英语 中的 opened 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 opened 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 opened 的说明。

英语 中的opened 表示打开的 dǎ kāi de, 开启的, 打开的,开封的 dǎ kāi de, 没扣上的,敞开的 chǎng kāi de, 开的 kāi de, 畅通的 chàng tōng de, 盖子被打开的, 打开 dǎ kāi, 打开,开启 dǎ kāi,kāi qǐ, 启开,剪开 qǐ kāi,jiǎn kāi, 解开 jiě kāi, 打开 dǎ kāi, 开始营业 kāi shǐ yíng yè, 对...开放的 duì kāi fàng de, 开阔的 kāi kuò de, 张开的,展开的 zhāng kāi de,zhǎn kāi de, 公开的 gōng kāi de, 未确定的 wèi què dìng de, 坦率的 tǎn shuài de, 空的 kōng de, 愿意接受新观念的 yuàn yì jiē shòu xīn guān niàn de, 开放式的 kāi fàng shì de, 有缺口的 yǒu quē kǒu de, 可穿透的 kě chuān tòu de, 展开的 zhǎn kāi de, 空闲的 kòng xián de, 开放的,无管制的 kāi fàng de,wú guǎn zhì de, 不加掩饰的 bù jiā yǎn shì de, 开(元音)的 kāi yuán yīn de, 无建筑物的, 没有盖子的 méi yǒu gài zi de, 不受限制的 bú shòu xiàn zhì de, 对...持开放态度的, 暴露在…之下的, 空地 kòng dì, 公开赛 gōng kāi sài, 开局下, 分开 fēn kāi, 展开 zhǎn kāi, 开局,开叫 kāi jú,kāi jiào, 以…做开场白, 通向 tōng xiàng, 以...开始, 流向 liú xiàng, 首局下注, 清理出 qīng lǐ chū, 切开 qiē kāi, 打通 dǎ tōng, 使...裂开, 展开 zhǎn kāi, 开设 kāi shè, 拆去…的包装 chā qù de bāo zhuāng, 使...可以进入, 伸开 shēn kāi, 公开 gōng kāi, 使开始 shǐ kāi shǐ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 opened 的含义

打开的 dǎ kāi de

adjective (door: no longer closed)

The police officer was standing by the opened door of the vehicle.


adjective (envelope, box: no longer sealed) (信封或纸箱)

Lisa was holding the opened envelope in her hand.

打开的,开封的 dǎ kāi de

adjective (bottle, jar, etc.: no longer sealed) (瓶罐)

An opened jar of jam should be kept in the fridge.

没扣上的,敞开的 chǎng kāi de

adjective (clothing: no longer fastened)

In the 1970s, it was fashionable for men to wear a medallion and an opened shirt.

开的 kāi de

adjective (not closed)

The door was open and Mark walked in.

畅通的 chàng tōng de

adjective (not blocked)

The sewage pipes were open again, once the blockage had been cleared.


adjective (not covered)

An open wound is susceptible to infection.

打开 dǎ kāi

transitive verb (door)

Carole opened the door and walked out of the house.

打开,开启 dǎ kāi,kāi qǐ

transitive verb (remove lid, cap, etc.) (瓶盖等)

Emily opened the bottle of wine with a corkscrew.

启开,剪开 qǐ kāi,jiǎn kāi

transitive verb (envelope, box) (信封、盒子等)

Richard opened the box with some scissors.

解开 jiě kāi

transitive verb (unfasten)

Open your shirt buttons. It's too hot to wear it all closed up to the neck.

打开 dǎ kāi

intransitive verb (become open)

The door opened by itself.

开始营业 kāi shǐ yíng yè

intransitive verb (building: open doors)

The theatre opens at three in the afternoon.

对...开放的 duì kāi fàng de

adjective (area behind doors)

The theatre was open for anybody to enter.

开阔的 kāi kuò de

adjective (view: unobstructed)

From the hilltop one has an open view all the way to the sea.

张开的,展开的 zhāng kāi de,zhǎn kāi de

adjective (arms: outstretched) (比喻,指双臂)

The toddler walked into Sarah's open arms for a hug.

