英语 中的 sized 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sized 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sized 的说明。

英语 中的sized 表示…大小的, 施胶的,涂胶的, 尺寸,大小 chǐ cùn,dà xiǎo, 大小 dà xiǎo, 尺寸,尺码 chǐ cùn,chǐ mǎ, 块头 kuài tóu, …大小的, 胶料, 事态的严重程度 shì tài de yán zhòng chéng dù, 按大小分类, 给…上浆, 测量 cè liáng, 一口大小的, 一口大小的, 相当大的 xiāng dāng dà de, 够全家食用的, 家庭装的, 特别大的, 大型的,相当大的 dà xíng de ,xiāng dāng dà de, 特大号的 tè dà hào de, 超大号床 chāo dà hào chuáng, 特大号的 tè dà hào de, 原始尺寸的, 大的,大型的 dà de ,dà xíng de, 中型的 zhōng xíng de, 中等大小的,中型的 zhōng xíng de, 一品脱的, 个子小的, 袖珍的,口袋大小的 xiù zhēn de, 大号的 dà hào de, 大号床 dà hào chuáng, 大号的 dà hào de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sized 的含义


adjective (as suffix (of a given size)

I want to buy a king-sized bed.


adjective (paper, etc.: covered with sizing) (纸张等)

The artist does her drawings in ink on sized watercolor paper.

尺寸,大小 chǐ cùn,dà xiǎo

noun (object: physical dimensions) (物体)

The size of the house was surprisingly large.

大小 dà xiǎo

noun (magnitude)

The region had never seen a storm of this size before.

尺寸,尺码 chǐ cùn,chǐ mǎ

noun (fit: of clothing, shoes) (衣服)

This dress is a size ten.

块头 kuài tóu

noun (person's height, weight) (人的)

He plays basketball well for someone his size.


adjective (as suffix (sized: of a given size) (作为后缀)

Could I have a large-size pizza?


noun (sizing: sealer on paper or cloth)

Artists traditionally use glue size made from rabbit skin to bind their pigments.

事态的严重程度 shì tài de yán zhòng chéng dù

noun (figurative, informal (state of affairs)

The government is still trying to assess the size of the situation, but it doesn't look good.


transitive verb (sort by size)

The teacher sized the students from shortest to tallest.


transitive verb (cover, stiffen with size)

Quilters size fabric to make it easier to handle.

测量 cè liáng

transitive verb (often passive (measure)

We need to get you sized for your bridesmaid dress.


noun as adjective (food: miniature)


adjective (food: miniature)

相当大的 xiāng dāng dà de

adjective (of reasonably large size)


adjective (food: enough for several people)


adjective (large enough for several people)


adjective (very large)

Isabel claims she saw a giant-sized spider in the bathroom.

大型的,相当大的 dà xíng de ,xiāng dāng dà de

adjective (reasonably large)

特大号的 tè dà hào de

adjective (extra large)

Irene bought a box of king-size tissues.

超大号床 chāo dà hào chuáng

noun (extra-large bed)

Every room in the hotel has a king-size bed.

特大号的 tè dà hào de

adjective (extra large)


adjective (of actual, original dimensions)

大的,大型的 dà de ,dà xíng de

adjective (figurative (sandwich, tissues: large)

中型的 zhōng xíng de

adjective (of medium dimensions)

The Fokker 100 is a medium-sized aircraft.

中等大小的,中型的 zhōng xíng de

adjective (of medium dimensions)


adjective (the volume of one pint)


adjective (figurative (person: very small)

袖珍的,口袋大小的 xiù zhēn de

adjective (small enough to fit in a pocket)

大号的 dà hào de

noun as adjective (larger than usual)

大号床 dà hào chuáng

noun (bed: larger than double)

A queen-size bed is both longer and wider than a double bed.

大号的 dà hào de

adjective (larger than usual)

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sized 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。