英语 中的 tender 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tender 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tender 的说明。

英语 中的tender 表示嫩的,软的 nèn de ,ruǎn de, 敏感的,娇嫩的 mǐn gǎn de ,jiāo nèn de, 温和的 wēn hé de, 多愁善感的,脆弱的 duō chóu shàn gǎn de ,cuì ruò de, 易损坏的 yì sǔn huài de, 年轻的 nián qīng de, 投标 tóu biāo, 供应船 gōng yìng chuán, 煤水车 méi shuǐ chē, 小船 xiǎo chuán, 货币 huò bì, 投标 tóu biāo, 提交, 提呈, 鸡柳, 招标, 法定货币 fǎ dìng huò bì, 嫩烤肉, 嫩烤肉的, 公开招标, 幼年 yòu nián, 爱慕 ài mù, 心肠软 xīn cháng ruǎn, 投标报价, 软心肠的 ruǎn xīn cháng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tender 的含义

嫩的,软的 nèn de ,ruǎn de

adjective (meat, food: soft, not tough) (食物)

The lamb was tender and perfectly cooked.

敏感的,娇嫩的 mǐn gǎn de ,jiāo nèn de

adjective (skin: sensitive) (皮肤)

Rachel's arm was tender where she had bruised it the day before.

温和的 wēn hé de

adjective (kind, gentle)

Peter's tender wife comforted him when he lost his job.

多愁善感的,脆弱的 duō chóu shàn gǎn de ,cuì ruò de

adjective (emotionally sensitive) (感情上)

Polly is a tender soul; be careful what you say to her.

易损坏的 yì sǔn huài de

adjective (easily damaged)

Be careful not to expose your tender seedlings to any frosts.

年轻的 nián qīng de

adjective (age: young)

The old man was shocked to hear such language coming from one of such tender years.

投标 tóu biāo

noun (bid, offer)

The firm's tender was accepted and they got the contract.

供应船 gōng yìng chuán

noun (nautical: supply ship)

This ship serves as a tender to the large battleship.

煤水车 méi shuǐ chē

noun (railroads: coal, water car) (铁路)

The fireman carried through coal from the tender to feed the engine.

小船 xiǎo chuán

noun (dinghy)

The tender took the passengers out to the waiting ferry.

货币 huò bì

noun (currency)

In the countryside, people often do jobs for their neighbours in return for wood or vegetables, which are used as a kind of informal tender.

投标 tóu biāo

(bid for a contract)

There are several firms tendering for this contract.

提交, 提呈

transitive verb (formal (offer)

The young man tendered his thanks for the kindness the family had shown him. Olivia had had enough of her job and tendered her resignation.


noun (US, usually plural (fried chicken piece)


noun (business: call for bidders)

An invitation to tender is an efficient and fair way to select contractors.

法定货币 fǎ dìng huò bì

noun (money: valid currency)

A lot of people mistakenly believe that Scottish banknotes aren't legal tender in England. Though they're very uncommon, $2 bills are in fact legal tender in the US.


noun (slow-cooked chuck steak)


adjective (chuck steak: slow cooked)


noun (open bid for business)

Bids to construct the new stadium went out to public tender.

幼年 yòu nián

noun (youth)

Mozart first performed for European royalty at the tender age of six.

爱慕 ài mù

plural noun (affection)

He put all his most tender feelings in a letter to her.

心肠软 xīn cháng ruǎn

noun (kind nature, compassion)

Her tender heart had won her many friends in the slum district.


noun (bid to buy stocks)

软心肠的 ruǎn xīn cháng de

adjective (kind and compassionate)

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tender 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。