英语 中的 sex 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sex 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sex 的说明。

英语 中的sex 表示性爱, 性交, 性行为, 房事, 同房, 性,性别 xìng,xìng bié, 性 xìng, 性的 xìng de, 确定…的性别 què dìng de xìng bié, 向...里添油加醋, 挑逗 tiǎo dòu, 肛交 gāng jiāo, 男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de, 男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de, 女性,妇女 nǚ xìng,fù nǚ, 发生性行为 fā shēng xìng xíng wéi, 与…发生性行为 yǔ … fā shēng xìng xíng wéi, 和解做爱, 男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de, 异性 yì xìng, 口交 kǒu jiāo, 口交 kǒu jiāo, 电话性爱, 婚前性行为 hūn qián xìng xíng wéi, 安全性行为, 同性的 tóng xìng de, 性行为 xìng xíng wéi, 性感 xìng gǎn, 变性 biàn xìng, 性染色体 xìng rǎn sè tǐ, 性犯罪 xìng fàn zuì, 性别歧视 xìng bié qí shì, 性欲冲动 xìng yù chōng dòng, 性感女神 xìng gǎn nǚ shén, 性激素 xìng jī sù, 性感女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng, 性对象 xìng duì xiàng, 性犯罪者, 性器官 xìng qì guān, 性代理者,性代理人, 性感偶像, 性玩具, 性贩卖, 痴迷于性的, 伴性的, 性联的, 性欲狂的, 性虐待, 男女分开的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sex 的含义

性爱, 性交, 性行为, 房事, 同房

noun (intercourse)

Sex is less important than friendship in maintaining a happy relationship.

性,性别 xìng,xìng bié

noun (biology: male, female)

It is very hard to determine the sex of some birds.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们这个协会男女会员都有。

性 xìng

noun (sexual attraction)

Sex has always been used to sell movies.

性的 xìng de

noun as adjective (sexual)

Sex education is required at most American schools.

确定…的性别 què dìng de xìng bié

transitive verb (animal: determine sex)

The veterinarian sexed the chicks and divided them into males and females.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (make more exciting)

The newspaper sexed up the story in order to make it more interesting for their readers.

挑逗 tiǎo dòu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arouse sexually)

Here are some tips on how to sex a woman up.

肛交 gāng jiāo

noun (sex via the anus)

According to the survey, half of all men and women have attempted anal sex.

男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de

adjective (mainly US, abbreviation (coeducational) (学校)

Did you live in a coed dorm in college?

男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de

adjective (mainly US (school: for both sexes)

The school Valerie went to was coeducational, but she is a teacher at an all-girls' school.

女性,妇女 nǚ xìng,fù nǚ

noun (dated, offensive (women, girls) (旧语,具有侮辱性)

It's a myth that the fair sex aren't as cool-headed as men.

发生性行为 fā shēng xìng xíng wéi

(have intercourse)

Having sex is an important component of marriage. Dan and Ben finally had sex.

与…发生性行为 yǔ … fā shēng xìng xíng wéi

verbal expression (have intercourse)

His wife threw him out because he had sex with the neighbor.


noun (sex after argument) (指吵架后发生性行为)

My husband and I argue quite a lot, but the make-up sex is so great it makes it worthwhile!

男女混合的 nán nǚ hùn hé de

noun as adjective (for both sexes)

异性 yì xìng

noun (man if woman, woman if man)

John does not understand how to speak to the opposite sex.

口交 kǒu jiāo

noun (fellatio) (指为男性提供)

Mary was performing oral sex on her boyfriend.

口交 kǒu jiāo

noun (cunnilingus) (指为女性提供)

Bill was performing oral sex on his girlfriend.


noun (sexual conversation)

Wendy caught her husband having phone sex with another woman.

婚前性行为 hūn qián xìng xíng wéi

noun (intercourse before marriage)

I don't believe in premarital sex: I'm going to wait till I'm married.


noun (informal (sexual activity with a condom)

It's important to make sure you're practising safe sex.

同性的 tóng xìng de

adjective (relationship: gay)

Same-sex marriage is such a contested issue everywhere.

性行为 xìng xíng wéi

noun (sexual intercourse)

They were arrested for performing a sex act in public!

性感 xìng gǎn

noun (sexual attractiveness)

That actor still has sex appeal, even in his seventies.

变性 biàn xìng

noun (dated, offensive (gender reassignment) (过时用语, 有冒犯意味)

性染色体 xìng rǎn sè tǐ

noun (DNA that determines sex)

In females, the sex chromosomes are the two X chromosomes.

性犯罪 xìng fàn zuì

noun (sexual act without consent)

The man was convicted of a sex crime.

性别歧视 xìng bié qí shì

noun (prejudice, bias based on gender)

The company has a policy to prevent sex discrimination at work.

性欲冲动 xìng yù chōng dòng

noun (sexual desire)

After his surgery he had little sex drive.

性感女神 xìng gǎn nǚ shén

noun (figurative (very attractive woman)

Jayne Mansfield was one of the biggest sex goddesses of the 1950s.

性激素 xìng jī sù

noun (substance controlling physical development)

Oestrogen is the primary female sex hormone.

性感女郎 xìng gǎn nǚ láng

noun (figurative, slang (sexually assertive young woman)

The actress doesn't consider herself to be a sex kitten.

性对象 xìng duì xiàng

noun (figurative ([sb] valued only for their attractiveness)

I'm sick and tired of you treating me like some kind of sex object.


noun ([sb] convicted of sexual assault)

All American states keep a register of sex offenders.

性器官 xìng qì guān

plural noun (genitalia)

Elephants have very large sex organs.


noun (therapist who uses sex to treat [sb]) (用性活动进行治疗的治疗师)

A sex surrogate treats patients with sexual difficulties through talk, touching, and intercourse.


noun (celebrity: very attractive)

Raquel Welch was a sex symbol in the 1960s.


noun (device: sexual stimulation)

Sex toys are becoming increasingly popular.


noun (crime: sexual exploitation)


adjective (obsessed with sex)

The film is about the adventures of a group of sex-crazed teenagers.


adjective (genetics: gene)


adjective (genetics: character)


adjective (informal (addicted to sex)

The actor plays the role of a sex-mad old man.


noun (indecent assault)

Jacobs is facing a charge of sexual abuse.


adjective (school: girls- or boys-only) (学校)

There are pros and cons to single-sex education.

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sex 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。