù, 替身演员 tì shēn yǎn yuán, 脂肪 zhī fáng, 体热 tǐ rè, 身体意象, 身体语言,肢体语言 shēn tǐ yǔ yán,zhī tǐ yǔ yán, 体重指数, 体味 tǐ wèi, 一些证据 yì xiē zhèng jù, 已有知识 yǐ yǒu zhī shí, 水体 shuǐ tǐ, 全部作品 quán bù zuò pǐn, 身体疼痛 shēn tǐ téng tòng, 人体彩绘, 身体部分, 国家 guó jiā, 身体磨砂膏, 车身维修中心 chē shēn wéi xiū zhōng xīn, 抱摔, 连裤紧身衣, 体型 tǐ xíng, 用以排印正文的字体 yòng yǐ pái yìn zhèng wén de zì tǐ, 沐浴露, 体重 tǐ zhòng, 身体羞辱, 身体羞辱, 健美运动者 jiàn měi yùn dòng zhě, 死尸 sǐ shī, 审议机构 shěn yì jī gòu, 异物 yì wù, 全身的 quán shēn de, 管理机构,理事会,监管机构 lǐ shì huì ,jiān guǎn jī gòu, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 天体 tiān tǐ, 人体 rén tǐ, 立法机构 lì fǎ jī gòu, 下肢, 身心的, 我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去 wǒ sǐ yě bù …,chú fēi cǎi zhe wǒ de shī tǐ guò qù, 性感的身体 xìng gǎn de shēn tǐ, 全体学生 quán tǐ xué shēng, 上身 shàng shēn, 宽体飞机,宽机身飞机, 宽边网球拍, 重量级, 宽体的,宽机身的, 重量级的 zhòng liàng jí de, 宽边的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 body 的含义

身体,躯体 shēn tǐ ,qū tǐ

noun (anatomy, physique) (解剖学)

Jody takes care of her body by doing exercise.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他的遗体被送回老家安葬。

组织机构 zǔ zhī jī gòu

noun (organisation, organization)

The World Court is the only global judicial body.

车身 chē shēn

noun (body of a car)

The car's body was the only thing that was damaged.

天体 tiān tǐ

noun (mass of matter)

The Earth is a planetary body.

主体,主要部分 zhǔ tǐ ,zhǔ yào bù fèn

noun (figurative (main part) (文章等的)

The body of this essay is well written.

集 jí

noun (figurative (collection)

Picasso's body of work is very impressive.

人 rén

noun (figurative (person)

Leslie felt happier than a body has the right to be.

(酒的)香醇 jiǔ de xiāng chún

noun (wine: full flavour)

This wine has a very full body.

紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī

noun (clothing: bodysuit)

This body is made of lycra and has snap fasteners at the crotch.

紧身衣 jǐn shēn yī

noun (tight-fitting garment that covers body and arms)

咨询机构 zī xún jī gòu

noun (council, committee)


noun (normal temperature of body at rest)

体味 tǐ wèi

noun (informal, initialism (body odor)

Whoa, somebody here has terrible BO.

全身心地,全心全意地 quán xīn quán yì de

adverb (figurative (completely, with all one's being)

盔甲 kuī jiǎ

noun (hard-plated combat gear)

The riot police were outfitted in body armor for protection against the unruly crowd.

防弹衣 fáng dàn yī

noun (non-plated protective garments)

Police cadets wear protective vests as body armor.


(artistic practice)

运尸袋 yùn shī dài

noun (bag for a dead body)

Soldiers have started coming home in body bags.

上体重击 shàng tǐ zhòng jī

noun (boxing: hit, punch to the body) (拳击比赛中对胸部、腹部的攻击)

He received a direct body blow and fell to the ground.

重大打击,严重挫折,败北 zhòng dà dǎ jī,yán zhòng cuò zhé,bài běi

noun (figurative (severe setback or shock)


noun (weightlifter, develops muscle)


noun (use of cosmetics, etc.)


noun as adjective (using cosmetics, etc.)

体腔 tǐ qiāng

noun (orifice)

The police did a full body cavity search and found bags of cocaine that Andy had hidden.


noun (biological make-up)



死亡人数 sǐ wáng rén shù

noun (number of fatalities)

After the earthquake, the body count rose to the thousands.

替身演员 tì shēn yǎn yuán

noun (actor's stand-in)

The actress had a body double for the nude scenes in the movie.

