英语 中的 lip 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lip 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lip 的说明。

英语 中的lip 表示嘴唇 zuǐ chún, 嘴 zuǐ, 嘴 zuǐ, 冒犯的话,无礼的话, 用嘴唇碰, 轻声细语说, 下唇 xià chún, 兔唇 tù chún, 保密 bǎo mì, 抿着嘴, 润唇膏 rùn chún gāo, 唇彩 chún cǎi, 空口白话,口惠 kōng kǒu bái huà,kǒu huì, 对口型,假唱, 跟着…对口型,跟着…假唱, 看嘴唇动作理解意思, 读唇语 dú chún yǔ, 可口的,回味无穷的 kě kǒu de, 读唇语的人 dú chún yǔ de rén, 读唇, 唇膏,润唇膏 chún gāo ,rùn chún gāo, 口惠而实不至 kǒu huì ér shí bú zhì, 坚忍,坚定 jiān rěn,jiān dìng, 节制,隐忍 jié zhì,yǐn rěn, 上唇, 别说出去。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lip 的含义

嘴唇 zuǐ chún

noun (external part of mouth)

The uppercut split the boxer's lip.

嘴 zuǐ

plural noun (mouth)

Fred kissed me fully on the lips.

嘴 zuǐ

noun (projecting opening) (杯、壶等的)

Tom splashed water over the lip of the pool.


noun (figurative, slang (insolent talk)

I've had enough of your lip, young man!


transitive verb (rare (touch with lips) (罕见用法)

Brad smelled the poison before he had even lipped the glass.


transitive verb (rare (murmur softly) (罕见用法)

Dean lipped sweet nothings into his girlfriend's ear.

下唇 xià chún

noun (informal (lower external part of mouth)

兔唇 tù chún

noun (split in upper lip)

The baby underwent surgery to correct his cleft lip.

保密 bǎo mì

verbal expression (idiom (refrain from expressing yourself) (习语)

You must hold your tongue and not tell your mother-in-law what you really think of her cooking.


verbal expression (figurative (remain stoic) (指态度严肃)

润唇膏 rùn chún gāo

noun (moisturizer for lips)

I applied lip balm to protect my lips from the sun. During the winter use lip salve to stop your lips getting chapped and dry.

唇彩 chún cǎi

noun (product that adds shine to lips)

I don't wear much makeup, just concealer and lip gloss. Jenny put some fresh gloss on her lips.

空口白话,口惠 kōng kǒu bái huà,kǒu huì

noun (figurative (superficial attention) (比喻)

Her policies to help poorer families are more than just lip service.


intransitive verb (informal (mime singing)


(informal (mime to a song)

I was very disappointed to see that the singer was only lip-synching to a recording.


intransitive verb (interpret by looking at [sb]'s mouth)

The film didn't have subtitles, so my deaf aunt had to lip-read.

读唇语 dú chún yǔ

transitive verb (interpret by watching [sb] speak)

The students lip-read the teacher's instructions.

可口的,回味无穷的 kě kǒu de

adjective (informal, figurative (tasty, mouth-watering)

读唇语的人 dú chún yǔ de rén

noun ([sb] who interprets mouth movements)


noun (interpreting mouth movements)

唇膏,润唇膏 chún gāo ,rùn chún gāo

noun (ointment for lips)

口惠而实不至 kǒu huì ér shí bú zhì

verbal expression (figurative (give superficial attention)

Obama paid lip service to closing Guantanamo, but he hasn't taken action yet.

坚忍,坚定 jiān rěn,jiān dìng

noun (figurative (stoicism) (比喻)

The British are famous for their stiff upper lip.

节制,隐忍 jié zhì,yǐn rěn

noun (figurative (reserve, self-restraint) (比喻)


noun (upper external part of mouth)


verbal expression (figurative, slang (maintain secrecy)

Zip it - I don't want everyone knowing our business.

让我们学习 英语

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lip 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。