英语 中的 racking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 racking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 racking 的说明。

英语 中的racking 表示架子 jià zi, 挂架 guà jià, 折磨 zhé mó, 使遭受痛苦,折磨 zhé mó, 肋排肉 lèi pái ròu, 胸部 xiōng bù, 草料饲槽, 肢刑架, 车顶行李架, 衣帽架 yī mào jià, 齿条, 车架 chē jià, 踢…的下档 tī … de xià dàng, 添草料 tiān cǎo liào, 自行车停放架, 自行车固定架, 书架,书托 shū jià, 书架 shū jià, 奶酪架, 衣帽架 yī mào jià, 挂衣钩, 碗碟架 wǎn dié jià, 陈列架, 干燥架 gān zào jià, 帽架 mào jià, 行囊架 xíng náng jià, 杂志架, 杂志摊, 现成的 xiàn chéng de, 烤架 kǎo jià, 植物展示架 zhí wù zhǎn shì jià, 烤小羊排, 门市价,全价, 绞尽脑汁, 高额租金, Z字形花边, 鞋架, 香料架, 试管架, 毛巾架 máo jīn jià, 酒架。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 racking 的含义

架子 jià zi

noun (stand)

Maria arranged the bottles neatly on the rack.

挂架 guà jià

noun (shelving unit)

Could you pass me a saucepan from the rack over there?

折磨 zhé mó

transitive verb (often passive (pain, sobs: convulse)

The boxer had taken a real beating during the fight and was racked with pain. Sobs racked the grieving woman's body.

使遭受痛苦,折磨 zhé mó

transitive verb (often passive (cause mental suffering) (精神上)

Jeremy was racked by guilt over betraying his best friend.

肋排肉 lèi pái ròu

noun (food: ribs)

Helen sat down to eat a rack of ribs.

胸部 xiōng bù

noun (figurative, vulgar, slang (breasts)

Alice has a fantastic rack.


noun (for animal food)

The farmer filled the rack with hay for the horses.


noun (historical (torture instrument)

The rack was used as an interrogation device in medieval times.


noun (fixture on car) (轿车等)

Mark secured his canoe to the roof rack with heavy straps.

衣帽架 yī mào jià

noun (apparatus for hanging clothes)

Hang your wet jeans on the clothes rack; they'll be dry by the morning.


noun (mechanics: gear bar) (机械学)

车架 chē jià

noun (fixture on bicycle) (自行车)

踢…的下档 tī … de xià dàng

transitive verb (US, slang (hit in testicles)

添草料 tiān cǎo liào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (accumulate)

Canada racked up fourteen gold medals in the Winter Olympics. I travel for business so I rack up a lot of frequent flier miles.


noun (stand for parking cycles)


noun (device for carrying cycles on car) (汽车)

书架,书托 shū jià

noun (support for an open book)

书架 shū jià

noun (shelf for holding books)


noun (for drying cheese)

衣帽架 yī mào jià

noun (stand for overcoats)


noun (pegs for overcoats)

On the back of the door, there is a coat rack where you can hang your hat or coat.

碗碟架 wǎn dié jià

noun (frame for drying dishes) (洗后晾干水分用)

You should clean your dish rack frequently or the crockery will be unhygienic. She unloaded the dish rack as the water boiled.


noun (shelf for showing goods for sale)

When there are too many items on the display rack, I have trouble picking one.

干燥架 gān zào jià

noun (apparatus for hanging items to dry)

In wet weather, we leave the washing to dry indoors on a drying rack.

帽架 mào jià

noun (structure to hang hats on)

He hung his hat on the hat rack.

行囊架 xíng náng jià

noun (shelf for baggage on a train)

I can't reach the luggage rack - could you lift my bag for me, please?


noun (shelf for storing periodicals)


noun (stand for displaying periodicals)

现成的 xiàn chéng de

adjective (clothing: ready to wear) (衣服)

烤架 kǎo jià

noun (shelf inside an oven)

Place the pizza directly on the oven rack.

植物展示架 zhí wù zhǎn shì jià

noun (shelves for displaying pot plants)


noun (roasted ribs of young sheep)


noun (full charge for a hotel room)


verbal expression (try to remember)


noun (high rent)


noun (US (decorative zigzag ribbon trim)


noun (shelving unit for storing footwear)


noun (shelf that holds seasonings)


noun (laboratory: holder for test tubes)

毛巾架 máo jīn jià

noun (frame for hanging towels on)

He hung his wet towel on the towel rack to dry.


noun (holder for bottles)

Adrian took a bottle from the wine rack.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。