脂肪 zhī fáng

noun (fat on body)

That athlete has almost no body fat; she is all muscle.

体热 tǐ rè

noun (warmth produced by the body)

The mountain climbers huddled together to share their body heat when they were trapped by the storm.


(body ideal)

身体语言,肢体语言 shēn tǐ yǔ yán,zhī tǐ yǔ yán

noun (communication via gesture, etc.)

I could tell from her body language that she was disappointed.


noun (measure of body fat)

I calculated my body mass index yesterday, and found that I was slightly overweight.

体味 tǐ wèi

noun (bad personal smell)

Children will typically start to produce body odor once they have started puberty.

一些证据 yì xiē zhèng jù

noun (evidence in a case)

The collected body of evidence indicates that Al is innocent. The body of evidence overwhelmingly proves his guilt.

已有知识 yǐ yǒu zhī shí

noun (everything known about a topic)

The geologist made a discovery that significantly contributed to the body of human knowledge.

水体 shuǐ tǐ

noun (lake, ocean, etc.)

He was ready to take his canoe to any body of water within a five mile radius.

全部作品 quán bù zuò pǐn

noun (all of [sb]'s creations)

The author's body of work spanned six decades.

身体疼痛 shēn tǐ téng tòng

noun (severe physical discomfort)

The patient has been suffering from severe body pains.


noun (decorating skin)

Humans have practiced body painting for centuries.


noun (human body: limb, organ, etc.) (人类)

The anatomy students were required to dissect human body parts.

国家 guó jiā

noun (nation as an entity)


noun (exfoliating product)

I use a body scrub twice a week to remove dead skin cells.

车身维修中心 chē shēn wéi xiū zhōng xīn

noun (garage: repairs vehicles)

Joe's body shop is known for reasonable prices.


(wrestling) (摔跤)


noun (tight garment)

体型 tǐ xíng

noun ([sb]'s build, physique)

I have an athletic body type.

用以排印正文的字体 yòng yǐ pái yìn zhèng wén de zì tǐ

noun (printing: main text type)

We'll use 11 point for the body type and 16 point for the headlines.


noun (cleansing product)

My boyfriend bought me some orchid-scented body wash for my birthday.

体重 tǐ zhòng

noun (amount a person weighs)

The body-mass index is a ratio of a person's body weight to his height.


transitive verb (criticize physical appearance)


noun (criticizing appearance)

健美运动者 jiàn měi yùn dòng zhě

noun (person who lifts weights)

Tim is a bodybuilder; he has huge muscles.

死尸 sǐ shī

noun (corpse)

The dead body lay undiscovered for three days.

审议机构 shěn yì jī gòu

noun (committee)

A grand jury is a deliberative body convened to decide on indictments.

异物 yì wù

noun ([sth] from the outside)

When they x-rayed him they saw a foreign body in his lung.

全身的 quán shēn de

adjective (over all the body)

I got a full-body tan at the solarium.

管理机构,理事会,监管机构 lǐ shì huì ,jiān guǎn jī gòu

noun (board, regulatory authority)

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

noun (good physical condition)

A good diet is essential for a healthy body.

天体 tiān tǐ

noun (celestial object: star, planet, etc.)

Get a telescope for more in-depth study of heavenly bodies.

人体 rén tǐ

noun (physical anatomy of a person)

The human body has evolved over time to adapt to new living conditions.

立法机构 lì fǎ jī gòu

noun (law-making council)


noun (pelvis and legs) (正式)

His lower body was badly injured by the landmine, but he survived.


noun as adjective (relating to mental and physical)

我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去 wǒ sǐ yě bù …,chú fēi cǎi zhe wǒ de shī tǐ guò qù

interjection (slang, figurative (expressing complete refusal) (表示强烈反对)

You'll have custody of my children over my dead body! You want to borrow my jeans? Over my dead body!

性感的身体 xìng gǎn de shēn tǐ

noun (attractive physique)

It is more important to have a nice personality than a sexy body.

全体学生 quán tǐ xué shēng

noun (students of an institution collectively)

He was president of the student body.

上身 shàng shēn

noun (body above the waist)

The sweater covered her upper body, but her legs were still cold.


noun (aircraft with two aisles)


noun (US (wide tennis racket)


noun (US, informal (sports: heavy person)


noun as adjective (aircraft: having two aisles) (飞机)

重量级的 zhòng liàng jí de

noun as adjective (US, informal (person: heavy)


noun as adjective (US (tennis racket: wide) (网球拍)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。