英语 中的 mental 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mental 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mental 的说明。

英语 中的mental 表示精神的 jīng shén de, 发疯的 fā fēng de, 在心中进行的, 头脑敏锐 tóu nǎo mǐn ruì, 警觉 jǐng jué, 精神正常 jīng shén zhèng cháng, 一窍不通 yí qiào bù tōng, 精神崩溃 jīng shén bēng kuì, 精神混乱 jīng shén hùn luàn, 精神混乱 jīng shén hùn luàn, 精神疾病 jīng shén jí bìng, 精神错乱 jīng shén cuò luàn, 精神错乱 jīng shén cuò luàn, 心力 xīn lì, 思维能力训练, 心理磨练, 智力障碍 zhì lì zhàng ài, 精神健康 jīng shén jiàn kāng, 精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn, 精神病 jīng shén bìng, 精神意象 jīng shén yì xiàng, 精神不稳定 jīng shén bù wěn dìng, 精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn, 心理表征 xīn lǐ biǎo zhēng, 智力缺陷,智力迟钝 zhì lì quē xiàn,zhì lì chí dùn, 心理状态 xīn lǐ zhuàng tài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mental 的含义

精神的 jīng shén de

adjective (of the mind)

The teacher led the student through some mental exercises.

发疯的 fā fēng de

adjective (slang (crazy)

That guy on the subway was totally mental.


adjective (in the mind)

Andy did a quick mental calculation.

头脑敏锐 tóu nǎo mǐn ruì

noun (sharpness of mind)

警觉 jǐng jué

noun (clarity of mind, lucidity)

His mental alertness was impaired through lack of sleep.

精神正常 jīng shén zhèng cháng

noun (sanity)

He is still trying to restore his mental balance after a long period of depression.

一窍不通 yí qiào bù tōng

noun (inability to recall)

When he stepped onto the stage he had a sudden mental block and couldn't remember any of his lines.

精神崩溃 jīng shén bēng kuì

noun (extreme depression)

She suffered a mental breakdown after the death of her parents.

精神混乱 jīng shén hùn luàn

noun (disorientation and inability to think clearly)

Mental confusion is one symptom of a stroke.

精神混乱 jīng shén hùn luàn

noun (disorientation and inability to think clearly)

精神疾病 jīng shén jí bìng

noun (psychiatric disorder)

精神错乱 jīng shén cuò luàn

noun (psychiatric condition)

Mental disorders such as schizophrenia can often be effectively managed with drugs.

精神错乱 jīng shén cuò luàn

noun (psychiatric disorder)

The doctors attributed his odd behavior to a mental disturbance.

心力 xīn lì

noun (intense concentration)

She made a concerted mental effort to remember all the details.


plural noun (figurative (mental agility)

Responding to these questions requires high-level mental gymnastics.


plural noun (feats of intellectual skill)

It took some considerable mental gymnastics to rationalize the choice.

智力障碍 zhì lì zhàng ài

noun (learning disability)

Following a head injury, James has a severe mental handicap.

精神健康 jīng shén jiàn kāng

noun (psychological wellness)

Mental health is just as important as physical health to a person's wellbeing.

精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn

noun (dated (psychiatric institution) (过时用语)

In the past people with psychiatric disorders were locked away in mental hospitals. He spent the last years of his life in a mental hospital after he was diagnosed as schizophrenic.

精神病 jīng shén bìng

noun (psychiatric disorder)

In some backward-thinking societies, mental illness is still regarded as something to be ashamed of.

精神意象 jīng shén yì xiàng

noun ([sth] imagined)

I have never met him but my mental image of him is tall and handsome.

精神不稳定 jīng shén bù wěn dìng

noun (psychological problems)

After a period of mental instability she recovered sufficiently to live alone.

精神病医院 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn

noun (dated (psychiatric hospital) (过时用语)

She was completely mad and had to be committed to a mental institution.

心理表征 xīn lǐ biǎo zhēng

noun ([sth] seen in the mind)

Though we had spoken many times, when I saw him I realized that my mental representation of him was inaccurate.

智力缺陷,智力迟钝 zhì lì quē xiàn,zhì lì chí dùn

noun (dated (learning disability) (过时用语)

心理状态 xīn lǐ zhuàng tài

noun (psychological condition)

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mental 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。