英语 中的 stage 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 stage 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stage 的说明。

英语 中的stage 表示舞台 wǔ tái, 阶段 jiē duàn, 一段路程 yí duàn lù chéng, 期, 筹划 chóu huà, 演出 yǎn chū, 舞台生涯 wǔ tái shēng yá, 级 jí, 镜台, 戏剧的 xì jù de, 举办 jǔ bàn, 进行, 开展, 眼下 yǎn xià, 喝倒彩把…赶下舞台, 饰演主角, 早期 zǎo qī, 初期阶段, 最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn, 末期,终末期 mò qī, 登台演出 dēng tái yǎn chū, 当演员 dāng yǎn yuán, 最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn, 在舞台两侧 zài wǔ tái liǎng cè, 在后台 zài hòu tái, 舞台旁的,舞台后的,幕后的 wǔ tái páng de,wǔ tái hòu de,mù hòu de, 私生活中 sī shēng huó zhōng, 在台上 zài tái shàng, 设置背景 shè zhì bèi jǐng, 舞台工作人员 wǔ tái gōng zuò rén yuán, 舞台指示, 后台入口 hòu tái rù kǒu, 怯场 qiè chǎng, 舞台监督, 艺名 yì míng, 舞台剧, 舞台右侧, 舞台布景 wǔ tái bù jǐng, 低声旁白, 别人能听得见的耳语 bié rén néng tīng de jiàn de ěr yǔ, 舞台经理, 成为万众瞩目的中心。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 stage 的含义

舞台 wǔ tái

noun (raised performance area) (戏院等地)

The stage was raised one metre above the audience.

阶段 jiē duàn

noun (step in a process)

There are twenty separate stages in this process.

一段路程 yí duàn lù chéng

noun (stretch of a race) (旅行中的)

At the end of the third stage, he was leading the bike race.

noun (illness: progression) (疾病)

My husband has Stage 4 lung cancer.

筹划 chóu huà

transitive verb (artificially arrange)

The enemy had staged the crimes to make us look guilty.

演出 yǎn chū

transitive verb (put on: a play)

The theatre troupe staged a comedy last autumn.

舞台生涯 wǔ tái shēng yá

noun (uncountable (theater as a profession)

Her interest in the stage led her to study theatre at university.

级 jí

noun (part of a rocket) (火箭)

The old rockets had multiple stages that fell to earth after the fuel was used in each.


noun (microscope platform) (显微镜)

It's important to keep the stage clean so nothing interferes with the slide.

戏剧的 xì jù de

noun as adjective (theatrical)

The stage actor did not want to work in films.

举办 jǔ bàn

transitive verb (arrange: an event)

The community stages a festival each spring.

进行, 开展

transitive verb (carry out)

The army is set to stage an invasion tomorrow.

眼下 yǎn xià

adverb (at this point: in a process)

At this stage of the translation, you need to edit carefully.


verbal expression (performer: jeer from stage) (表演者)


adverb (figurative (in a leading role)

She found herself center stage when she was chosen to represent her school at the event.

早期 zǎo qī

noun (often plural (beginnings)

The project is still in an early stage.


noun as adjective (illness: in initial phase) (病症)

The patient's symptoms are consistent with early-stage Ebola.

最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn

noun (final phase)

末期,终末期 mò qī

noun (final stage of terminal disease) (绝症)

When my friend was in the end stage of her cancer, they moved her to a hospice.

登台演出 dēng tái yǎn chū

verbal expression (perform, act publicly)

You're such a funny guy: you should go on stage.

当演员 dāng yǎn yuán

verbal expression (become performer)

John went on stage when he was barely 12 years old.

最后阶段 zuì hòu jiē duàn

noun (final part, final step)

After months of filling in forms, I am at the last stage of applying for British citizenship.

在舞台两侧 zài wǔ tái liǎng cè

adverb (in the wings)

The actress waited off-stage until it was time for her to come on.

在后台 zài hòu tái

adverb (backstage)

舞台旁的,舞台后的,幕后的 wǔ tái páng de,wǔ tái hòu de,mù hòu de

adjective (theater: in the wings) (剧场)

The offstage whispering could be heard by the audience.

私生活中 sī shēng huó zhōng

adverb (theater: in the wings)

The furious director screamed at the actors offstage.

在台上 zài tái shàng

adverb (performer: in a theatre) (演员)

Even the most experienced performers feel nervous before going on stage. The audience cheered as the band came on stage for another encore.

设置背景 shè zhì bèi jǐng

verbal expression (figurative (make everything ready)

Zack's conniving set the stage for Virginia's downfall.

舞台工作人员 wǔ tái gōng zuò rén yuán

noun (theatre technicians)


plural noun (instructions in script of a play) (剧本中的解说)

后台入口 hòu tái rù kǒu

noun (backstage entrance to a venue)

The band entered the club through the stage door. Groupies hang out around the stage door, hoping to get a glimpse of their idols.

怯场 qiè chǎng

noun (uncountable (severe performance anxiety)

She performed beautifully, despite her serious attack of stage fright.


noun (theatre director)

The stage manager has to do many tasks during the production of a show.

艺名 yì míng

noun (entertainer's pseudonym)

A lot of actors adopt stage names that are shorter than their real names.


noun (drama performed in theater)

The author wrote several stage plays.


noun (theater direction)

舞台布景 wǔ tái bù jǐng

noun (stage setting: scenery for a play)


noun (actor's loud whisper) (使观众能听得到的低语)

The actor delivered the line in a stage whisper.

别人能听得见的耳语 bié rén néng tīng de jiàn de ěr yǔ

noun (figurative (loud whisper)

The laryngitis left me unable to speak any louder than a stage whisper.


noun (manager of a show)


expression (figurative (be the focus of attention)

London took centre stage in 2012 when it hosted the Olympic Games.

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stage 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。