公开的 gōng kāi de

adjective (visible to all)

Many people consider open government to be important in a democracy.

未确定的 wèi què dìng de

adjective (undecided)

The issue about the budget is still open. Hopefully, we can close it within the week.

坦率的 tǎn shuài de

adjective (sincere)

Dr. Smith was quite open and honest with us about the risks of surgery.

空的 kōng de

adjective (string: unfretted) (琴弦)

Play the G chord with open strings on your guitar.

愿意接受新观念的 yuàn yì jiē shòu xīn guān niàn de

adjective (accepting)

Martin is open to those of all political persuasions.

开放式的 kāi fàng shì de

adjective (without partitions)

The building has an open floor plan with only a few columns.

有缺口的 yǒu quē kǒu de

adjective (with gaps)

The troops moved in an open formation.

可穿透的 kě chuān tòu de

adjective (porous)

A sponge has an open surface.

展开的 zhǎn kāi de

adjective (extended, unfolded)

The book is open at chapter three.

空闲的 kòng xián de

adjective (not taken)

The tennis court is open for an hour this afternoon. Do you want to reserve it?

开放的,无管制的 kāi fàng de,wú guǎn zhì de

adjective (informal, US (unregulated) (口语)

This is an open town. You can do pretty much what you please here.

不加掩饰的 bù jiā yǎn shì de

adjective (not hidden)

The open hostilities shocked the other countries.

开(元音)的 kāi yuán yīn de

adjective (phonetics: vowel)

The open 'a' sound is different from the closed 'a'.


adjective (not built up)

My house is in a very rural setting. There's nothing but open countryside for miles around.

没有盖子的 méi yǒu gài zi de

(without cover)

The back of the pickup truck is open to the sky.

不受限制的 bú shòu xiàn zhì de


Registration is open to everybody.


(figurative (person: receptive) (指人)

I'm still open to new ideas.


(exposed, vulnerable)

If you don't use an antivirus program, your computer will be open to attack.

空地 kòng dì

noun (clear space)

Put it in the open, so we can all see it among all this clutter.

公开赛 gōng kāi sài

noun (golf, tennis: tournament)

The tennis player played at the French Open.


intransitive verb (cards: make a bid) (赌注等)

Brittany opened with a high bid.

分开 fēn kāi

intransitive verb (part)

The forest opens to reveal a meadow.

展开 zhǎn kāi

intransitive verb (flower, petals: unfurl)

The daylily petals opened at first light.

开局,开叫 kāi jú,kāi jiào

intransitive verb (cards: play first) (纸牌)

OK, you get to open this time. Throw your first card.


(start by saying)

The plaintiff's lawyer opened with a statement for the jury.

通向 tōng xiàng

(give access to [sth])

The door opens to a large courtyard.



The meeting opened with a speech by the president.

流向 liú xiàng

(have an outlet)

The river opens into the Atlantic south of here.


(cards: make a bid) (纸牌)

He opened with a three of clubs.

清理出 qīng lǐ chū

transitive verb (clear)

We need to open a path through the woods.

切开 qiē kāi

transitive verb (cut into)

The doctor opened the patient to perform heart surgery.

打通 dǎ tōng

transitive verb (remove blockage)

The doctor prescribed a new drug that would help open his arteries.


transitive verb (make gaps, spaces)

The platoon opens ranks as it approaches the target site.

展开 zhǎn kāi

transitive verb (unfold)

He opened the letter and started reading it.

开设 kāi shè

transitive verb (establish)

The business was opened over fifty years ago.

拆去…的包装 chā qù de bāo zhuāng

transitive verb (unwrap)

She opened the gifts one at a time.


transitive verb (make accessible)

The wheelchair ramp opened the shop to a new group of customers.

伸开 shēn kāi

transitive verb (expand)

He opened his arms wide.

公开 gōng kāi

transitive verb (reveal)

The congressman opened his finances for anyone to see.

使开始 shǐ kāi shǐ

(commence by doing, saying [sth])

I would like to open the meeting with an apology for the lack of refreshments.

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opened 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。