英语 中的 racing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 racing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 racing 的说明。

英语 中的racing 表示赛车 sài chē, 比赛用的,赛车的 bǐ sài yòng de ,sài chē de, 开赛车的 kāi sài chē de, 赛跑 sài pǎo, 速度竞赛 sù dù jìng sài, 赛马 sài mǎ, 属,种类,品种 shǔ,zhǒng lèi,pǐn zhǒng, 种族 zhǒng zú, 让...参加赛马, 赛…, 与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài, 比赛 bǐ sài, 急流 jí liú, 水流 shuǐ liú, 座圈, 飞奔 fēi bēn, 飞速运转, 与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài, 使…快速运动 shǐ kuài sù yùn dòng, 赛车,赛车比赛 sài chē, 汽车竞速赛, 拖车赛马 tuō chē sài mǎ, 赛马运动 sài mǎ yùn dòng, 摩托车赛 mó tuō chē sài, 摩托车赛道 mó tuō chē sài dào, 赛摩托车 sài mó tuō chē, 比赛用跑车 bǐ sài yòng pǎo chē, 思绪翻腾,思维过于活跃, 街头赛车,街头狂飙,街头飙车。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 racing 的含义

赛车 sài chē

noun (sport: car, cycle or horse racing)

These horses are bred especially for racing.

比赛用的,赛车的 bǐ sài yòng de ,sài chē de

adjective (car: for racing) (汽车)

Several companies want their logos on racing cars.

开赛车的 kāi sài chē de

adjective (driver: of a racing car)

Racing drivers have to be in top physical shape.

赛跑 sài pǎo

noun (informal test of speed)

Fred won the race around the park.

速度竞赛 sù dù jìng sài

noun (competition of speed)

The Indy 500 is a famous auto race.
Indy 500是著名的汽车赛。

赛马 sài mǎ

plural noun (horse races, etc.)

Tommy likes going to the races.

属,种类,品种 shǔ,zhǒng lèi,pǐn zhǒng

noun (division of living things) (动植物)

The saguaro is a race of cactus.

种族 zhǒng zú

noun (ethnicity)

Race is not a factor in hiring.


transitive verb (ride or drive in a race)

My nephew races go-karts.
我侄子(or: 外甥)喜欢参加小型赛车比赛。


transitive verb (make an animal compete) (动物)

My Uncle Rory trains and races whippets.

与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài

transitive verb (compete against)

The boys raced each other down the hill.

比赛 bǐ sài

intransitive verb (compete)

The brothers liked to race.

急流 jí liú

noun (current of water)

Nothing could be heard above the river's noisy race.

水流 shuǐ liú

noun (stream)

The mill race drives the waterwheel.


noun (track for bearings) (轴承)

The bearings came out of the race.

飞奔 fēi bēn

intransitive verb (move fast)

Leah raced around the room.


intransitive verb (figurative (operate quickly) (比喻)

Alan's mind raced as he tried to think of a solution.

与…比赛 yǔ bǐ sài

transitive verb (try to be faster than)

I'll race you to the corner!

使…快速运动 shǐ kuài sù yùn dòng

transitive verb (make [sth] move fast)

Jeremy raced the stroller down the street.

赛车,赛车比赛 sài chē

noun (motorsport: car race)

Auto racing is one of the most dangerous yet enjoyable sports around.


noun (two-car speed competition)

拖车赛马 tuō chē sài mǎ

noun (sport: horse-and-cart racing)

Harness racing requires a horse, cart and driver.

赛马运动 sài mǎ yùn dòng

noun (race between horses)

Eddie enjoys watching horseracing, but he never places bets.

摩托车赛 mó tuō chē sài

noun (sport: competing in fast cars)

摩托车赛道 mó tuō chē sài dào

noun (sports circuit for racing vehicles)

赛摩托车 sài mó tuō chē

noun (sport: competing on motorcycles)

比赛用跑车 bǐ sài yòng pǎo chē

noun (high-powered motor vehicle for racing)

The race car sped round the track at 150 miles per hour.


plural noun (informal, figurative (chaotic mental activity) (精神疾病症状)


noun (illegal car races)

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racing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。