英语 中的 condition 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 condition 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 condition 的说明。

英语 中的condition 表示状况 zhuàng kuàng, (人类的)处境 rén lèi de chǔ jìng, 状况 zhuàng kuàng, 前提条件 qián tí tiáo jiàn, 健康问题 jiàn kāng wèn tí, 环境 huán jìng, 使适应 shǐ shì yìng, 使(身体、肌肉等)适应于… shǐ shēn tǐ jī ròu děng shì yìng yú, 给(头发)涂护发素, 用空调给…降温, 慢性病 màn xìng bìng, 病危状态,临界状态, 心脏病 xīn zàng bìng, 人的生活, 身体健康的 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng de, 完好无损的,情况良好的 wán hǎo wú sǔn de,qíng kuàng liáng hǎo de, 状况良好 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo, 看上去跟新的一样 kàn shàng qù gēn xīn de yí yàng, 可以正常使用, 疾病 jí bìng, 崭新 chán xīn, 必要条件 bì yào tiáo jiàn, 假设… jiǎ shè, 在…条件下 zài tiáo jiàn xià, 初始状态 chū shǐ zhuàng tài, 崭新状态 chán xīn zhuàng tài, 病态 bìng tài, 病理状态 bìng lǐ zhuàng tài, 身体状况 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng, 稳定状态,情况稳定 wěn dìng zhuàng tài,qíng kuàng wěn dìng, 潜在健康状况,基础疾病。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 condition 的含义

状况 zhuàng kuàng

noun (state)

This house is in terrible condition. It needs a lot of work.

(人类的)处境 rén lèi de chǔ jìng

noun (beings: general state)

Philosophers consider the human condition.

状况 zhuàng kuàng

noun (medicine: health) (健康状况)

The cancer patient is in stable condition.

前提条件 qián tí tiáo jiàn

noun (requirement)

I will do it - on one condition. // A drug test is a condition of employment here.

健康问题 jiàn kāng wèn tí

noun (illness)

He has a heart condition.

环境 huán jìng

plural noun (environment)

Fishermen work in difficult conditions.

使适应 shǐ shì yìng

transitive verb (brainwash, affect behaviour)

Politicians are conditioning the people to accept the policy.

使(身体、肌肉等)适应于… shǐ shēn tǐ jī ròu děng shì yìng yú

transitive verb (body, muscles)

He is conditioning his body for the race.


transitive verb (hair: apply conditioner)

I always condition my hair after washing.


transitive verb (cool)

I wish they would air-condition this hot room.

慢性病 màn xìng bìng

noun (long-term illness)

The doctor says that they have medicines to treat chronic conditions.


noun (medical state: severe) (医学)

Doctors said he was in a critical condition, due to serious injuries.

心脏病 xīn zàng bìng

noun (cardiac disorder)


noun (mortality)

Life and death are the opposite ends of the human condition.

身体健康的 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng de

adjective (person: fit and healthy) (人)

You have to be in good condition to run a marathon.

完好无损的,情况良好的 wán hǎo wú sǔn de,qíng kuàng liáng hǎo de

adjective (thing: undamaged, as new) (物)

The camera she bought second-hand on the internet was in good condition.

状况良好 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo

expression (object: functioning well)

My grandmother's typewriter is still in good working condition.

看上去跟新的一样 kàn shàng qù gēn xīn de yí yàng

adjective (figurative (looking as good as new)

I only buy things second-hand if they're in mint condition.


expression (object: functioning)

疾病 jí bìng

noun (illness, disease, disorder)

崭新 chán xīn

noun (figurative (pristine state)

When buying second-hand albums, the record shop only accepts mint condition.

必要条件 bì yào tiáo jiàn

noun (prerequisite)

The presence of oxygen is a necessary condition to support human life.

假设… jiǎ shè

conjunction (providing that)

I'll lend you £500, on condition that you pay me back by Monday.

在…条件下 zài tiáo jiàn xià

conjunction (providing that, as long as)

You can buy this house on the condition that you sell yours first.

初始状态 chū shǐ zhuàng tài

noun (natural or first state)

After the quarry was filled in, the developers had promised to restore the land to its original condition.

崭新状态 chán xīn zhuàng tài

noun (quality of being as new)

The book had never been removed from the shrink wrapping, and was in original condition.

病态 bìng tài

noun (psychological disorder) (指精神不正常)

病理状态 bìng lǐ zhuàng tài

noun (disease)

身体状况 shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng

noun (level of fitness and health)

Triathletes have to be in peak physical condition.

稳定状态,情况稳定 wěn dìng zhuàng tài,qíng kuàng wěn dìng

noun (health: not worsening) (健康状况)

The gunshot victim is in a stable condition at County Hospital.


noun (often plural (chronic health problem: weakens immunity)

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condition 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。