英语 中的 pitched 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pitched 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pitched 的说明。

英语 中的pitched 表示...音的, 音高,声音 yīn gāo,shēng yīn, 运动场地 yùn dòng chǎng dì, 扔(球) rēng qiú, 扔 rēng, 投球 tóu qiú, 尽力劝说以得到, 颠簸 diān bǒ, 推销 tuī xiāo, 沥青 lì qīng, 投球,掷球 tóu qiú,zhì qiú, 坡度 pō dù, 俯仰(角) fǔ yǎng jiǎo, 松脂 sōng zhī, 角度 jiǎo dù, 间距,距离 jiān jù,jù lí, 坡段, 颠簸,上下摇晃 diān bǒ, 支起 zhī qǐ, 调整 tiáo zhěng, 推销,为...大作广告 tuī xiāo,wèi ... dà zuò guǎng gào, 扔向, 宣传,推销 xuān chuán ,tuī xiāo, 气氛紧张的,高调的 qì fēn jǐn zhāng de ,gāo diào de, 低音的 dī yīn de, 斜度小的,平缓的 píng huǎn de, 定时会战, 激战 jī zhàn, 斜屋顶 xié wū dǐng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pitched 的含义


adjective (as suffix (sound, voice: of a certain pitch) (后缀)

The singer is well known for her high-pitched voice.

音高,声音 yīn gāo,shēng yīn

noun (sound: tone) (声音强度)

The pitch of a siren is usually sharp.

运动场地 yùn dòng chǎng dì

noun (sports field)

Soccer is played on a grass pitch.

扔(球) rēng qiú

transitive verb (baseball: throw)

To pitch a ball in baseball is to throw it at the batter.

扔 rēng

transitive verb (throw)

Devon pitched the ball right over the plate.

投球 tóu qiú

intransitive verb (baseball: throw the ball) (棒球)

Luke used to pitch, but he's switched to first base recently.


(informal (try to get)

The agency pitched for the client's business.

颠簸 diān bǒ

noun (heave)

The ship's sudden pitch knocked Leo off his feet.

推销 tuī xiāo

noun (informal (sales speech)

We listened to the salesman's pitch, but didn't buy anything.

沥青 lì qīng

noun (tar)

We need another load of pitch to finish this road.

投球,掷球 tóu qiú,zhì qiú

noun (baseball: throw) (棒球)

In baseball, a batter can face up to three pitches in each innings.

坡度 pō dù

noun (slope)

That roof has a very steep pitch, don't you think?

俯仰(角) fǔ yǎng jiǎo

noun (propeller: angle)

The angles a propeller's blades present to the water or the air is their pitch.

松脂 sōng zhī

noun (resin)

Burgundy pitch is the resin of certain pine trees.

角度 jiǎo dù

noun (aeronautics: angle) (航空学)

The aircraft was flying at a dangerous pitch.

间距,距离 jiān jù,jù lí

noun (typeface: spacing) (文字间的)

Select a font with a larger pitch.


noun (section of a climb)

颠簸,上下摇晃 diān bǒ

intransitive verb (ship: tilt, tip) (船只)

A large wave caused the boat to pitch.

支起 zhī qǐ

transitive verb (erect: a tent)

The campers decided to pitch their tent near the stream.

调整 tiáo zhěng

transitive verb (sound: adjust) (音调)

The lower you pitch your voice, the more serious you sound.

推销,为...大作广告 tuī xiāo,wèi ... dà zuò guǎng gào

transitive verb (slang (attempt to sell)

Manufacturers usually pitch their product at specific markets.


transitive verb (toss, throw)

The gale pitched him off his feet.

宣传,推销 xuān chuán ,tuī xiāo

transitive verb (attempt to get accepted)

Jess pitched her idea at the weekly staff meeting and her boss loved it.

气氛紧张的,高调的 qì fēn jǐn zhāng de ,gāo diào de

adjective (sound: having a high frequency)

He startled her, and she let out a high-pitched squeal.

低音的 dī yīn de

adjective (sound: low frequency)

A bass drum makes a low-pitched sound.

斜度小的,平缓的 píng huǎn de

adjective (roof: not much slope)


noun (warfare at agreed time)

激战 jī zhàn

noun (figurative (intense fight, struggle) (比喻)

Jeff and Margaret's divorce turned into an ugly pitched battle.

斜屋顶 xié wū dǐng

noun (roof sloped on both sides)

A pitched roof is better at shedding rainwater than a flat roof.

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pitched 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。