英语 中的 spreading 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 spreading 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 spreading 的说明。

英语 中的spreading 表示伸展的 shēn zhǎn de, 传播的 chuán bō de, 延伸 yán shēn, 传播 chuán bō, 涉及到 shè jí dào, 传播, 散播, 传染, 陈列 chén liè, 使分开 shǐ fēn kāi, 涂抹 tú mǒ, 涂 tú, 把…摊平 bǎ tān píng, 散布,传播,扩散,推广 sàn bù,chuán bō,kuò sàn ,tuī guǎng, 伸展的幅度 shēn zhǎn de fú dù, 大房子,占地宽广的房子,大宅子 dà fáng zi,zhàn dì kuān guǎng de fáng zi,dà zhái zi, 桌布 zhuō bù, 床罩 chuáng zhào, 差价,差额 chā jià,chā é, 盛餐,丰盛饭菜 chéng cān,fēng shèng fàn cài, 面包酱 miàn bāo jiàng, 两翼长度,两翅长度 liǎng yì cháng dù, 涂抹食品的酱, 相对页,对页, 散布到,覆盖到,伸到,延及 sàn bù dào,fù gài dào,shēn dào,yán jí, 扩展 kuò zhǎn, 容易被涂开 róng yì bèi tú kāi, 传播,散播,传染 chuán bō,sàn bō,chuán rǎn, 使散开 shǐ sàn kāi, 涂 tú, 分摊 fēn tān, 撒。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 spreading 的含义

伸展的 shēn zhǎn de

adjective (covering a larger and larger area)

A spreading puddle of coffee soaked Graham's newspaper.

传播的 chuán bō de

adjective (reaching more and more people)

The latest news reports have contributed to a spreading sense of panic.

延伸 yán shēn

noun (extension)

传播 chuán bō

intransitive verb (expand)

Christianity gradually spread across Europe. The fire spread throughout the house.

涉及到 shè jí dào

(figurative (extend as far as)

His thirst for knowledge spreads to philosophy and even mathematics.

传播, 散播, 传染

transitive verb (propagate) (散播)

Infected animals spread disease across the country.

陈列 chén liè

transitive verb (display, show off)

The peacock spread his tail.

使分开 shǐ fēn kāi

transitive verb (separate)

Her mother spread her arms wide to welcome her home.

涂抹 tú mǒ

transitive verb (layer, smear)

I can't find a knife to spread this peanut butter.

涂 tú

(layer, smear)

He spread butter on the toast.

把…摊平 bǎ tān píng

(lay flat)

She spread the shirt across the ironing board.

散布,传播,扩散,推广 sàn bù,chuán bō,kuò sàn ,tuī guǎng

noun (diffusion, expansion) (扩散)

Historians study the spread of Christianity.

伸展的幅度 shēn zhǎn de fú dù

noun (extent, span)

The spread of the branches covered the garden with shade.

大房子,占地宽广的房子,大宅子 dà fáng zi,zhàn dì kuān guǎng de fáng zi,dà zhái zi

noun (US, colloquial (ranch, home) (口语)

You've got a nice spread here.

桌布 zhuō bù

noun (tablecloth)

They had to buy a new spread for the table.

床罩 chuáng zhào

noun (bedcover)

The spread on their bed matched the drapes.

差价,差额 chā jià,chā é

noun (finance: price difference) (金融术语)

That stock is not traded much, so there is a large spread.

盛餐,丰盛饭菜 chéng cān,fēng shèng fàn cài

noun (informal (feast) (非正式用语)

Mother set out a delicious spread for Christmas dinner.

面包酱 miàn bāo jiàng

noun (paste for bread) (涂抹于面包上的)

Mick puts cheese spread on his crackers.

两翼长度,两翅长度 liǎng yì cháng dù

noun (wing span)

This butterfly's wings have a spread of ten inches.


noun (butter substitute) (食物)

I refuse to use that tasteless spread; I will only eat real butter.


noun (magazine, book: facing pages) (杂志,书)

This magazine has a spread about my favourite actor.

散布到,覆盖到,伸到,延及 sàn bù dào,fù gài dào,shēn dào,yán jí

intransitive verb (extend evenly) (蔓延)

The water spread over the entire floor.

扩展 kuò zhǎn

intransitive verb (extend)

The mountains spread to the sea.

容易被涂开 róng yì bèi tú kāi

intransitive verb (be spreadable)

Margarine spreads more easily than butter.

传播,散播,传染 chuán bō,sàn bō,chuán rǎn

intransitive verb (be transmitted) (疾病等)

The virus spread through the school.

使散开 shǐ sàn kāi

transitive verb (move farther apart)

The coach spread the players across the field.

涂 tú

transitive verb (paint: apply) (颜料等)

First, spread the paint over the area.

分摊 fēn tān

transitive verb (distribute)

It's important to spread the wealth.

transitive verb (scatter)

My father is spreading seeds in the garden.

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spreading 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。