英语 中的 period 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 period 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 period 的说明。

英语 中的period 表示一段时间 yí duàn shí jiān, 时期 shí qī, 地质时期,纪 dì zhì shí qī ,jì, 经期,月经,例假 jīng qī ,yuè jīng,lì jià, 句号 jù hào, 就是这样 jiù shì zhè yàng, 一堂课,一个课时 yì táng kè,yí gè kè shí, 局 jú, 周期 zhōu qī, 完整句 wán zhěng jù, 自转周期,公转周期, 运行周期 yùn xíng zhōu qī, 乐段 yuè duàn, 某一时代的 mǒu yì shí dài de, 会计期, 冷静期 lěng jìng qī, 在…期间 zài … qī jiān, 宽限阶段, 潜伏期 qián fú qī, 孵化期 fū huà qī, 中间这段时间 zhōng jiān zhè duàn shí jiān, 潜伏期 qián fú qī, 某个时代特有的家具(装饰品等),古物 mǒu gè shí dài tè yǒu de jiā jù ( zhuāng shì pǐn děng ),gǔ wù, 古装剧, 传统时代风格 chuán tǒng shí dài fēng gé, 第四纪, 短时间 duǎn shí jiān, 稳定时期 wěn dìng shí qī, 时限 shí xiàn, 试用期 shì yòng qī, 试用期 shì yòng qī, 等候期间 děng hòu qī jiān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 period 的含义

一段时间 yí duàn shí jiān

noun (duration of time)

Abby plans to be on holiday for a short period.

时期 shí qī

noun (historical era)

The Industrial Revolution was a difficult period in history.

地质时期,纪 dì zhì shí qī ,jì

noun (geological era) (地质学)

Tyrannosaurus Rex was the king of the Jurassic period.

经期,月经,例假 jīng qī ,yuè jīng,lì jià

noun (colloquial, often plural (menstruation) (生理,妇女的)

Allie was 14 when she got her first period.

句号 jù hào

noun (US (punctuation mark: full stop)

This sentence ends with a period.

就是这样 jiù shì zhè yàng

interjection (US, informal (full stop: and that is that)

Jose is the best ball player, period.

一堂课,一个课时 yì táng kè,yí gè kè shí

noun (school: class session) (教学)

There are 6 class periods in a school day.

局 jú

noun (US (sports game) (比赛)

The hockey game was decided in the third period.

周期 zhōu qī

noun (periodic table)

The periodic table is made up of 9 horizontal periods.

完整句 wán zhěng jù

noun (rare (sentence) (罕见用法)

Periods are lengthy sentences which are not grammatically complete until they end.


noun (astronomy: rotation) (天文学)

The period of the sun is about 25 days near the equator and almost 38 days near the poles.

运行周期 yùn xíng zhōu qī

noun (astronomy: orbit) (天文学)

Some comets have periods of over 20,000 years.

乐段 yuè duàn

noun (musical section) (音乐)

Periods are usually eight measures in length.

某一时代的 mǒu yì shí dài de

noun as adjective (historical)

Pride and Prejudice is a period drama.


noun (finance: fiscal term) (财务)

冷静期 lěng jìng qī

noun (purchase-cancelling period)

You often have a seven-day cooling-off period during which you can cancel internet purchases.

在…期间 zài … qī jiān

preposition (between: specified dates)

He is to be incarcerated for the period of no less than five years.


noun (time allowed before penalty) (票据到期后的)

Some student loans have a six-month grace period; then you have to start paying them back.

潜伏期 qián fú qī

noun (infection: time before symptoms appear)

The incubation period for chickenpox is 10 to 20 days.

孵化期 fū huà qī

noun (time it takes an egg to hatch)

Generally speaking, the smaller the bird, the shorter the incubation period for its eggs.

中间这段时间 zhōng jiān zhè duàn shí jiān

noun (meanwhile, time in between)

How did you spend the intervening period between your last two jobs? In the intervening period, she's going to take a well-deserved holiday.

潜伏期 qián fú qī

noun (time from infection to infectiousness)

某个时代特有的家具(装饰品等),古物 mǒu gè shí dài tè yǒu de jiā jù ( zhuāng shì pǐn děng ),gǔ wù

noun (antique, artefact)

The exhibition showcases a stunning collection of period pieces created during the Ming Dynasty.


noun (play, film)

The play is a period piece set in the 19th century.

传统时代风格 chuán tǒng shí dài fēng gé

noun (fashion of an earlier era)

The room was decorated in period style.


noun (geological period)

短时间 duǎn shí jiān

noun (brief or limited time)

The sale will only last a short period, so we should purchase it now.

稳定时期 wěn dìng shí qī

noun (time: no fluctuation, change)

The 7th and 8th Egyptian Dynasties were not stable periods.

时限 shí xiàn

noun (amount of time)

The author always sets her stories in different time periods.

试用期 shì yòng qī

noun (time during which [sth] can be evaluated)

The shop can hire you a wheelchair for a trial period to see if it suits your needs before you buy.

试用期 shì yòng qī

noun (time when employee, etc., is evaluated) (正式雇佣前的)

等候期间 děng hòu qī jiān

noun (delay)

After you start work there will be a 6-month waiting period before you're eligible for benefits.

让我们学习 英语

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period 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。