英语 中的 spring 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 spring 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 spring 的说明。

英语 中的spring 表示春季 chūn jì, 弹簧 tán huáng, 弹出 tán chū, 喷出 pēn chū, 突然从...跳起来, 弹性 tán xìng, 跳跃 tiào yuè, 泉 quán, 是某种出身 shì mǒu zhǒng chū shēn, 起源于 qǐ yuán yú, 突然跳起来,突然一跃而起 tū rán tiào qǐ lái, 出现 chū xiàn, 突然出现 tū rán chū xiàn, 触发弹簧开启或关闭 chù fā tán huáng kāi qǐ huò guān bì, 使开裂 shǐ kāi liè, 忽然向...宣布, 跳过 tiào guò, 使出狱 shǐ chū yù, 花费, 用…钱, 春季 chūn jì, 春天的 chūn tiān de, 初期 chū qī, 复原 fù yuán, 弹回,回弹 tán huí,huí tán, 弹回来 tán huí lái, 支付,支付…的费用 zhī fù, 向前跃进, 迅速生长,发芽 xùn sù shēng zhǎng ,fā yá, 迅速涌现 xùn sù yǒng xiàn, 床箱里的弹簧 chuáng xiāng lǐ de tán huáng, 弹簧床座, 螺旋弹簧, 温泉 wēn quán, 春假,春季休假 chūn jià, 大葱 dà cōng, 春假 chūn jià, 度春假的年轻人, 童子鸡 tóng zǐ jī, 年轻人 nián qīng rén, 春季大扫除, 对...进行大扫除, 春季大扫除, 春日疲倦症 chūn rì pí juàn zhèng, 弹簧加压的,弹簧式, 小洋葱 xiǎo yáng cōng, 北美雨蛙, 春卷 chūn juǎn, 涨潮 zhǎng cháo, 泉水 quán shuǐ, 春天般的,像春天的, 温泉 wēn quán, 温泉 wēn quán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 spring 的含义

春季 chūn jì

noun (season)

My favourite season is spring.

弹簧 tán huáng

noun (coil)

A spring popped out of the watch.

弹出 tán chū

intransitive verb (be released)

A clown will spring from the box.

喷出 pēn chū

intransitive verb (emerge)

Water sprang from the fountain.


(leap suddenly)

The frog springs from the lily pad.

弹性 tán xìng

noun (elasticity)

The waistband in these trousers has lost its spring.

跳跃 tiào yuè

noun (jump)

With one great spring he was over the bush.

泉 quán

noun (water)

They brought water from the spring.

是某种出身 shì mǒu zhǒng chū shēn

intransitive verb (have lineage)

He springs from one of the oldest families in Europe.

起源于 qǐ yuán yú

intransitive verb (originate)

The whole project sprang from a conversation I had with a neighbour.

突然跳起来,突然一跃而起 tū rán tiào qǐ lái

intransitive verb (leap suddenly)

Seeing the moment to seize its prey, the leopard sprang.

出现 chū xiàn

(come into being)

Flowers sprang from the plant.

突然出现 tū rán chū xiàn

(come forth suddenly)

Blood sprang from the open wound.

触发弹簧开启或关闭 chù fā tán huáng kāi qǐ huò guān bì

transitive verb (activate: a trap)

The mouse sprang the trap.

使开裂 shǐ kāi liè

transitive verb (split, crack)

He sprang the handle of the broom.


transitive verb (disclose)

She sprang the news on us.

跳过 tiào guò

transitive verb (leap over)

The runners sprang the hurdles.

使出狱 shǐ chū yù

transitive verb (informal (get released from prison) (非正式用语)

The criminal's friends have sprung him from prison.

花费, 用…钱

transitive verb (US, slang (spend)

She sprang fifty bucks on a new guitar.

春季 chūn jì

noun (season: spring)

Cherry trees bloom in the springtime.

春天的 chūn tiān de

adjective (relating to the spring)

The school band's springtime concert is always a big event.

初期 chū qī

noun (figurative (early days of [sth]) (比喻)

Don't be so cynical; you're still in the springtime of your life.

复原 fù yuán

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (person: be resilient)

She can spring back from almost any injury.

弹回,回弹 tán huí,huí tán

phrasal verb, intransitive (material: be elastic) (材料的弹力)

Swimsuits are usually made of fabric that springs back when you pull on it.

弹回来 tán huí lái

phrasal verb, intransitive (bounce back into place)

The rubber band sprang back when I let it go.

支付,支付…的费用 zhī fù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US, informal (pay for [sth])


phrasal verb, intransitive (leap or propel oneself ahead)

迅速生长,发芽 xùn sù shēng zhǎng ,fā yá

phrasal verb, intransitive (start to grow) (植物)

Seedlings spring up at the beginning of the growing season. Grandpa always says we've sprung up since the last time he saw us.

迅速涌现 xùn sù yǒng xiàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (arise suddenly)

The people sprang up in protest at the increase in the price of bread.

床箱里的弹簧 chuáng xiāng lǐ de tán huáng

noun (frame in a mattress) (box是指在床垫下起床架作用类似箱子之物)

Sleeping on a mattress without a box spring underneath is bad for your back.


noun (type of bed frame)


noun (helically coiled spring)

温泉 wēn quán

noun (source of naturally heated groundwater)

The water in hot springs is warmed by heat coming from the earth's interior.

春假,春季休假 chūn jià

noun (school holiday in spring) (学校的春季假期)

Many people go to the beach for Spring Break.

大葱 dà cōng

noun (mainly US (salad vegetable)

The recipe calls for three scallions chopped small.

春假 chūn jià

noun (US (academic holiday in spring)

I'm looking forward to spring break.


noun (US, informal (young vacationer)

童子鸡 tóng zǐ jī

noun (young fowl)

年轻人 nián qīng rén

noun (figurative, slang (not a young person)

She's no spring chicken but she still goes jogging every morning.


noun (UK (annual thorough housecleaning)


transitive verb (UK (house: clean thoroughly)


noun (housecleaning in springtime)

春日疲倦症 chūn rì pí juàn zhèng

noun (informal, figurative (excitement at spring)

Spring fever's upon me again: I went and bought 200 seedlings this morning.


adjective (containing compressed spring)

The workers used spring-loaded tools to punch holes in the sheets of metal.

小洋葱 xiǎo yáng cōng

noun (mainly UK (salad vegetable)

Anyone can grow spring onions – all you need is a pot.


noun (animal: frog)

春卷 chūn juǎn

noun (Asian food)

涨潮 zhǎng cháo

noun (tide at new or full moon)

泉水 quán shuǐ

noun (water from natural underground source)

Spring water is inexpensive in Alaska.


adjective (seeming like springtime)

温泉 wēn quán

noun (naturally-heated water source)

温泉 wēn quán

noun (naturally-heated water source)

There are many spas in Arkansas because of the warm springs there.

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spring 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。