英语 中的 pain 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pain 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pain 的说明。

英语 中的pain 表示疼痛 téng tòng, 苦恼,悲痛 kǔ nǎo,bēi tòng, 做某事使某人痛苦, 讨厌的人,讨厌鬼 tǎo yàn de rén,tǎo yàn guǐ, 巨大的努力 jù dà de nǔ lì, 分娩过程中的宫缩, 剧痛 jù tòng, 极度的疼痛 jí dù de téng tòng, 身体疼痛 shēn tǐ téng tòng, 骨头疼 gǔ tóu téng, 灼痛, 引起疼痛 yǐn qǐ téng tòng, 使某人痛苦 shǐ mǒu rén tòng kǔ, 胸痛, 压迫痛, 痛苦地弯下腰 tòng kǔ de wān xià yāo, 感到痛苦 gǎn dào tòng kǔ, 发育期疼痛, 成长的烦恼, 发展中遇到的困难, 痛苦的 tòng kǔ de, 遭受疼痛, 造成痛苦 zào chéng tòng kǔ, 关节痛, 下腰部疼痛 xià yāo bù téng tòng, 一分耕耘,一分收获, 恶性循环 è xìng xún huán, 冗长乏味的过程, 眼中钉,肉中刺 yǎn zhōng dīng ,ròu zhōng cì, 烦恼的来源,烦恼的根源 fán nǎo de gēn yuán, 止痛片 zhǐ tòng piàn, 止痛药 zhǐ tòng yào, 痛点, 疼痛忍耐点, 不觉得疼的, 无痛的 wú tòng de, 剧痛 jù tòng, 剧痛 jù tòng, 刺痛 cì tòng, 忍受疼痛 rěn shòu téng tòng, 遭受痛苦 zāo shòu tòng kǔ, 抽痛 chōu tòng, 疼痛得扭动着身体。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pain 的含义

疼痛 téng tòng

noun (sensation: discomfort)

He had a pain in his leg after the game.

苦恼,悲痛 kǔ nǎo,bēi tòng

noun (figurative (mental distress) (比喻)

We had to go through a lot of pain to get to where we are in life.


verbal expression (figurative (cause mental pain) (比喻精神上)

It pains me to see you do embarrassing things like that.

讨厌的人,讨厌鬼 tǎo yàn de rén,tǎo yàn guǐ

noun (informal, figurative (nuisance) (非正式用语)

That guy is such a pain. I don't want to go out with him again.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这件事情太麻烦了。

巨大的努力 jù dà de nǔ lì

plural noun (great care)

The excellent reviews of my book have rewarded all the pains I took in researching and writing it.


plural noun (contractions during labor)

When the pains are coming five minutes apart, it is time to call the midwife.

剧痛 jù tòng

noun (severe, sharp physical discomfort)

Fiona felt an acute pain in her right leg.

极度的疼痛 jí dù de téng tòng

noun (extreme physical discomfort)

The agonizing pain of the injury caused her to scream uncontrollably.

身体疼痛 shēn tǐ téng tòng

noun (severe physical discomfort)

The patient has been suffering from severe body pains.

骨头疼 gǔ tóu téng

noun (ache in bones)

My mother is suffering from bone pain; she can't move her legs because it hurts so much.


noun (pain with a hot sensation)

引起疼痛 yǐn qǐ téng tòng

(hurt physically) (身体受伤等)

As a nurse, I sometimes had to perform procedures that caused people pain.

使某人痛苦 shǐ mǒu rén tòng kǔ

(torment, hurt emotionally) (感情上)

Although I didn't want to cause him pain, I felt that I had no choice but to tell him about his wife's infidelity.


noun (severe discomfort in upper abdomen)

A heart attack causes chest pain.


noun (painful sensation of pressure)

痛苦地弯下腰 tòng kǔ de wān xià yāo

verbal expression (bend forward in sudden pain)

Each time the cramp returned he would scream and double up with pain.

感到痛苦 gǎn dào tòng kǔ

(suffer intense discomfort)

Scientists do not agree on whether insects feel pain.


plural noun (child: aching limbs)

About 20 per cent of young school children suffer growing pains.


plural noun (figurative (adolescent: difficulties)

He's just jumping into adolescence and he's trying to deal with the growing pains.


plural noun (figurative (new business: difficulties) (企业等)

The first year of operation has been full of adjusting to the growing pains of the business.

痛苦的 tòng kǔ de

adjective (suffering)

I hate seeing my daughter in pain.


verbal expression (suffer intense discomfort)

She was in pain after her neck injury.

造成痛苦 zào chéng tòng kǔ

verbal expression (cause suffering)

Torture is designed to inflict pain on somebody.


noun (arthritis)

下腰部疼痛 xià yāo bù téng tòng

noun (discomfort in lowest part of the back)

Poor posture can result in lower back pain.


expression (informal (it is worth making an effort)

恶性循环 è xìng xún huán

noun (informal, figurative (vicious circle or cycle)


noun (tedious procedure or process)

眼中钉,肉中刺 yǎn zhōng dīng ,ròu zhōng cì

noun (vulgar, figurative, slang (source of annoyance) (比喻,俚语)

My boss is always looking over my shoulder and is starting to become a real pain in the ass.

烦恼的来源,烦恼的根源 fán nǎo de gēn yuán

noun (figurative, slang (source of annoyance)

Filling out the forms for my recent insurance claim was a real pain in the neck.

止痛片 zhǐ tòng piàn

noun (analgesic drug)

She was prescribed painkillers after her surgery.

止痛药 zhǐ tòng yào

noun (analgesic tablet, painkiller)

I took a pain pill for my headache.


noun (commerce: problem)

This app's limited functionality on certain operating systems is a pain point with customers.


noun (figurative (limit: pain tolerance)

She has a very high pain threshold.


adjective (feeling no pain)

无痛的 wú tòng de

adjective (causing no pain)

剧痛 jù tòng

noun (acute and severe physical discomfort)

The sharp pain in his chest indicated a possible heart attack.

剧痛 jù tòng

noun (pain: sharp)

James went to the emergency room because of the shooting pains in his back.

刺痛 cì tòng

noun (sudden, intense pain in one spot)

忍受疼痛 rěn shòu téng tòng

(endure physical discomfort) (身体上的)

I'm suffering pain in all my joints, Doctor.

遭受痛苦 zāo shòu tòng kǔ

(endure psychological torment) (精神上的)

He suffered much pain following the death of his wife.

抽痛 chōu tòng

noun (recurrent ache)

I've had a throbbing pain in my arm all day long. Ever since I fell I've had a throbbing pain in my head.


verbal expression (squirm, twist in pain)

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pain 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。