英语 中的 letters 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 letters 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 letters 的说明。

英语 中的letters 表示字母 zì mǔ, 信 xìn, 缝在运动服上的作为奖励授予校优秀运动员的校运动队字母标志 féng zài yùn dòng fú shàng de zuò wéi jiǎng lì shòu yǔ xiào yōu xiù yùn dòng yuán de xiào yùn dòng duì zì mǔ biāo zhì, 证书 zhèng shū, 文学 wén xué, 学识,文化修养 xué shì,wén huà xiū yǎng, 获得校队优秀运动员荣誉, 接受函, 录取通知书, 严格地根据法律 yán gé de gēn jù fǎ lǜ, 根据字面意思 gēn jù zì miàn yì si, 航空信件 háng kōng xìn jiàn, 方体字, 大写印刷字体, 商务信函 shāng wù xìn hán, 呼号, 大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ, 大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ, 连环信, 求职信, 附信, 空文法律, 死信, 正式信函,公文,公函 zhèng shì xìn hán,gōng wén,gōng hán, 四个字母的,四字母的, 粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà, 信件炸弹, 信用状, 法律的字面意思, 开信刀, 收信箱 shōu xìn xiāng, 邮筒 yóu tǒng, 情书 qíng shū, 情话,表白 qíng huà,biǎo bái, 邮递员 yóu dì yuán, 公开信 gōng kāi xìn, 私人信件 sī rén xìn jiàn, 匿名诽谤信, 推荐信 tuī jiàn xìn, 感谢信, 不折不扣 bù zhé bú kòu, 不折不扣 bù zhé bú kòu, 写信 xiě xìn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 letters 的含义

字母 zì mǔ

noun (character in the alphabet)

The letter C is the third letter of the alphabet.
字母 C 是字母表中的第三个字母。

信 xìn

noun (written correspondence)

I received a letter from my mother yesterday.

缝在运动服上的作为奖励授予校优秀运动员的校运动队字母标志 féng zài yùn dòng fú shàng de zuò wéi jiǎng lì shòu yǔ xiào yōu xiù yùn dòng yuán de xiào yùn dòng duì zì mǔ biāo zhì

noun (US (school sports award)

He got a letter for his play on the basketball team.

证书 zhèng shū

plural noun (UK (qualifications)

He is highly qualified and has letters after his name.

文学 wén xué

plural noun (literature)

She graduated from the College of Arts and Letters.

学识,文化修养 xué shì,wén huà xiū yǎng

plural noun (dated (being well read) (过时用语)

He was a man of letters.


(US (win a sports award)

He lettered in basketball in high school.


noun (for taking a job offer) (工作)


noun (US (for admission to university)

严格地根据法律 yán gé de gēn jù fǎ lǜ

expression (according to law)

These laws are no longer obeyed according to the letter.

根据字面意思 gēn jù zì miàn yì si

expression (word for word)

Calvin interprets the biblical text according to the letter.

航空信件 háng kōng xìn jiàn

noun (thin stationary for use in airmail)


noun (style of lettering)


noun (hand-written capital letter)

商务信函 shāng wù xìn hán

noun (business correspondence)

A letter to a friend is different from a more formal business letter.


plural noun (TV, radio station: code) (无线电通讯时使用的代号)

大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ

plural noun (abbreviation (capital letters) (capital letters 的缩写)

The title of the book should be in caps.

大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ

noun (often plural (alphabet: upper-case)

Sentences must start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


(ongoing letter)


noun (job application)

To apply for the position, please send your resume and a cover letter.


noun (letter providing additional information)

Julie posted the documentation with a covering letter.


noun (law not yet formally repealed) (指已经失效但尚未正式废除的)


noun (letter stuck in transit) (指无法投递也无法退回的信件)

正式信函,公文,公函 zhèng shì xìn hán,gōng wén,gōng hán

noun (standardized correspondence)

Word-processing software is useful for producing form letters.


adjective (word: having four letters)

粗话,脏话 cū huà,zāng huà

noun (curse word, bad word)


noun (explosive device inside envelope)


noun (bill of exchange)


noun (strict interpretation)

They followed the letter of the law to avoid any problems.


noun (bladed tool for opening envelopes)

收信箱 shōu xìn xiāng

noun (slot, box for delivered mail)

邮筒 yóu tǒng

noun (UK, informal (box for posting mail)

The letter box in the village is emptied at 6.30 pm.

情书 qíng shū

noun (letter expressing romantic feelings)

He wrote her a love letter every day while he was away.

情话,表白 qíng huà,biǎo bái

noun (figurative (expression of affection)

The movie is his love letter to the city of Rome.

邮递员 yóu dì yuán

noun (US (person employed to deliver post)

My dog barks at my mail carrier every day.

公开信 gōng kāi xìn

noun (letter published openly)

She wrote an open letter to the newspaper praising the mayor of the town.

私人信件 sī rén xìn jiàn

noun (intimate correspondence)

The starlet enjoyed receiving personal letters from her many fans. In the age of texting and e-mail, the personal letter is in danger of becoming obsolete.


noun (figurative (spiteful or defamatory letter)

Someone in the village is writing poison-pen letters to his family.

推荐信 tuī jiàn xìn

noun (statement in support of a job candidate)

When my former assistant applied for a better job, she asked me for a reference letter.


noun (letter expressing gratitude)

Don't forget to send them a thank-you letter.

不折不扣 bù zhé bú kòu

expression (literally)

He followed Mr. Wilson's instructions to the letter.

不折不扣 bù zhé bú kòu

expression (figurative (precisely, exactly)

The illiterate slave followed his master's instructions to the letter.

写信 xiě xìn

verbal expression (compose handwritten correspondence)

Nowadays people are more inclined to email rather than write a letter.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 letters 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

letters 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。