英语 中的 physical 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 physical 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 physical 的说明。

英语 中的physical 表示身体的 shēn tǐ de, 物理的 wù lǐ de, 身体检查 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá, 体育考试 tǐ yù kǎo shì, 与身体无关的 yǔ shēn tǐ wú guān de, 智力的 zhì lì de, 体育 tǐ yù, 身体伤害,殴打 shēn tǐ shāng hài,ōu dǎ, 身体活动,体育活动 tǐ yù huó dòng, 外貌 wài mào, 生理属性 shēng lǐ shǔ xìng, 身体状况 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng, 身体接触 shēn tǐ jiē chù, 打印件,打印版 dǎ yìn jiàn, 身体依赖性 shēn tǐ yī lài xìng, 体育 tǐ yù, 体育运动,锻炼身体 tǐ yù yùn dòng, 身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, 体力 tǐ lì, 体力劳动 tǐ lì láo dòng, 性爱 xìng ài, 感官享受 gǎn guān xiǎng shòu, 物理存在 wù lǐ cún zài, 自然科学 zì rán kē xué, 身体结构 shēn tǐ jié gòu, 理疗师 lǐ liáo shī, 物理治疗法 wù lǐ zhì liáo fǎ, 健身教练, 健身,体育锻炼 jiàn shēn, 地球 dì qiú, 物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè, 保持社交距离。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 physical 的含义

身体的 shēn tǐ de

adjective (bodily)

Her physical problems made it difficult to walk.

物理的 wù lǐ de

adjective (figurative (material) (与化学相对)

The physical properties of granite are well known.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他很看重物质生活,忽视了精神生活。

身体检查 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá

noun (medical inspection)

The Army wouldn't accept him because he failed the physical examination.

体育考试 tǐ yù kǎo shì

noun (physical education test)

与身体无关的 yǔ shēn tǐ wú guān de

adjective (not involving the body)

智力的 zhì lì de

adjective (cerebral, intellectual)

体育 tǐ yù

noun (abbreviation (physical education)

Phys Ed is just as important as more academic subjects.

身体伤害,殴打 shēn tǐ shāng hài,ōu dǎ

noun (violence)

The social worker said that the child had suffered severe physical abuse.

身体活动,体育活动 tǐ yù huó dòng

noun ([sth] involving use of the body)

The doctor told my son to do some straining physical activity, like swimming, for instance.

外貌 wài mào

noun (how [sb] or [sth] looks)

生理属性 shēng lǐ shǔ xìng

plural noun (bodily characteristics)

An actor's physical attributes are often important to being cast in certain roles.

身体状况 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng

noun (level of fitness and health)

Triathletes have to be in peak physical condition.

身体接触 shēn tǐ jiē chù

noun (touch)

A person with telekinetic powers can move an object without ever making physical contact with it.

打印件,打印版 dǎ yìn jiàn

noun (paper copy: of a document, etc.)

身体依赖性 shēn tǐ yī lài xìng

noun (addiction: biological)

Anthony has a strong physical dependence on painkillers.

体育 tǐ yù

noun (school sports lessons, gym class)

Students take physical education in addition to math, English, languages, science and history.

体育运动,锻炼身体 tǐ yù yùn dòng

noun (bodily activity: sports, etc.)

身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng

noun (good physical condition)

Physical fitness is important for old people too.

体力 tǐ lì

noun (power)

体力劳动 tǐ lì láo dòng

noun (strenuous manual work)

You shouldn't do physical labour when you're pregnant.

性爱 xìng ài

noun (sexual intercourse)

感官享受 gǎn guān xiǎng shòu

noun (sensuality, sensuousness)

物理存在 wù lǐ cún zài

noun (fact of being present)

Your physical presence at the bank won't be necessary because I can sign for you.

自然科学 zì rán kē xué

noun (science of the natural world)

Chemistry is one of the physical sciences.

身体结构 shēn tǐ jié gòu

noun (structure of an organism)

理疗师 lǐ liáo shī

noun ([sb] who performs physiotherapy)

After her accident, she spent 5 months visiting a physical therapist.

物理治疗法 wù lǐ zhì liáo fǎ

noun (treatment using exercise)

After her arm healed she had to undergo physical therapy to regain full use of it.


noun (fitness instructor or coach)

健身,体育锻炼 jiàn shēn

noun (fitness coaching)

地球 dì qiú

noun (geography of planet Earth)

物质世界 wù zhì shì jiè

noun (all that is material, not spiritual)


noun (maintaining space between people)

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physical 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。