英语 中的 quick 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 quick 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 quick 的说明。

英语 中的quick 表示快的 kuài de, 短暂的 duǎn zàn de, 及时的 jí shí de, 聪明的,聪敏的,头脑反应迅速的 cōng míng de ,cōng mǐn de ,tóu nǎo fǎn yìng xùn sù de, 接受能力强的,学得快的 jiē shòu néng lì qiáng de,xué de kuài de, 敏捷的,灵敏的 mǐn jié de ,líng mǐn de, 速动的 sù dòng de, 快 kuài, 尽快 jǐn kuài, 嫩肉, 核心 hé xīn, 世人,活着的人 shì rén,huó zhe de rén, 很快 hěn kuài, 性急的 xìng jí de, 切中要害, 飞快地,很快地 fēi kuài de ,hěn kuài de, 飞快的, 很快的, 企图暴发致富的, 快速地游个泳 kuài sù de yóu gè yǒng, 快速地体验一把, 非常快地, 紧接地 jǐn jiē de, 快点,简短点 kuài diǎn,jiǎn duǎn diǎn, 粗制滥造的,临时应急的 cū zhì làn zào de, 快速反应,即兴回答, 突然改变观点 tū rán gǎi biàn guān diǎn, 快速离开 kuài sù lí kāi, 临时方案, 临时的 lín shí de, 快速学习者,学习能力强的人, 快速浏览 kuài sù liú lǎn, 拔枪很快的, 抢先行动, 能很快理解, 快速反应,迅速回应, 学得快的人 xué de kuài de rén, 急性子 jí xìng zi, 敏捷的思考 mǐn jié de sī kǎo, 反应敏捷的 fǎn yìng mǐn jié de, 急智 jí zhì, 快换的, 快干的, 快干型的, 速冻, , , 快凝的,速凝的, 易怒的,性子急躁的 yì nù de, 机敏的,有急智的 jī mǐn de, 连珠炮似的, 语速快的, 速射的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 quick 的含义

快的 kuài de

adjective (fast)

The salesperson had a quick answer for his questions.

短暂的 duǎn zàn de

adjective (of short duration)

I've only time for a quick visit.

及时的 jí shí de

adjective (prompt)

He was always quick to turn in his papers.

聪明的,聪敏的,头脑反应迅速的 cōng míng de ,cōng mǐn de ,tóu nǎo fǎn yìng xùn sù de

adjective (person: smart) (人)

Viola has a quick mind and a quick wit.

接受能力强的,学得快的 jiē shòu néng lì qiáng de,xué de kuài de

adjective (person: learner) (人)

He is a quick student.

敏捷的,灵敏的 mǐn jié de ,líng mǐn de

adjective (agile) (动作)

The criminal was always quick when it came to climbing fences.

速动的 sù dòng de

adjective (finance: liquid) (金融)

Quick assets are almost as useful as cash.

快 kuài

adverb (quickly)

Come quick! The cows are eating the corn.

尽快 jǐn kuài

adverb (soon)

I hope John gets here quick, while our friend is still here.


noun (sensitive flesh) (因为受伤等而露出的)

Her fingernail ripped, exposing the quick underneath. // Mark had chewed his nails down to the quick.

核心 hé xīn

noun (figurative (most essential part)

Stop prevaricating and get to the quick of the matter.

世人,活着的人 shì rén,huó zhe de rén

plural noun (archaic (living people)

He will come again to judge the quick and the dead.

很快 hěn kuài

verbal expression (swift, prompt to do)

He was quick to realize that the baby was sick.

性急的 xìng jí de

verbal expression (do [sth] hastily)

Don't be so quick to make this important decision.


verbal expression (severely hurt [sb]'s feelings)

飞快地,很快地 fēi kuài de ,hěn kuài de

adverb (informal (very quickly)

My dad's coming! You'd better get out of here double quick!

飞快的, 很快的

adjective (informal (very fast)


adjective (business: quick profit)

快速地游个泳 kuài sù de yóu gè yǒng

verbal expression (informal (go for quick swim)

Joachim had a quick dip in the lake before lunch.


verbal expression (figurative (experience briefly)

I had a quick dip into Zen Buddhism when I was about eighteen years old.


expression (very fast)

紧接地 jǐn jiē de

verbal expression (one coming rapidly after another)

The company is preparing two new products for launch in quick succession.

快点,简短点 kuài diǎn,jiǎn duǎn diǎn

verbal expression (informal (hurry)

I don't have time to listen, so make it quick.

粗制滥造的,临时应急的 cū zhì làn zào de

adjective (informal, figurative (rapidly or roughly improvised)


noun (informal (prompt, brief reply)

突然改变观点 tū rán gǎi biàn guān diǎn

noun (about-face)

The quick change of opinion was brought about by the discovery of compromising documents.

快速离开 kuài sù lí kāi

noun (rapid departure, escape)

The robber's plan was to grab the diamonds and make a quick exit. The moment I saw my ex-wife I made a quick exit through the back door.


noun (temporary solution)

临时的 lín shí de

noun as adjective (solution: temporary)


noun (person who understands easily)

快速浏览 kuài sù liú lǎn

noun (brief glance)

Could you have a quick look at the case and explain what's happening?


adjective (quick to draw firearm)

Cowboys had to be quick on the draw when they were fighting duels.


adjective (figurative, informal (quick to act or react)


adjective (figurative, informal (person: understands quickly)

Isabel is a very bright student who is quick on the uptake.


noun (fast reaction time)

学得快的人 xué de kuài de rén

noun (fast learner)

The boy is a quick study.

急性子 jí xìng zi

noun (tendency to get angry)

Patrick has a quick temper, but he always apologizes when he calms down.

敏捷的思考 mǐn jié de sī kǎo

noun (problem-solving in an emergency)

Thanks to his quick thinking we escaped the car accident alive.

反应敏捷的 fǎn yìng mǐn jié de

adjective (able to react rapidly)

The quick-thinking boy saved his mother's life by calling an ambulance.

急智 jí zhì

noun (sharpness, intelligence)

Not only is he intelligent, he has a quick wit.


noun as adjective (can be modified quickly)

快干的, 快干型的

adjective (cement, paint)


transitive verb (food: freeze rapidly)

adjective (moving fast) (快节奏的)

Tania jogged slowly around the park, being overtaken by other quick-paced runners.

adjective (happening fast) (快速发生的)

The government was caught unawares by the quick-paced turn of events.


adjective (cement, etc.: dries quickly) (水泥等)

易怒的,性子急躁的 yì nù de

adjective (easily angered)

My mother is quick-tempered, so I always do my chores on time.

机敏的,有急智的 jī mǐn de

adjective (intelligent, fast-thinking)

His quick-witted comment made the room laugh.

连珠炮似的, 语速快的

adjective (figurative, informal, chiefly UK (rapid) (说话)


adjective (gun: equipped to fire rapidly)

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quick 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。